关键词:普通菜豆; 豇豆属; SSR标记; 通用性 Development of Genomic SSR Markers in Common Bean and Their Transfera-bility in Cowpea and Adzuki Bean CHEN Ming-Li1, WANG Lan-Fen1, WU Jing1, ZHANG Xiao-Yan2, YANG Guang-Dong3, WANG Shu-Min1,* 1Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2Institute of Vegetables, Qingdao Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingdao 266100, China
3Keshan Branch, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Keshan 161606, China
Fund: AbstractTransferability analysis of molecular markers has significantly improved their development efficiency and reduced their development cost. A total of 560 novel SSR markers were successfully developed based on common bean genomic sequences, and 421 (75.2%) of those markers generated effective amplification bands from two accessions of the cultivated common bean. TwoVigna species, cowpea and adzuki bean were used to test the transferability and polymorphism of new genomic markers. The results indicated that the transferability rate of common bean genomic-SSR in cowpea and adzuki bean was 43.9% and 38.2%, and the ratio of polymorphism SSR markers in the crops was 34.0% and 24.8%, respectively. A total of 138 common bean genomic-SSR primers were detected to be highly transferable between two species ofVigna. In addition, the diversity of transferability gene-SSR markers was higher for cowpea and adzuki bean than that of intergenic regions-SSR. These transferable markers are useful for further genetic diversity analysis, genetic linkage map construction, quantitative trait loci annotation, genetic evolution and marker-assisted selection inVigna species because of their multi-allelic nature, reproducibility, co-dominant inheritance, high abundance in genome.
表2 普通菜豆基因内SSR标记和基因间序列SSR标记在豇豆和小豆中的通用性和多态性分布 Table 2 Transferability and polymorphism of gene-SSR markers and intergenic region-SSR for cowpea and adzuki bean
类别 Type
普通菜豆标记数目 No. of common bean marker
通用性标记数目 No. of transferable marker
多态性性标记数目 No. of polymorphic marker
豇豆 Cowpea
小豆 Adzuki bean
豇豆 Cowpea
小豆 Adzuki bean
基因内SSR标记Gene-SSR markers
112 (52.6%)
95 (44.6%)
36 (32.1%)
23 (24.2%)
基因间序列SSR标记Intergenic region-SSR
73 (35.1%)
66 (31.7%)
27 (37.0%)
17 (25.8%)
合计 Total
185 (43.9%)
161 (38.2%)
63 (34.0%)
40 (24.8%)
表2 普通菜豆基因内SSR标记和基因间序列SSR标记在豇豆和小豆中的通用性和多态性分布 Table 2 Transferability and polymorphism of gene-SSR markers and intergenic region-SSR for cowpea and adzuki bean
附表(续) 豇豆和小豆中通用性SSR标记信息及在豇豆和小豆中多样性评价Supplemental table(Continued) Information and diversity asscssments of transferability SSR markers in cowpea and adzuki bean
附表(续) 豇豆和小豆中通用性SSR标记信息及在豇豆和小豆中多样性评价Supplemental table(Continued) Information and diversity asscssments of transferability SSR markers in cowpea and adzuki bean
附表(续) 豇豆和小豆中通用性SSR标记信息及在豇豆和小豆中多样性评价Supplemental table(Continued) Information and diversity asscssments of transferability SSR markers in cowpea and adzuki bean
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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