关键词:簇毛麦; 高分子量谷蛋白亚基; 原核表达; 掺粉实验 Isolation, Characterization and Farinograph Analysis of Novel HMW-GSs fromDasypyrum villosum YANG Hua1, GAO Xiang1,2,*, CHEN Qi-Jiao1, ZHAO Wan-Chun1,*, DONG Jian1,2, LI Xiao-Yan1 1 College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2 Wheat Engineering Research Center of Shaanxi Province / New Varieties Cultivation of Wheat Engineering Research Center of Shaanxi Province, Yangling 712100, China
Fund: AbstractDasypyrum villosum carrying many novel HMW-GS alleles is an important genetic resource for wheat protein improvement. In this study, we isolated six HMW-GS genes fromD. villosum TA10220 (1.0-1.7 kb, GenBank accession numbers: KF887414-KF887419), which were substantially smaller than those from common wheat, using a pair of specific primers. An in-frame stop codon was found in the coding sequences of KF887418 and KF887419 and thus these genes might be pseudogenes. The comprehensive analysis of deduced amino acid sequence, and phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses of full sequence, N- and C-terminal domains revealed that KF887414 was closely related to y-type HMW-GS, but KF887415-KF887419 had structural characteristics of both x- and y-types. DNA fragments of KF887414-KF887417 were subcloned into the pEASY-E2 expression vector and expressed inEscherichia coli Rosetta-gami B(DE3) cell under IPTG induction. The four genes were successfully expressed inE. coli system according to SDS-PAGE analysis (both the expressed protein and HMW-GS isolated from seed) and western-blotting assay. The fusion protein was purified and recovered by His-Trap affinity chromatography and low temperature cryodesiccation, and then integrated into the control flour by using a 4 g Micro-dough LAB Farinograph. Results showed that the four HMW-GSs originated fromD. villosum had positive effects on dough quality property.
Keyword:Dasypyrum villosum; High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS); Prokaryotic expression; Farinograph Show Figures Show Figures
表1 核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列特征 Table 1 Basic characteristics of nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence
登录号1) Accession number1)
核苷酸序列 Nucleotide sequence
推导产物 Deduced amino acid sequence
融合表达蛋白的分子量3) Molecular weight of fusion protein product (kD)3)
序列长度 Length (bp)
开放阅读框位置 Position of ORF
氨基酸个数2) Size of putative protein2)
分子量2) Molecular weight (kD)2)
61-1665 bp
61-1296 bp
61-1152 bp
61-1152 bp
61-1539 bp
61-1377 bp
1)下画线表示假基因; 带下画线的序列为假基因;2)推导的氨基酸序列包括信号肽;3)融合表达的蛋白没有信号肽, 但包含有2.101 kD的His-Tag标签。 推导产物含信号肽。 1) The pseudogenes are underlined;2) The deduced products contain signal peptides;3) The expressed proteins without signal peptides contain His-Tag of 2.101 kD.
表1 核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列特征 Table 1 Basic characteristics of nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence
图2 KF887414、KF887415、KF887416、KF887417、KF887418和KF887419推导氨基酸序列分析Fig. 2 Deduced amino acid sequences of KF887414, KF887415, KF887416, KF887417, KF887418, and KF887419
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 不同来源的HMW-GS的主要结构特征的比较 Table 2 A summary of properties of the primary structure of HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosumin comparison with some HMW-GS from common wheat and wheat-related grass
表2 不同来源的HMW-GS的主要结构特征的比较 Table 2 A summary of properties of the primary structure of HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosumin comparison with some HMW-GS from common wheat and wheat-related grass
图3 簇毛麦HMW-GS编码的蛋白序列系统演化分析(Neighbor-joining进化树)Fig. 3 Phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosum (Neighbor-joining tree)
图4 KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因的诱导表达产物和种子HMW-GS的SDS-PAGE分析M: 蛋白质分子质量标准Marker II。A图中, 1、3、5和7泳道为未诱导重组质粒表达产物; 2、4、6和8泳道为经IPTG诱导后的重组质粒的表达产物; 箭头示基因的表达产物。B图中, 泳道1为未诱导重组质粒表达产物; 2~5泳道为经IPTG诱导后的重组质粒的表达产物, 依次是 KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因; 泳道6为种子提取的HMW-GS; 箭头示目的蛋白。Fig. 4 Analyses of expressed proteins of genes from KF887414 to KF887417 and comparison with seed HMW-GS using SDS-PAGEM: Protein ladder marker II. In panel A, lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7 show proteins of recombinant plasmid before induction and lanes 2, 4, 6, and 8 show proteins of recombinant plasmid after adding IPTG; the arrows show expression products. In panel B, lane 1 shows the protein of recombinant plasmid before induction; lanes 2, 3, 4, and 5 show proteins of recombinant plasmid KF887414, KF887415, KF887416, and KF887417 after adding IPTG, respectively; lane 6 shows HMW-GS extracted from Dasypyrum villosum seed; the arrows show target proteins.
图5 KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因的诱导表达产物Western blot检测M: 蛋白质分子质量标准Marker II。1、2、3和4泳道分别为KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因经IPTG诱导后的表达产物; 箭头示基因的表达产物。Fig. 5 Western blotting assay of expressed proteins of genes from KF887414 to KF887417M: Protein ladder marker II; lanes 1, 2, 3, and 4 show proteins of recombinant plasmid KF887414, KF887415, KF887416, and KF887417 after adding IPTG, respectively; the arrows show target proteins.
图6 KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因的诱导表达产物柱纯化M: 蛋白质分子质量标准Marker II。1、2、3和4泳道分别为KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因经IPTG诱导后的表达产物; 箭头示基因的表达产物。Fig. 6 Analyses of purification of expressed proteins of genes from KF887414 to KF887417 using SDS-PAGEM: Protein ladder marker II; lanes 1, 2, 3, and 4 show proteins of recombinant plasmid KF887414, KF887415, KF887416, and KF887417 after adding IPTG, respectively; the arrows show target proteins.
图7 簇毛麦来源的HMW-GS对粉质曲线的影响A: 中国春添加DTT、KIO3; B: 中国春添加DTT、KIO3和KF887414; C: 中国春添加DTT、KIO3和KF887415; D: 中国春添加DTT、KIO3和KF887416; E: 中国春添加DTT、KIO3和KF887417。Fig. 7 Effects of HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosumon farinograph parametersA: Chinese Spring with DTT and KIO3; B: Chinese Spring with DTT, KIO3,and KF887414; C: Chinese Spring with DTT, KIO3,and KF887415; D: Chinese Spring with DTT, KIO3,and KF887416; E: Chinese Spring with DTT, KIO3,and KF887417.
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 纯化蛋白亚基的粉质参数 Table 3 Farinograph parameters of purified HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosum
添加物 Additive
形成时间 DvT (min)
稳定时间 ST (min)
弱化度 DS (FU)
机械耐力系数 MTI (FU)
及线时间 AT (min)
离线时间 DT (min)
粉质质量参数 FQN (mm)
1.2 C
0.9 C
174.9 A
198 A
0.9 B
1.7 A
4.83 E
DTT, KIO3 KF887414
1.6 A
1.2 B
154.9 C
170 C
1.1 A
2.3 C
7.67 A
DTT, KIO3 KF887415
1.6 A
1.2 B
159.9 B
180 B
1.1 A
2.3 C
6.67 D
DTT, KIO3 KF887416
1.5 B
1.2 B
174.9 A
185 B
0.9 B
2.2 B
7.50 B
DTT, KIO3 KF887417
1.5 B
1.5 A
174.9 A
185 B
0.7 C
2.2 B
7.17 C
表3 纯化蛋白亚基的粉质参数 Table 3 Farinograph parameters of purified HMW-GS from Dasypyrum villosum
表中数据为3次试验的平均值, 均值后大写字母表示0.01差异显著水平。 Data are the average of triplicated micro-mixing experiments. Means marked with different letters are significantly different at P < 0.01. DvT: development times; ST: stability time; DS: degree of time; MTI: mixing tolerance index; AT: arrival time; DT: departure time; FQN: farinograph quality number. 图8 Fig. 8
图8 添加KF887414、KF887415、KF887416和KF887417基因表达蛋白的中国春与中国春(对照)粉质参数的比较DvT: 形成时间; ST: 稳定时间; DS: 弱化度; MTI: 机械耐力系数; AT: 及线时间; DT: 离线时间; FQN: 粉质质量参数。Fig. 8 Comparison of farinogragh parameters between Chinese Spring (control) and Chinese Spring with expressed proteins of KF887414, KF887415, KF887416, and KF887417DvT: development time; ST: stability time; DS: degree of time; MTI: mixing tolerance index; AT: arrival time; DT: departure time; FQN: farinograph quality number.
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