关键词:宁麦9号; 宁麦13; SSR标记; 聚类分析; 遗传贡献 Genetic Contribution of Wheat Variety Ningmai 9 to Its Derivates JIANG Peng, CHEN Xiao-Lin, ZHANG Ping-Ping, ZHANG Peng, YAO Jin-Bao, MA Hong-Xiang* Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Agrobiology / Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China Fund: AbstractNingmai 9 is a soft wheat variety with high yield, wide adaption, and resistance to multiple diseases includingFusarium head blight, Yellow mosaic virus, powdery mildew, and sharp eye spots, which serves as a backbone parent in the southern Huaihe River valley. This study aimed to disclose the genetic contribution of Ningmai 9 to its derivates using SSR markers. A total of 471 alleles were detected on 170 SSR loci, with 1-6 alleles per locus and an average of 2.8. The UPGMA cluster analysis showed that Yangmai 18 and Ningmai 9 were clustered together firstly with the smallest genetic disrtance, and Yangfumai 4 and Ningmai 9 were clustered together with the largest genetic distance. Genetic similarity coefficient showed that more than a half of loci transferred from Ningmai 9 to its derived varieties. The percentage of alleles shared between Ningmai 9 and its derived varieties differed greatly among 21 chromosomes, but the average percentage was similar among A, B, and D genomes. Ten markers had the same amplification banding pattern in Ningmai 9 and nine derived varieties, and nine of them were linked to the QTLs or genes associated with important agronomic traits as previous reports. In comparison of genetic background between Ningmai 9 and Ningmai 13 (a direct selection line from Ningmai 9), the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.732, suggesting that the genetic back ground of Ningmai 13 is similar to that of Ningmai 9. Genotyping data showed that the markers associated with protein content and resistance to Fusarium head blight in Ningmai 13 were in correspondence with those in Ningmai 9. These results may partially explain the reason for elite agronomic traits of Ningmai 13 similar to Ningmai 9, such as resistance toFusarium head blight and soft wheat quality.
Keyword:Ningmai 9; Ningmai 13; SSR; Clustering analysis; Genetic contribution Show Figures Show Figures
图2 宁麦9号及其衍生品种的遗传连锁图灰色区域为宁麦13和宁麦9号相同的基因组区段, ◆表示宁麦9号与其衍生品种的相同标记位点。Fig. 2 Genetic linkage map of Ningmai 9 and its derivatesGray regions are identical linkage blocks between Ningmai 13 and Ningmai 9. ◆ shows the identical loci between Ningbai 9 and its derivates.
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