摘要糯小麦因其独特的品质特性而在食品加工等领域有广泛的用途, 但其高产栽培配套技术却鲜有研究, 制约了该特种小麦的生产。2010年11月至2013年6月连续3个生长季, 以扬糯麦1号为材料, 通过密度和氮肥施用量及不同生育期施氮比例处理, 构建不同产量水平群体, 研究不同群体的产量结构及群体质量特征, 以明确高产群体的产量结构及群体质量指标。结果表明, 扬糯麦1号≥8000 kg hm-2高产群体的产量构成三要素特点是每公顷520~550万穗、每穗43~46粒、千粒重32~37 g。高产群体拔节期最适茎蘖数为穗数的2.3~2.5倍, 茎蘖成穗率为44%~49%, 分蘖成穗率为25%~33%, 孕穗期和乳熟期的最适叶面积指数(LAI)分别为6.2~6.5和3.2~4.0, 开花期干物质积累量为10 000~11 600 kg hm-2, 花后干物质积累量达5900 kg hm-2以上, 适宜粒叶比达0.36粒 cm-2叶和12.40 mg cm-2叶以上。高产群体各生育时期LAI值、花后干物质积累量和粒叶比均高于中高产群体(7500~8000 kg hm-2)及中产群体(<7500 kg hm-2)。3年中扬糯麦1号均达到高产指标的小区具有以下特征: 基本苗为225×104 hm-2, 总施氮量为240 kg hm-2, 氮肥运筹(基肥∶壮蘖肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥)比例为5∶1∶2∶2。
关键词:糯小麦; 群体质量; 产量 Population Quality Indices for Waxy Wheat Yangnuomai 1 with Yield Higher than 8000 kg ha-1 ZI Yan1, DING Jin-Feng1,2, HUANG Zheng-Jin1, WANG Li-Ai1, JU Feng1, ZHAI Chao-Yue1, JIANG Wei1, ZHU Xin-Kai1,2, LI Chun-Yan1,2, GUO Wen-Shan1,2,* 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
2 Wheat Research Center, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
AbstractWaxy wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) has a promising production due to its specific quality and wide uses in many fields. However, the cultivation techniques for high-yielding waxy wheat have seldom been studied. In this study, we conducted a three-year field experiment from November 2010 to June 2013 to make clear the population characters of Yangnuomai 1, a waxy wheat variety, at the yield level of 8000 kg ha-1. With different grain yields were constructed by different levels of seedling density and nitrogen application amount, as well as different ratios of nitrogen applied before seeding and at the growth stages of tillering, elongation, and booting in waxy wheat variety Yangnuomai 1, three types of populations were designed under the co-regulation of plant density, nitrogen application rate and split ratio. The HY population ( ≥8000 kg ha-1) was characterized with 5.2-5.5 million spikes ha-1, 43-46 grains per spike and thousand-grain yield of 32-37 g. In HY population at jointing stage, the number of main stem and tillers was 2.3-2.5 folds over the final spike number, the earing percentage of main stem and tillers was 44-49% and the earing percentage of tillers was 25-33%. At booting and milk stage, the suitable leaf area indices (LAI) of HY population were 6.2-6.5 and 3.2-4.0, respectively. The dry matter accumulation amount at anthesis was 10 000-11 600 kg ha-1, and the dry matter accumulated from anthesis to maturity was higher than 5900 kg ha-1. At maturity stage, the grain/leaf ratios of HY population were 0.36 grains per square centimeter leaf and 12.40 mg grain per square centimeter leaf. Compared to MHY (moderately-high-yielding population, 7500-8000 kg ha-1) and MY (middle-yielding population, <7500 kg ha-1), HY population exhibited higher LAI at various stages, lager dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis, and higher values of both grain/leaf ratios. The common plot for HY population in three years was designed with seedling density of 2.25 × 106 ha-1 and total nitrogen amount of 240 kg ha-1 with splitting application at before seeding, tillering, jointing, and booting stages (5:1:2:2).
The 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013 growing seasons were characterized with long sunlight-little rain, high temperature- deficient sunlight, and normal year, respectively. 2010-2011年度为丰照偏旱年型; 2011-2012年度为温高寡照年型; 2012-2013年度为正常年型。
表1 小麦全生育期的积温、日照和降雨及耕层土壤肥力 Table 1 Accumulated temperature, sunshine duration, rainfall and soil fertility during the growth period of wheat
2010— 2011和2011— 2012年度进行相同设计, 为密度及施氮量和运筹比例试验。5个密度水平依次为每公顷基本苗135万、180万、225万、270万和315万, 苗施氮量相同, 均为纯氮240 kg hm-2, 施氮比例(基肥∶ 壮蘖肥∶ 拔节肥∶ 孕穗肥)为5∶ 1∶ 2∶ 2。氮肥施用量和运筹比例试验以施氮量为主区, 设纯氮180 kg hm-2和240 kg hm-2两个水平; 以氮肥运筹比例(基肥∶ 壮蘖肥∶ 拔节肥∶ 孕穗肥)为副区, 设5∶ 1∶ 2∶ 2、7∶ 1∶ 2∶ 0和3∶ 1∶ 3∶ 3三个水平; 基本苗均为每公顷180万。施氮期依次为播种前(基肥)、小麦4~5叶期(壮蘖肥)、叶龄余数2.5时(拔节肥)和叶龄余数0.8时(孕穗肥); 磷肥(P2O5)、钾肥(K2O)施用量均为90 kg hm-2, 基肥和拔节肥各占50%。2010年11月1日和2011年11月2日人工条播, 行距30 cm, 小区面积18 m2, 3次重复, 2011年6月3日和2012年5月31日收获。2012— 2013年采用三因素裂区设计, 以基本苗为主区(5个水平同上), 以施氮量为裂区(3个水平为180、240、300 kg hm-2), 以氮肥运筹比例(3个水平同上)为裂裂区。2012年11月3日, 人工条播, 行距30 cm, 小区面积为10.8 m2, 3次重复, 2013年6月3日收获。 1.2 测定项目与方法1.2.1 茎蘖动态、叶面积指数、干物质积累 于越冬始期、拔节期、孕穗期、开花期、乳熟期和成熟期调查田间茎蘖数; 各小区取样20株, 采用长宽系数法测定叶面积; 样品按器官分开, 105℃杀青30 min, 80℃烘干至恒重, 测定干物重。 1.2.2 产量及产量结构 成熟期各小区调查穗数、每穗结实粒数及千粒重, 收获1.2 m2计产, 3次重复, 折算成籽粒含水量为13%时的粒重产量。 1.3 统计分析将3年的产量数据进行聚类分析, 以8000 kg hm-2和7500 kg hm-2为标准, 产量高于8000 kg hm-2划为高产群体(HY), 产量介于7500~8000 kg hm-2之间为中高产群体(MHY), 产量低于7500 kg hm-2为中产群体(MY), 比较群体间质量指标。采用Microsoft Excel 2003、DPS 6.55、SPSS 18.0软件进行数据计算和统计分析。用SigmaPlot 10.0绘图。
2 结果与分析2.1 高产群体产量构成特征2010— 2011、2011— 2012和2012— 2013年度, HY群体的平均产量较MHY群体分别高5.52% (F = 10.34, P < 0.05)、4.12% (F = 11.69, P < 0.05)和4.83% (F = 31.04, P < 0.01), 较MY群体分别高12.57% (F = 92.23, P < 0.01)、15.79% (F = 18.76, P < 0.01)和11.44% (F = 163.87, P < 0.01)。从产量构成因素分析, HY群体的穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重均高于MY群体, 但未达显著差异, 其中穗数的F值分别为5.63、0.71和1.13, 每穗粒数的F值分别为0.82、0.09 和2.22, 千粒重的F值分别为1.06、1.20和0.77。HY群体穗数增加幅度最大, 3年分别达9.75%、7.85%和5.96% (表2)。可见, 实现群体高产需同步提高单位面积穗数、每穗粒数和千粒重, 尤其是适当提高穗数。 表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 不同产量水平群体产量及其产量构成因素差异 Table 2 Difference of grain yield and yield components among populations with different grain yield levels
群体 Population
小区数 No. of plots
穗数 Spike number (× 104hm-2)
每穗粒数 Grain number per spike
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg hm-2)
HY: high-yielding ( ≥ 8000 kg hm-2) population; MHY: moderately high-yielding (7500-8000 kg hm-2) population; MY: middle-yielding (< 7500 kg hm-2) population. HY: ≥ 8000 kg hm-2高产群体; MHY: 7500-8000 kg hm-2中高产群体; MY: < 7500 kg hm-2中产群体。
表2 不同产量水平群体产量及其产量构成因素差异 Table 2 Difference of grain yield and yield components among populations with different grain yield levels
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