关键词:水稻(Oryza sativa L.); 叶缘白化突变体; 遗传分析; 基因定位 Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Marginal Albino Leaf Mutantmal in Rice MA Jiao, REN De-Yong, WU Guo-Chao, ZHU Xiao-Yan, MA Ling, SANG Xian-Chun, LING Ying-Hua, HE Guang-Hua* Rice Research Institute of Southwest University / Chongqing Key Laboratory of Application and Safety Control of Genetically Modified Crops / Engineering Research Center of South Upland Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400716, China Fund: AbstractThe research on the color change of plant leaf is very important to clarify the structure and mechanism of photosynthetic system, such as chloroplast development and chlorophyll biosynthesis. A novel rice mutantmal (marginal albino leaf) with marginal albino leaf, was derived from the EMS-treated restorer line Jinhui 10. The mutant trait inherited steadily after several generations’ self-crossing. Themal leaf displayed albino margin and narrow blade in the whole life. Compared with the wild type,mal decreased contents of photosynthetic pigments very significantly in the whole third leaf blade, margin parts of the second and third leaves at heading stage. The observation by that transmission electronic microscopy showed cells and chloroplasts in the green part ofmalleaf developed normally, while in the albino part, the mesophyll cells were nearly hollow without obvious intact organelles and the chloroplast were fully degraded. Genetic analysis showed that the mutant trait was controlled by single recessive nuclear gene.MALwas finally mapped between SSR marker M22 and InDel marker ID27 with an interval of 171 kb on chromosome 8. These results provide a foundation for cloning and function analysis ofMAL.
Keyword:Rice (Oryza sativa L.); marginal albino leaf (mal); Genetic analysis; Gene mapping Show Figures Show Figures
图1 野生型(WT)和突变体 mal的表型特征A: 苗期野生型植株(WT); B: 苗期突变体 mal植株; C: 分蘖期野生型(WT)和突变体 mal植株; D: 分蘖期野生(WT)和突变体 mal植株叶片; E: 成熟期野生型(WT)和突变体 mal植株; F~G: 野生型(WT)和突变体 mal植株节间。Fig. 1 Plant morphology of the wild type (WT) and the mal mutantA: plants of the wild type at the seedling stage; B: plants of the mal mutant at the seedling stage; C: plants of the wild type and the mal mutant at the tillering stage; D: the leaves of the wild type and the mal mutant at the tillering stage; E: plants of the wild type and the mal mutant at the maturity stage; F-G: internode length of wide type and the mal mutant.
图2 野生型(WT)和 mal突变体各时期光合色素含量A: 苗期野生型(WT)和突变体 mal叶片光合色素含量; B~D: 抽穗期野生型(WT)和突变体 mal剑叶、倒二叶、倒三叶光合色素含量。E~H: 抽穗期野生型(WT)和突变体 mal倒二叶边缘、倒三叶边缘、倒二叶中部、倒三叶中部叶片光合色素含量。Chl a: 叶绿素a; Chl b: 叶绿素b; Total Chl: 叶绿素a+b的总量; Car: 类胡萝卜素。**表示在0.01水平上差异显著。Fig. 2 Photosynthetic pigments contents of wild type (WT) and malmutant at different stagesA: photosynthetic pigments contents of the malmutant and the wild type (WT) at seedling stage; B-D: photosynthetic pigments of the flag, second, and third leaf respectively in the malmutant and the wild type at heading stage. E-H: photosynthetic pigments of margin of the second and third leaf, middle green part of the second and third leaf respectively in the malmutant and the wild type at heading stage. Chl a: chlorophyll a; Chl b: chlorophyll b; Chl a+b: content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b; Car: carotenoids. ** Significantly different at P<0.01 by t-test as determined by t-test.
图3 野生型(WT)和突变体 mal的叶肉细胞及叶绿体的超微结构观察A: 野生型叶片; B: mal突变体叶片; A1: 野生型叶肉细胞结构; B1: mal叶片绿色部分叶肉细胞结构; A1-1: 野生型叶绿体结构; B1-1: mal叶片绿色部分的叶绿体结构; B2: mal叶片白色部分的叶肉细胞结构。Fig. 3 Ultrastructures of chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells of the wild-type (WT) and mal mutantA: leaf of wild-type; B: Leaf of mal; A1: structure of wild-type mesophyll cell; B1: mesophyll cell structure in green sectors of mal leaves; A1-1: chloroplast structure in wild-type; B1-1: chloroplast structure in green sectors of malleaves; B2: mesophyll cell structure in white sectors of mal leaves.
4 结论 mal突变体在整个生育期叶片均呈边缘白化, 光合色素含量和净光合速率显著降低, 叶片变窄, 株高、有效穗数、每穗粒数、每穗实粒数与千粒重极显著降低。 mal突变体叶片绿色部分细胞及其叶绿体发育完全, 而白化部分细胞结构严重缺陷, 叶绿体结构降解。该突变性状受1对隐性核基因控制, 该基因被定位在第8染色体SSR标记M22和InDel标记ID27之间, 遗传距离分别为0.22 cM和0.73 cM, 物理距离为171 kb, 是一个新的叶色突变基因。 ** The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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