关键词:荞麦; 解剖结构; 木质素代谢; 抗倒伏能力 Relationship of Anatomical Structure and Lignin Metabolism with Lodging Resistance of Culm in Buckwheat WANG Can1, RUAN Ren-Wu1,2, YUAN Xiao-Hui1,2, HU Dan1, YANG Hao1, LIN Ting-Ting1, HE Pei-Long1, LI Yan1, YI Ze-Lin1,2,* 1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China
2 Innovation Team of Chongqing Buckwheat Industry System, Chongqing 400716, China
Fund: AbstractLodging is a major problem in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) production. In this study, we investigated the relationship between anatomical structure together with lignin metabolism and lodging resistance. The results indicated that the lodging resistance of culm in buckwheat was closely related to the anatomical structure and lignin metabolism of culm. The lodging percentage was negatively correlated with snapping resistance parameter of culm (r= -0.907,P< 0.01), lignin content (r= -0.844,P< 0.01), mechanical tissue thickness (r= -0.881,P< 0.01), culm wall thickness (r= -0.947,P< 0.01), vascular bundle area (r= -0.846,P< 0.01), mechanical tissue layer number (r= -0.806,P< 0.05), and large vascular bundle number (r= -0.709,P< 0.05), but positively correlated with lodging index (r = 0.842,P < 0.01). The lignin content was positively correlated with activities of phenylalanine ammonialyase (r= 0.984,P< 0.01), 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (r= 0.927,P< 0.01), and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (r= 0.862,P< 0.01). Therefore, lignin content in culm, mechanical tissue layer number, mechanical tissue thickness, culm wall thickness, large vascular bundle number, and vascular bundle area can be used as main indicators to evaluate lodging resistance in buckwheat. Buckwheat cultivars with high resistance to culm snapping and lodging usually have high lignin content, large number of mechanical tissue layer, and large number of vascular bundle, and thick mechanical tissue and culm wall, and large vascular bundle area.
Keyword:Buckwheat; Anatomical structure; Lignin metabolism; Lodging resistance Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同荞麦品种产量及倒伏情况 Table 1 Yield and lodging situation of different buckwheat cultivars
品种 Cultivar
倒伏时期 Lodging stage
倒伏分级 Lodging degree
倒伏率 Lodging percentage (%)
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
西大花荞 Xidahuaqiao
855.82±24.52 a
728.83±27.88 a
宁荞1号 Ningqiao 1
44.88±0.68 b
53.35±0.19 b
686.54±20.25 b
642.00±18.47 b
信农1号 Xinnong 1
45.43±1.06 b
54.00±0.62 b
624.51±34.49 c
513.27±37.80 c
乌克兰大粒荞 Ukraine Daliqiao
79.76±0.99 a
88.67±1.01 a
463.24±23.26 d
401.67±29.80 d
MT: maturity; AT: anthesis; —: no lodging. Date are the mean of three replicates ± SD ( n= 3). Values followed by different letters are significantly different among cultivars at P < 0.05. MT: 成熟期; AT: 开花期; —: 未发生倒伏。数据为3次重复的平均值±标准差, 数据后不同字母表示品种间差异显著( P< 0.05)。
表1 不同荞麦品种产量及倒伏情况 Table 1 Yield and lodging situation of different buckwheat cultivars
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 不同荞麦品种茎秆抗折力参数和倒伏指数变化 Table 2 Changes of snapping resistance parameter of culm and lodging index in different buckwheat cultivars
品种 Cultivar
茎秆抗折力参数 Snapping resistance parameter of culm (g)
倒伏指数 Lodging index (cm g g-1)
开花期 Anthesis
灌浆期 Filling
成熟期 Maturity
开花期 Anthesis
灌浆期 Filling
成熟期 Maturity
西大花荞 Xidahuaqiao
482.24±35.70 a
843.70±8.94 a
781.75±18.16 a
0.23±0.03 c
0.52±0.03 c
0.44±0.06 c
宁荞1号 Ningqiao 1
346.13±31.48 b
581.27±17.10 b
440.65±32.20 b
0.58±0.06 b
0.85±0.02 b
0.77±0.03 b
信农1号 Xinnong 1
329.06±5.13 b
565.99±7.12 b
431.77±3.41 b
0.63±0.05 b
0.93±0.03 b
0.85±0.04 b
乌克兰大粒荞 Ukraine Daliqiao
217.52±15.90 c
390.51±9.98 c
363.7±15.40 c
2.04±0.18 a
2.99±0.13 a
2.67±0.06 a
西大花荞 Xidahuaqiao
438.17±6.01 a
817.60±2.27 a
756.49±1.30 a
0.26±0.28 c
0.56±0.01 c
0.49±0.02 c
宁荞1号 Ningqiao 1
307.80±1.88 b
560.55±1.59 b
423.82±9.90 b
0.64±0.05 b
0.92±0.03 b
0.82±0.06 b
信农1号 Xinnong 1
303.28±0.95 b
554.76±0.70 b
413.23±9.51 b
0.70±0.04 b
1.04±0.03 b
0.91±0.11 b
乌克兰大粒荞 Ukraine Daliqiao
183.62±1.58 c
356.52±5.75 c
296.92±5.55 c
2.14±0.29 a
3.09±0.16 a
2.85±0.08 a
Date are the mean of three replicates ± SD ( n = 3). Values followed by different letters are significantly different among cultivars at P < 0.05. 数据为3次重复的平均值±标准差, 数据后不同字母表示品种间差异显著( P< 0.05)。
表2 不同荞麦品种茎秆抗折力参数和倒伏指数变化 Table 2 Changes of snapping resistance parameter of culm and lodging index in different buckwheat cultivars
图3 不同荞麦品种机械组织层数、机械组织厚度和茎壁厚度的变化Fig. 3 Changes of mechanic tissue layer number, mechanic tissue thickness, and culm wall thickness in different buckwheat cultivars
表3 荞麦茎秆解剖结构和木质素代谢与抗倒伏能力相关分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficients among anatomical structure, lignin metabolism, and lodging resistance of culm in buckwheat
性状 Trait
木质素含量 Lignin content
茎秆抗折力参数 Snapping resistance parameter of culm
倒伏指数 Lodging index
倒伏率 Lodging percentage
茎秆抗折力参数 Snapping resistance parameter of culm
倒伏指数 Lodging index
木质素含量 Lignin content
PAL活性 PAL activity
TAL活性 TAL activity
4CL活性 4CL activity
CAD活性 CAD activity
机械组织层数 Mechanics tissue layer number
机械组织厚度 Mechanics tissue thickness
茎壁厚度 Culm wall thickness
大维管束数目 Large vascular bundle number
小维管束数目 Small vascular bundle number
维管束面积 Vascular bundle area
* and** indicate significance of conrrelation at P< 0.05 and P< 0.01, respectively. *和**分别表示在 P < 0.05和 P< 0.01水平显著相关。
表3 荞麦茎秆解剖结构和木质素代谢与抗倒伏能力相关分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficients among anatomical structure, lignin metabolism, and lodging resistance of culm in buckwheat
4 结论荞麦茎秆抗倒伏能力与茎秆解剖结构和木质素代谢密切相关。茎秆木质素含量、机械组织层数、机械组织厚度、茎壁厚度、大维管束数目和维管束面积可以作为荞麦茎秆抗倒伏能力重要评价指标。茎秆木质素含量高、机械组织层数多、机械组织和茎壁厚、大维管束数目多且维管束面积大的荞麦品种, 其茎秆抗折力参数大、倒伏指数小、抗倒伏能力强。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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