关键词:燕麦; 大豆; 花生; 间作; 光合特性; 产量 Effects of Legumes Intercropping with Oat on Photosynthesis Characteristics of and Grain Yield FENG Xiao-Min1,**, YANG Yong1,2,**, REN Chang-Zhong3, HU Yue-Gao1, ZENG Zhao-Hai1,* 1College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
2Hami Melon Research Center, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi 830091, China
3Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Jilin, Baicheng 137000, China
AbstractIntercropping, a commonly used agronomic management by farmers in China for centuries can improve light, heat, water and nitrogen utilization efficiencies and significantly enhance crop yield. To reveal the mechanism of photosynthesis in soybean-oat and peanut-oat intercropping systems, we conducted a two-year (2011, 2012) field experiment in Baicheng, Jilin province. Under the nitrogen-free condition, crop yield, yield components and photosynthesis and relative chlorophyll content (SPAD) of functional leaves in crops were investigated during growth stage. The results showed that land equivalent ratio (LER) was from 1.41 to 1.63 and from 1.31 to 1.52 for soybean-oat and peanut-oat intercropping, respectively. Also, most yield components from oat (plant height, spike length and spikelet, grain number per spike) under intercropping with soybean were higher than those from mono-cropping oat, except for grain weight per plant and thousand seed weight. Under intercropping with peanut, all yield components of oat increased in comparison with those under mono-cropping oat and spikelet, grain number per spike and grain weight per plant showed significant difference. Moreover, all yield components of soybean intercropping with oat improved, whereas decreased peanut pod number and grain weight per plant. As for photosynthesis, intercropping enhanced chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of oat and altered chlorophyll composition which contributed to the slower process of oat aging. With regard to peanut, chlorophyll content slightly increased when intercropped with oat and net photosynthetic rate significantly improved during the late booting stage to heading stage of oat. In conclusion, under the condition of nitrogen-free, intercropping is demonstrably superior to monoculture. The peanut-oat intercropping system notably promotes the growth of oat, while the oat and soybean are both benefit from the soybean-oat intercropping system.
Keyword:Oat; Soybean; Peanut; Intercropping; Photosynthesis characteristics; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 间作对各作物籽粒产量和土地当量比的影响 Table 1 Effect of intercropping on yield and land equivalent ratios
种植方式 Cropping pattern
燕麦产量 Oat yield (kg hm-2)
燕麦的相对 土地当量比 La
大豆产量 Soybean yield (kg hm-2)
大豆的相对 土地当量比 Lb1
花生产量 Groundnut yield (kg hm-2)
花生的相对 土地当量比 Lb2
土地当量比 LER
单作 Monoculture
1708 a
3263 a
3071 a
大豆-燕麦 Soybean-oat
832 b
3017 b
花生-燕麦 Peanut-oat
1208 b
1851 b
单作 Monoculture
1685 a
2688 a
3277 a
大豆-燕麦 Soybean-oat
963 b
2857 a
花生-燕麦 Peanut-oat
1737 a
1575 b
Values with in a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level according to Fisher test. La: the relative land equivalent ratio of oat; Lb1: the relative land equivalent ratio of soybean; Lb2: the relative land equivalent ratio of peanut; LER: land equivalent ratio. 括号中的数值表示基于豆科-燕麦间作中, 作物占间作总面积的产量。同一列不同字母表示在0.05显著差异(Fisher test)。
表1 间作对各作物籽粒产量和土地当量比的影响 Table 1 Effect of intercropping on yield and land equivalent ratios
图1 间作对作物收获指数的影响图柱上的小写字母的不同表示在0.05水平上显著差异。TS: 单作大豆; TOS-S: 间作大豆; TG: 单作花生; TOG-G: 间作花生; TO: 单作燕麦; TOS-O: 与大豆间作的燕麦; TOG-O: 与花生间作的燕麦。Fig. 1 Effect of intercropping on harvest indexBars superscripted by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. TO, TS, and TG mean monoculture oat, soybean, and peanut; TOS-S and TOG-G mean the soybean and the peanut in the intercropping system; TOG-O and TOS-O mean the oat in the intercropping system of oat-groundnut and oat-soybean.
表2 间作对燕麦各产量因子的影响 Table 2 Effect of intercropping on oat yield components
年份 Year
处理 Treatment
株高 Plant height
穗长 Panicle length
小穗数 Spikelet number
穗粒数 Grains per spike
单株粒重 Grain weight per plant (g)
千粒重 1000-seed weight (g)
93.0 a
19.7 a
24.6 a
55.0 a
1.4 a
25.0 a
90.0 ab
18.3 b
18.2 b
39.0 b
0.9 b
24.6 a
86.0 b
17.3 b
17.1 b
36.0 b
1.0 b
24.9 a
104.8 a
24.1 a
38.2 a
76.5 a
2.2 a
26.8 a
104.3 a
23.2 a
35.0 b
66.5 b
1.4 b
19.2 c
102.9 a
22.8 a
28.1 c
54.5 c
1.5 b
25.5 b
TOG-O and TOS-O mean the oat in the intercropping system of oat-groundnut and oat -soybean, respectively. TO: mono-cropping oat. Values followed by different small letters for the same cropping and the same row are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level according to Fisher test. TOS-O: 与大豆间作的燕麦; TOG-O: 与花生间作的燕麦; TO: 单作燕麦。表中数据后的小写字母的不同表示在0.05水平上显著差异。
表2 间作对燕麦各产量因子的影响 Table 2 Effect of intercropping on oat yield components
表3 间作对大豆、花生产量构成因子的影响 Table 3 Effect of intercropping on yield components of soybean and peanut
年份 Year
处理 Treatment
株高 Plant height
有效荚数 Available pod
单荚粒数 Grains per pod
单荚粒重 Grains weight per pod (g)
单株粒重 Grain weight per plant (g)
百粒重 100-seed weight (g)
50 a
3.0 b
0.60 b
23.4 a
19.1 d
51 a
3.0 b
0.65 b
23.8 a
20.3 c
17 b
3.4 a
1.38 a
11.0 a
40.8 b
10 c
3.4 a
1.47 a
7.0 b
42.5 a
98.3 b
26 a
3.0 b
0.66 b
13.5 ab
21.3 b
107.6 a
28 a
3.0 ab
0.70 b
15.8 a
21.3 b
52.3 c
11 b
3.2 a
1.60 a
12.9 b
44.4 a
52.8 c
6 c
3.1 ab
1.54 a
6.4 c
44.3 a
TS: mono-cropping soybean; TG: mono-cropping groundnut; TOS-S and TOG-G mean the soybean and the peanut in the intercropping system. Values followed by different small letters for the same cropping and the same row are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level according to Fisher test. TS: 单作大豆; TG: 单作花生; TOS-S: 间作大豆; TOG-G: 间作花生。表中数据后的小写字母的不同表示在0.05水平上显著差异。
表3 间作对大豆、花生产量构成因子的影响 Table 3 Effect of intercropping on yield components of soybean and peanut
图2 间作对各作物相对叶绿素含量的影响(2011)图中数据的小写字母的不同表示其差异在0.05水平上显著(Fisher test)。TS: 单作大豆; TOS-S: 间作大豆; TG: 单作花生; TOG-G: 间作花生; TO: 单作燕麦; TOS-O: 与大豆间作的燕麦; TOG-O: 与花生间作的燕麦。Fig. 2 Effect of intercropping on relative chlorophyll contents of crops in 2011Relative chlorophyll content values with different small letters for the crops in the same stage are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level according to Fisher test. TO, TS, and TG mean monoculture oat, soybean, and peanut; TOS-S and TOG-G mean the soybean and the peanut in the intercropping system; TOG-O and TOS-O mean the oat in the intercropping system of oat-groundnut and oat-soybean.
图3 间作对各作物相对叶绿素含量的影响(2012)图中数据的小写字母的不同表示其差异在0.05水平上显著(Fisher test)。TS: 单作大豆; TOS-S: 间作大豆; TG: 单作花生; TOG-G: 间作花生; TO: 单作燕麦; TOS-O: 与大豆间作的燕麦; TOG-O: 与花生间作的燕麦。Fig. 3 Effect of intercropping on crops relative chlorophyll content in 2012Relative chlorophyll content values with different small letters for the crops in the same stage are significant different at the 0.05 probability level according to Fisher test. TO, TS, and TG mean monoculture oat, soybean, and peanut; TOS-S and TOG-G mean the soybean and the peanut in the intercropping system; TOG-O and TOS-O mean the oat in the intercropping system of oat-groundnut and oat-soybean.
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