关键词:耕作模式; 秸秆还田; 氮肥; 产量 Effect of Returning Methods of Maize Straw and Nitrogen Treatments on Soil Physicochemical Property and Yield of Winter Wheat PANG Dang-Wei, CHEN Jin, TANG Yu-Hai, YIN Yan-Ping, YANG Dong-Qing, CUI Zheng-Yong, ZHENG Meng-Jing, LI Yong, WANG Zhen-Lin* 1Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271661, 31271667, 30871477), the National Basic Research Program of China (2015CB150404), the National Technology Engineering Program for Food Crops Production (2012BAD04B05), the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203100, 201203029), and the Higher Educational Science and Technology Program of Shandong Province (J14LF12) AbstractThe objective of this study was to understand the effect of continuous rotary tillage on soil tilth and wheat yield under straw-return and non-straw return conditions. A three-year field experiment from October 2012 to June 2015 was conducted with three tillage patterns (three-year rotary tillage without maize straw return, RT; three-year rotary tillage with maize straw return, RTS; and two-year rotary tillage plus one-year deep tillage with maize straw returning, RTS-DTS) and four nitrogen application levels (165 kg ha-1, N165; 225 kg ha-1, N225; 300 kg ha-1, N300; 360 kg ha-1, N360). Compared with rotary tillage, deep tillage facilitated decomposition of the maize straw and high N level accelerated the decomposition speed. Under non-straw-return condition, continuous rotary tillage reduced the organic matter content in 0-30 cm soil layer, leading to increased bulk density and decreased soil porosity. Under straw-return condition, continuous rotary tillage increased the organic matter content in 0-10 cm soil layer and soil porosity and decreased bulk density. Moreover, RTS-DTS showed positive effects on tilth soil structure. For example, compared with RTS, RTS-DTS had the effect on increasing organic matter content in 10-30 cm soil layer, decreasing bulk density in 0-20 cm soil layer, and increasing the total porosity in 0-20 cm soil layer and capillary porosity in 10-30 cm soil layer. Three-year rotary tillage resulted in yield decline of wheat, particularly under non-straw return condition. Grain yield of RT in the third year was 5.0%-8.7% more than that in the first year. Although the yield of RTS was 7.3%-8.9% higher than that of RT, it also showed obvious decline in the third year. Compared with RTS, RTS-DTS showed great improvement in yield and yield components, with the increase of 14.5% in spike number, 5.7% in grain number per spike, and 7.6% in final yield. Under maize straw return condition, soil physical property was improved with the increase of N level. However, the final yield in treatments of N225, N300, and N360 was not significantly different. Our results suggest that RTS-DTS plus maize straw return with N application rate of 225 kg ha-1 is a high-yield and high-efficient cultivation pattern in Shandong province.
Keyword:Tillage practices; Straw returning; Nitrogen fertilizer; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 耕作模式和施氮量对玉米秸秆腐解速率的影响 Table 1 Effect of tillage pattern and N application rate on maize straw decomposition speed (kg d-1 hm-2)
耕作模式 Tillage pattern
施氮处理 N treatment
播种-越冬 Sowing- overwintering
越冬-返青 Overwintering- regreening
返青-成熟 Regreening- maturity
小麦全生育期 Wheat growth duration
3年旋耕秸秆还田 Three-year RT plus maize straw return
45.78 b
2.35 e
11.44 c
14.34 d
49.70 ab
2.91 d
11.40 c
15.30 cd
51.19 a
3.75 b
10.00 d
15.36 cd
52.15 a
2.72 d
11.09 cd
15.5 6c
平均 Mean
2年旋耕秸秆还田1年深耕秸秆还田 Two-year RT and one-year deep tillage plus maize straw return
47.56 ab
2.63 de
14.93 b
16.21 bc
48.59 ab
3.35 c
15.61 ab
16.97 ab
48.93 ab
3.37 c
16.46 a
17.39 a
49.93 ab
4.07 a
16.12 ab
17.72 a
平均 Mean
Nitrogen treatment is defined with “ N” and application rate (kg hm-2). Multiple comparison was conducted across the eight treatments under two tillage patterns and different letters after values indicate significance at 0.05 probability level (LSD method). 氮处理符号中数字表示施氮量(kg hm-2)。两种耕作模式下8个处理进行多重比较(LSD法), 数据后不同字母表示在0.05概率水平差异显著。
表1 耕作模式和施氮量对玉米秸秆腐解速率的影响 Table 1 Effect of tillage pattern and N application rate on maize straw decomposition speed (kg d-1 hm-2)
氮肥施用量显著影响秸秆的平均腐解速率, 并且增加施氮量能提高秸秆的平均腐解速率。在RTS-DTS模式下, 4个施氮水平N165、N225、N300、N360的平均腐解速率分别为16.21、16.97、17.39和17.72 kg d-1 hm-2 (表1), 与当地推荐施氮量(225 kg hm-2, N225)相比较, N300、N360的平均腐解速率分别提高2.5%、4.4%, 而N165处理降低4.5%。 2.1.2 对秸秆腐解进程的影响 图1表明, 还田玉米秸秆残余量随生育进程而逐渐减少。耕作模式和氮肥处理共同影响秸秆腐解, 表现为深耕以及增施氮肥(N300、N360)均能促进秸秆的腐解。小麦成熟期深耕各施氮量的腐解量分别为3808、3987、4085和4165 kg hm-2, 较旋耕相应施氮量下的腐解量分别提高13.1%、10.9%、13.1%和14.0%, 平均提高12.8%, 差异达到极显著水平。在旋耕条件下, N165、N225、N300和N360四个氮肥水平下成熟期的秸秆腐解量分别为3370、3596、3610和3658 kg hm-2。与当地推荐施氮量N225相比, N300、N360处理的腐解量分别提高0.4%和1.7%, 而N165处理降低6.3%。这说明秸秆腐解不但受耕作方式和氮肥施用量共同影响, 并且耕作方式对秸秆腐解的影响大于氮肥的施用。 2.1.3 对有机质的影响 试验处理3年后成熟期土壤耕层有机质含量如表2所示。不同耕作措施对耕层土壤有机质的分布及影响不同。RT及RTS处理的有机质主要富集在0~20 cm, 并且0~10 cm的有机质含量高于10~20 cm, 而RTS-DTS处理的有机质富集于0~30 cm, 以10~20 cm有机质含量最高。与RT相比, RTS显著增加了0~20 cm土壤的有机质含量, 这是因为旋耕条件下秸秆的腐解产物主要聚集在0~10 cm以及腐解物的向下迁移所致。RTS-DTS较RTS提高了10~30 cm土壤的有机质含量, 这是因为深耕较旋耕更易促进秸秆腐解(图1), 转化较多的有机质。秸秆还田条件下, 有机质含量随氮肥施用量增加而增加(表2), 与增施氮肥能促进秸秆的腐解(图1)相符。 图1 Fig. 1
图1 耕作模式和施氮量对玉米秸秆腐解的影响 氮处理符号中数字表示施氮量(kg hm-2)。RTS: 3年旋耕秸秆还田; RTS-DTS: 2年旋耕秸秆还田1年深耕秸秆还田。Fig. 1 Effects of different tillage patterns and N treatments on maize straw decomposition Nitrogen treatment is defined with “ N” and application rate (kg hm-2). RTS: three-year RT plus maize straw return; RTS-DTS: two-year RT and one-year deep tillage plus maize straw return.
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 耕作模式和施氮量对不同土层土壤有机质的影响 Table 2 Effects of tillage patterns and nitrogen application amount on organic matter in different soil layers (g kg-1)
耕作模式 Tillage pattern
施氮处理 Nitrogen treatment
土层 Soil layer
0-10 cm
10-20 cm
20-30 cm
3年旋耕秸秆不还田 Three-year rotary tillage (RT) with no straw return
13.77 c
12.76 f
9.41 f
13.97 c
13.19 f
9.47 f
14.30 c
13.38 f
11.06 de
14.58 c
13.47 f
10.20 ef
3年旋耕秸秆还田 Three-year RT plus maize straw return
16.59 ab
14.46 de
12.20 cd
16.80 ab
15.26 de
12.31 cd
17.02 a
15.33 de
12.76 c
17.15 a
15.68 cd
12.83 c
2年旋耕秸秆还田1年深耕秸秆还田 Two-year RT and one-year deep tillage plus maize straw return
15.93 b
16.40 bc
13.35 bc
16.05 b
16.85 ab
14.26 ab
17.17 a
17.19 ab
14.54 ab
17.21 a
17.52 a
15.36 a
Nitrogen treatment is defined with “ N” and application rate (kg hm-2). Multiple comparison was conducted across the 12 treatments under three tillage patterns and different letters after values indicate significance at the 0.05 probability level (LSD method). 氮处理符号中数字表示施氮量(kg hm-2)。3种耕作模式下12个处理进行多重比较(LSD法), 数据后不同字母表示在0.05概率水平差异显著。
表2 耕作模式和施氮量对不同土层土壤有机质的影响 Table 2 Effects of tillage patterns and nitrogen application amount on organic matter in different soil layers (g kg-1)
图2 耕作模式和施氮量对土壤容重的影响(2014-2015) 氮处理符号中数字表示施氮量(kg hm-2)。RT: 3年旋耕不还田; RTS: 3年旋耕秸秆还田; RTS-DTS: 2年旋耕秸秆还田1年深耕秸秆还田。Fig. 2 Effects of different tillage patterns and N treatments on the soil bulk density (2014-2015) Nitrogen treatment is defined with “ N” and application rate (kg hm-2). RT: Three-year rotary tillage (RT) with no straw return; RTS: Three-year RT plus maize straw return; RTS-DTS: Two-year RT and one-year deep tillage plus maize straw return.
表3 耕作模式和施氮量对土壤毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度的影响 Table 3 Effects of different tillage patterns and N treatments on capillary porosity, non-capillary porosity, and total porosity
耕作模式 Tillage pattern
施氮处理 Nitrogen treatment
毛管孔隙度 Capillary porosity
非毛管孔隙度 Non-capillary porosity
总孔隙度 Total porosity
0-10 cm
10-20 cm
20-30 cm
0-10 cm
10-20 cm
20-30 cm
0-10 cm
10-20 cm
20-30 cm
41.71 cd
37.21 d
36.37 e
2.74 g
4.62 f
3.84 abc
44.46 f
41.83 c
40.21 e
42.17 bc
38.49 b
37.14 cde
3.44 e
5.00 e
3.57 bc
45.60 ef
43.49 b
40.70 cde
41.96 cd
38.48 b
36.97 cde
3.18 f
4.67 f
3.42 ce
45.14 f
43.15 b
40.39 de
41.93 cd
37.61 cd
36.84 cde
2.75 g
4.34 g
3.40 c
44.67 f
41.95 c
40.24 de
43.13 ab
38.09 bc
36.44 de
3.65 d
5.00 e
4.21 a
46.77 de
43.09 b
40.65 cde
43.32 a
38.30 bc
36.69 de
3.72 d
5.14 cd
4.04 ab
47.03 cd
43.44 b
40.72 cd
43.48 a
38.49 b
37.27 cde
4.11 b
5.05 de
3.75 abc
47.59 bcd
43.54 b
41.01 bc
43.82 a
38.63 b
37.34 cd
3.88 c
5.25 c
4.08 ab
47.70 bcd
43.88 b
41.41 ab
40.51 e
39.75 a
37.66 bc
7.50 a
5.28 bc
3.37 c
48.01 abc
45.03 a
41.03 bc
40.89 de
39.82 a
38.59 ab
7.53 a
5.39 ab
2.65 d
48.43 ab
45.21 a
41.24 ab
41.10 cde
39.94 a
38.84 a
7.51 a
5.50 a
2.55 d
48.62 ab
45.44 a
41.39 ab
41.76 cd
40.31 a
38.91 a
7.36 a
5.21 c
2.71 d
49.11 a
45.52 a
41.62 a
Nitrogen treatment is defined with “ N” and application rate (kg hm-2). RT: three-year rotary tillage (RT) with no straw return; RTS: three-year RT plus maize straw return; RTS-DTS: two-year RT and one-year deep tillage plus maize straw return. Multiple comparisons were conducted across the 12 treatments under three tillage patterns and different letters after values indicate significance at the 0.05 probability level (LSD method). 氮处理符号中数字表示施氮量(kg hm-2)。RT: 3年旋耕不还田; RTS: 3年旋耕秸秆还田; RTS-DTS: 2年旋耕秸秆还田1年深耕秸秆还田。3种耕作模式下12个处理进行多重比较(LSD法), 数据后不同字母表示在0.05概率水平差异显著。
表3 耕作模式和施氮量对土壤毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度的影响 Table 3 Effects of different tillage patterns and N treatments on capillary porosity, non-capillary porosity, and total porosity
图3 耕作模式和施氮量对冬小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响 横坐标中1~3表示同一耕作模式实施年份, 分别为2012-2013、2013-2014和2014-2015年度。RTS-DTS表示连续旋耕还田模式的第3年改为深耕还田。N165、N225、N300、N360表示不同施氮处理, 数字代表施氮量(kg hm-2)。Fig. 3 Effects of different tillage patterns and N treatments on yield and yield components of winter wheat In the X-axis, numbers 1 to 3 indicate years conducted in the same tillage pattern, in 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 wheat seasons. RTS-DTS indicates RTS with deep-tillage in the third year. N165, N225, N300, and N360 stand for N treatment and the number indicates the amount of N applied (kg hm-2).
4 结论无论秸秆还田与否, 连续3年旋耕均造成有机质富集于表层, 下层土壤容重增加、孔隙度降低。连续2年旋耕还田后进行深耕还田均衡耕层的有机质分布, 降低容重、改善孔隙度空间分布, 有利于创造适于作物生长发育的耕层结构, 从而实现冬小麦年度间稳产增产。在配施纯氮225 kg hm-2的基础上增加施氮量并不能显著提高产量, 因此, 连续2年旋耕还田1年深耕还田并配施225 kg hm-2纯氮可以作为实现山东省冬小麦稳产增产的有效途径。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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