关键词:山农20; 抗病性相关基因; 分子标记 Resistance Genes of Wheat Variety Shannong 20 Identified by Diagnostic Molecular Markers LI Ji-Fa1,**, DENG Zhi-Ying1,**, SUN Fu-Lai2, GUAN Xi-Zhen1, WANG Yan-Xun1, TIAN Ji-Chun1,* 1State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology / Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai#cod#x02019;an 271018, China
2 Binzhou Seed Management Station of Shandong Province, Binzhou 256600, China
Fund: AbstractShannong 20 is a newly released winter wheat variety in the National Regional Trials for North and South Yellow-Huai River Valleys, which exhibits excellent resistance to major diseases of wheat. In this study, the possible resistance genes in Shannong 20 were identified by using SSR, SCAR, and STS markers tightly linked to resistance genes/loci against powdery mildew, stripe rust, leaf rust, sheath blight, and scab. A total of 15 resistance genes were detected, including six (Pm12,Pm24,Pm30,Pm31,Pm35, andPm36) for powdery mildew resistance, six (Yr5,Yr9,Yr15,Yr24,Yr26, andYrTp1) for stripe rust resistance, two (Lr21 andLr26) for leaf rust resistance, and one (Ses1) for sheath blight resistance. However, no resistance locus to scab was found. The result may partially explain the multi- resistance in Shannong 20, and provide some references for cultivating new varieties with disease resistance and stable yield by using molecular marker-assisted selection.
表1 山农20在国家区试中的抗病性鉴定结果 Table 1 Resistance evaluation of Shannong 20 to main diseases of wheat in China national region trials
病害 Disease
黄淮南片 Southern Huang-Huai area
黄淮北片 Northern Huang-Huai area
白粉病 Powdery mildew
条锈病 Strip rust
叶锈病 Leaf rust
纹枯病 Sheath blight
赤霉病 Scab
鉴定结果摘自中国农业科学院植物保护研究所发布的抗病性鉴定报告。I: 免疫; HR: 高抗; MR: 中抗; MS: 中感; HS: 高感; Slow-rusting: 慢锈病。 Resistance evaluation was extracted from the report issued by the Institute of Plant Protection of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. I: immune; HR: highly resistant; MR: moderately resistant; MS: moderately susceptible; HS: highly susceptible.
表1 山农20在国家区试中的抗病性鉴定结果 Table 1 Resistance evaluation of Shannong 20 to main diseases of wheat in China national region trials
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 自然感病条件下山农20对5种主要病害的抗病性鉴定 Table 2 Resistance of Shannong 20 to five major wheat diseases under natural disease fields
图1 不同抗病基因分子标记的扩增结果各泳道自左向右依次为DL2000分子量标记、山农20、PH82-2-2和954072。A~F: 抗白粉病基因 Pm12(A)、 Pm16(B)、 Pm24(C)、 Pm30(D)、 Pm35(E)和 Pm36(F)的分子标记带型; G~L: 抗条锈病基因 Yr5(G)、 Yr9(H)、 Yr15(I)、 Yr24(J)、 Yr26(K)和 YrTp1(L)的分子标记带型; M~O: 抗叶锈病基因 Lr1(M)、 Lr21(N)和 Lr26(O)的分子标记带型。Fig. 1 PCR profiles of molecular markers for different resistance genesFrom left to right, the four lanes in each panel were loaded with DL2000 marker and genome DNA templates extracted from Shannong 20, PH82-2-2, and 954072, respectively. A-F: Banding patterns of markers for powdery mildew resistance genes Pm12(A), Pm16(B), Pm24(C), Pm30(D), Pm35(E), and Pm36(F); G-L: Banding patterns of markers for stripe rust resistance genes Yr5(G), Yr9(H), Yr15(I), Yr24(J), Yr26(K), and YrTp1(L); M-O: Banding patterns of markers for leaf rust resistance genes Lr1(M), Lr21(N), and Lr26(O).
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