关键词:油菜; 叶片; 生物量; 形态结构; 模型 Morphological Structure Model of Leaf Space Based on Biomass at Pre-Overwintering Stage in Rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) Plant ZHANG Wei-Xin1,2, CAO Hong-Xin2,*, ZHU Yan1,*, LIU Yan2, ZHANG Wen-Yu2, CHEN Yu-Li2, FU Kun-Ya1,2 1 College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
2 Institute of Agricultural Economy and Information / Engineering Research Center for Digital Agriculture, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
AbstractRapeseed morphogenesis at pre-overwintering stage is the basis of growth and development of rapeseed in whole growth stage, and the leaf blades are important vegetative organ in this stage. To quantify the relationships between rapeseed plant architecture indices and the corresponding organ biomass, we used three cultivars including (V1) Ningyou 18 (conventional variety), (V2) Ningyou 16 (conventional variety), and (V3) Ningza 19 (hybrid variety) in the field experiments, and designed treatment of variety-fertilizer, variety-fertilizer-density, and variety tests in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, with three fertilizer levels of no fertilizer, normal fertilizer (N, P2O5, K2O are 90 kg ha-1), and high fertilizer (N, P2O5, K2O are 180 kg ha-1), and three density levels of D1(6×104 plant ha-1), D2(1.2×105 plant ha-1), and D3(1.8×105 plant ha-1). Morphological indices were determined at pre-overwintering stage, the biomass-based rapeseed aboveground structure model was established with morphological indices, and the relationships between leaf blade indices and leaf blade biomass were analyzed. The models were verified using independent experiment data in 2011-2012, and 2012-2013, showing that the simulated values from the rapeseed plant leaf space morphological structure models, such as leaf blade length, leaf blade width, leaf blade bowstring length, leaf blade petiole length, and leaf blade angle from 2011 to 2012 were goodness of fit to observed values, and their da values and RMSE values were -0.231 cm, 2.102 cm ( n=63); -0.273 cm, 0.484 cm ( n=63); -0.343 cm, 1.963 cm ( n=63); 0.412 cm, 2.095 cm ( n=36); -0.635 cm, 1.006 cm ( n=27); 4.421°, 14.734° ( n=63); 6.642°, 21.817° ( n=63), respectively. The correlation between observation and simulation in the morphological indices were significant at P<0.001, but the dap values were less than 5% for the leaf blade length and the leaf blade bowstring length, which indicated that these models’ accuracy is high. The simulated values of the models had better consistency and better reliability with the observed values at pre-overwintering stage except for petiole length of the short-petiole leaves, leaf tangent angle, leaf bowstring angle, and the CPLB (partitioning coefficient of blade dry weight) under the condition of no fertilizer.
Keyword:Rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.); Leaf blade; Biomass; Morphological structure; Model Show Figures Show Figures
图1 2011-2012年不同处理叶长随叶干物重变化规律V1: 宁油18施肥; V2: 宁油16施肥; V3: 宁杂19施肥; NV1: 宁油18不施肥; NV2: 宁油16不施肥; NV3: 宁杂19不施肥。Fig. 1 Changes in the average single leaf blade length with the average single leaf dry weight for different treatments in 2011-2012V1: Ningyou 18 with fertilizer; V2: Ningyou 16 with fertilizer; V3: Ningza 19 with fertilizer; NV1: Ningyou 18 with no fertilizer; NV2: Ningyou 16 with no fertilizer; NV3: Ningyou 19 with no fertilizer.
图4 2011-2012年不同处理最大叶宽随叶长变化规律Fig. 4 Changes in values of the maximum single blade width of different treatments with leaf blade length for three cultivars in 2011-2012
图8 2011-2012年不同处理比叶切角和比叶弦角随叶位变化规律Fig. 8 Changes in RTW, RBW values of different treatments with leaf rank on main stem for three cultivars in 2011-2012
2.2 模型检验2011— 2013年油菜越冬前植株地上部形态参数叶长、叶宽、叶弦长、柄长(长柄和短柄)以及叶切角和叶弦角观察值与模拟值的da值和RMSE值分别为-0.231 cm, 2.102 cm (n=63); -0.273 cm, 0.484 cm (n=63); -0.343 cm, 1.963 cm (n=63); 0.412 cm, 2.095 cm (n=36); -0.635 cm, 1.006 cm (n=27); 4.421° , 14.734° (n=63); 6.6424° , 21.817° (n=63)。以上形态参数观察值与模拟值的相关系数(r)均达到P< 0.001显著水平, 但其dap值小于5%的仅有叶长和弦长, 其模型精度最好, dap值在5%~7%之间的为叶宽和长柄长, 其模型精度较好, dap值大于10%的为短柄长、叶切角和叶弦角, 其模型精度较差(表3)。与施肥品种相比, 不施肥品种CPLB观察值与模拟值的相关系数(r)达到P< 0.001显著水平, 但其dap值大于10%, 说明所建的不施肥品种CPLB模型精度较差。施肥品种观察值与模拟值的统计参数da和RMSE的值都较小, 且dap值小于10%, 其模型精度较高, 说明观察值与模拟值的拟合度较好(表3)。以上观察值与模拟值的1∶ 1关系图见图9。 表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 2011-2013年油菜越冬前植株地上部形态结构模型观察值与模拟值比较的统计参数 Table 3 Comparison of statistical parameters of simulation and observation in rapeseed aboveground architectural parameter models at pre-overwintering stage in 2011-2013
结构参数 Architectural parameter
观察值与模拟值比较的统计参数 Statistic parameters of simulation and observation
dap (%)
叶长 Leaf blade length (cm)
0.5867* * *
r(61, 0.001)=0.405
叶宽 Leaf blade width (cm)
0.9683* * *
r(61, 0.001)=0.405
叶弦长 Leaf blade bowstring length (cm)
0.8255* * *
r(61, 0.001)=0.405
长柄叶柄长 Petiole length of long petiole leaf (cm)
0.6767* * *
r(34, 0.001)=0.525
短柄叶柄长 Petiole length of short petiole leaf (cm)
0.6572* * *
r(25, 0.001)=0.597
叶切角 Leaf blade tangent angle (° )
0.8085* * *
r(61, 0.001)=0.405
叶弦角 Leaf blade bowstring angle (° )
0.8360* * *
r(61, 0.001)=0.405
CPLB V1-V3 (g g-1)
0.4959* *
r(35, 0.01)=0.418
CPLB NV1-NV3 (g g-1)
0.6809* * *
r(21, 0.001)=0.640
N0V1-V1 with no fertilizer, N90V1-V1 with normal fertilizer, N180V1-V1 with high fertilizer; N90V2-V2 with normal fertilizer; N0V3-V3 with no fertilizer, N90V3-V3 with normal fertilizer, N180V3-V3 with high fertilizer. N0V1~V1不施肥, N90V1~V1施中肥, N180V1~V1施高肥; N90V2~V2施中肥; N0V3~V3不施肥, N90V3~V3施中肥, N180V3~V3施高肥。
表3 2011-2013年油菜越冬前植株地上部形态结构模型观察值与模拟值比较的统计参数 Table 3 Comparison of statistical parameters of simulation and observation in rapeseed aboveground architectural parameter models at pre-overwintering stage in 2011-2013
图10 生物量与叶片形态关系图Fig. 10 Relationships between biomass and leaf morphology
4 结论建立了基于生物量的油菜越冬前植株叶片空间形态结构模型。经检验, 除短柄长、叶切角和叶弦角、不施肥品种CPLB值误差较大以外, 该模型观察值与模拟值一致性较好。 油菜比叶长重(RLW)、比叶切角(RTW)和比叶弦角(RBW), 可将生物量与叶长、叶切角和叶弦角相联系, 是具有生物学意义的油菜形态结构模型参数。油菜叶片的CPLB值、油菜叶切角和叶弦角模型均有明显误差, 造成这些误差的主要因素是油菜叶形呈不规则羽状缺裂及不易测量等复杂性。本研究建立的模型是可行的。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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