关键词:半干旱区; 全膜覆盖; 垄上微沟; 温度; 水分; 产量 Effects of Mini-ditch Planting with Plastic Mulching in Ridges on Soil Water Content, Temperature and Potato Yield in Rain-fed Semiarid Region HOU Hui-Zhi1, WANG Juan2, ZHANG Xu-Cheng1,*, FANG Yan-Jie1, YU Xian-Feng1, WANG Hong-Li1, MA Yi-Fan1 1 Institute of Dryland Farming, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Key Laboratory of High Water Utilization on Dryland of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070, China
2 Dingxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dingxi 743000, China
AbstractIt is necessary to investigate the effects of the regulation of furrow and ridge regulated according to the potato growing characteristics on soil thermal-moisture status and potato productivity. A three-year (2012 to 2014) field trial was conducted at Dingxi Experimental Station of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (35º35' N, 104º36' E), in northwest Loess plateau. Potato cultivar Xindaping ( Solanum tuberosum) was selected as test material. With three treatments: 1) mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges (RMF), 2) ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching (RF), and 3) field flat planting (CK). The soil temperature, soil water content and potato yield were determined, as well as soil accumulated temperature of ≥10℃, water consumption, soil water storage, water use efficiency and other parameters were calculated. The results showed that RMF and RF significantly increased ≥10℃ soil accumulated temperature at different growth periods and the whole growth period in normal rainfall years (2012 and 2014) , as compared with CK, but there was no significant difference of the temperature between plastic mulching treatments and CK in the abundant rainfall year (2013). The soil water storage of RMF in 0-80 cm soil was 28.20-31.61 mm lower, but in 80-200 cm soil higher than those of RF and CK. As compared with CK, RMF and RF significantly increased number of basal stems, number of branches and dry weight of stem, resulting in 60.78%-89.37% and 41.91%-73.33% increment of potato tube yield, and 49.46%-82.55% and 35.62%-65.66% increment of potato water use efficiency, respectively. Although the soil moisture and crop evapotranspiration were not varied significantly in RMF, the soil water consumption from 0 to 200 cm soil layer of RMF was 66.52% more than that of CK, and 14.19% more than that of RF in seasonal drought years, resulting in the higher tuber yield and water use efficiency.
Keyword:Semiarid region; Whole plastic mulching; Mini-ditch planting in ridges; Temperature; Soil water; Potato yield Show Figures Show Figures
甘肃中部半干旱区年降雨量300~500 mm, 受降水资源的限制, 作物产量长期低而不稳。尤其是春旱频发, 使春播作物如小麦、豆类作物等的产量长期徘徊在1500 kg hm-2以下[1]。因此, 压缩春播作物面积, 扩大夏播作物面积, 是该区作物生产实现稳产高产的主要方向。所以, 该区域夏播作物如马铃薯、玉米的种植面积逐年增加, 目前已占总耕地面积的50%以上[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]。尤其是马铃薯的种植面积近几年迅速增加, 成为一个新兴的主导特色产业, 是农民增收和农业增产的一大经济支柱。 多年地膜覆盖种植试验结果表明, 半干旱区马铃薯在覆盖种植条件下, 季节性干旱胁迫和高湿胁迫并存, 有限的水分资源未能充分利用, 成为制约马铃薯产业发展的主要障碍因子[8, 9, 10, 11, 12]。因此, 如何降低和优化雨季的农田水热环境, 提高该区有限水资源的利用效率, 是提高作物水分生产效率的重点方向。近年来, 西北半干旱区马铃薯全膜覆盖垄沟种植方法(RF)得到大面积应用, 是一项集保墒、集雨、增温为一体的适宜于北部干旱半干旱区的抗旱种植技术。可提高降水利用效率和马铃薯产量[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]。目前马铃薯产量依然较低, 徘徊在15 000~22 500 kg hm-2左右, 水分生产潜力仍有较大挖掘空间。为此, 我们在全膜覆盖垄沟种植的基础上创建了马铃薯全膜覆盖垄上微沟方法(RMF), 该法在地面起垄后, 垄上营建小沟, 并用地膜全地面覆盖。为明确它的增产效应及其水热响应, 拟测定季节和年际土壤温度、土壤水分及生物量和产量, 旨在探索这种方法在生产中的意义, 为合理地应用于生产提供技术支持。 1 材料与方法1.1 试验地概况甘肃省定西市安定区香泉镇(35° 34′ N, 104° 37′ E), 海拔1970 m, 年平均气温6.2℃, 年辐射总量5898 MJ m-2, 年日照时数2500 h, ≥ 10℃积温2075.1℃, 无霜期140 d, 属中温带半干旱气候。作物一年一熟, 为典型旱地雨养农业区。年均降水量415 mm, 6月至9月降水量占年降水量的68%, 降水相对变率为24%, 400 mm降水保证率为48%。试验区土壤为黄绵土, 0~30 cm土层平均容重1.25 g cm-3, 田间持水量为23.18%, 永久凋萎系数为7.2%。 1.2 试验设计设3个处理, 分别是全膜覆盖垄上微沟(RMF)、全膜覆盖垄沟种植(RF)和露地平播(CK)(图1), 每处理3次重复。供试马铃薯品种为新大坪, 行距50 cm, 株距35 cm, 播种密度57 000株 hm-2。小区面积9 m× 10 m = 90 m2。各处理施肥量均为有机肥15 t hm-2, P2O5 60 kg hm-2, K2O 22.5 kg hm-2, 全部作为基肥, N 90 kg hm-2, 其中60%作基肥, 40%作花期追肥。 图1 Fig. 1
图1 马铃薯田间种植示意图RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。上图为全膜覆盖垄沟种植(传统种植模式), 下图为全膜覆盖垄上微沟种植模式(改进种植模式)。Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of potato planting patternsRMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting. The up panel shows whole field mulched by plastics with ridge-furrow planting model (traditional technology), the down panel shows ridge-furrow planting model which micro-ditch built on the ridge and whole field mulched by plastics (modified technology).
图3 不同处理在各生育期对马铃薯≥ 10 º C土壤积温的影响RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。同一生育期不同字母表示同一年份同一生育期不同处理差异显著(P< 0.05)。Fig. 3 Effects of different treatments on soil ≥ 10 º C accumulated temperature at different grow stagesRMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting. Different letters above bars during the same growth stage in the same year mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 probability level.
2.3 全膜覆盖垄上微沟对马铃薯生育期0~200 cm土壤贮水量和阶段耗水量的影响播前0~200 cm的土壤贮水量是RF> RMF> CK (图4), 但各处理间无显著差异。现蕾期RF和RMF 0~200 cm 的3年平均土壤贮水量分别为449.02 mm和435.28 mm, 均显著地大于CK; 但RF和RMF 0~200 cm的土壤贮水量3年均无显著差异。块茎膨大期0~200 cm的土壤贮水量表现为CK> RF> RMF, 2012年和2013年3个处理间差异不显著; 2014年CK和RF 0~200 cm的土壤贮水量显著地高于RMF。成熟期3个处理0~200 cm的土壤贮水量为RF最大, RMF次之, CK最小, 但无显著差异。 现蕾期0~200 cm的土壤耗水量为CK> RMF> RF, 且差异均不显著; 块茎膨大期各处理0~200 cm 的土壤耗水量以RMF最大, RF次之, CK最小, 且3年中PMF和RF均显著高于CK, 2014年RMF和RF间差异显著; 成熟期0~200 cm 的土壤耗水量3年均表现为CK> RF> RMF, 但3年3个处理间差异均不显著。 2.4 全膜覆盖垄上微沟对马铃薯生育期贮水量垂直分布的影响0~200 cm土壤贮水量垂直变化与马铃薯生育时期及降水格局密切相关(图5)。2012年各处理从整地到播种相隔4 d, 降雨1.8 mm, 0~200 cm土壤贮水量均无差异。现蕾期降雨99 mm, 各处理0~200 cm土壤贮水量为RF> RMF> CK, 其中, RF和RMF 0~80 cm的土壤贮水量分别比CK高16.94 mm和7.52 mm。块茎膨大期降雨133.0 mm, RMF 0~80 cm的土壤贮水量分别比RF和CK低26.65 mm和28.39 mm, 均达显著水平, 80~200 cm RMF的土壤贮水量略高于RF和CK。成熟期降雨164.4 cm, 此阶段RF、RMF和CK三个处理0~200 cm各层的土壤贮水量比块茎膨大期分别增加53.59、65.55和35.15 mm, 说明此阶段的降雨除完全满足马铃薯生长所需外, 还有剩余水分下渗, 尤其是2个覆膜处理可以蓄积更多水分到更深土层。 2013年播前RF和RMF 0~200 cm各层的贮水量均高于CK, 在0~80 cm土层, RF和RMF的土壤贮水量分别比CK高16.88 mm和12.99 mm。现蕾期降雨134.7 cm, RF和RMF 0~200 cm各层的土壤贮水量大于CK, 其中, RF和RMF 0~80 cm的土壤贮水量分别比CK高24.34 mm和15.95 mm, 80~200 cm的土壤贮水量分别比CK高21.84 mm和15.13 mm。块茎膨大期降雨210.8 cm, RMF 0~80 cm 的土壤贮水量分别比RF和CK低25.39 mm和28.20 mm, 80~200 cm RMF的土壤贮水量略高于RF和CK。说明此阶段RMF处理加剧了0~80 cm的耗水。成熟期降雨136.0 mm, 3个处理0~200 cm的贮水量与块茎膨大期相比均有增加, 0~200 cm总贮水量表现为RF> RMF> CK。 图4 Fig. 4
图4 不同处理马铃薯0~200 cm土壤贮水量和耗水量的动态变化RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。柱形图为耗水量(主纵坐标), 线形图为土壤贮水量(副纵坐标)。同一生育期不同字母表示同一年份同一生育期不同处理差异显著(P< 0.05)。Fig. 4 Changes of different planting patterns on soil water storage and potato water consumption in 0-200 cm soil layerRMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting. RMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting.The bar is pea water consumption (main Y-axis), the line is soil water storage (sub Y-axis). Different letters above bars during the same growth stage in the same year mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 probability level.
图5 不同处理对马铃薯田0~200 cm土壤贮水量随生育期的垂直变化RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。Fig. 5 Vertical dynamics of soil water storage in 0-200 cm soil in different treatmentsRMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting.
图6 不同处理对马铃薯耗水量、产量和水分利用效率的影响RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。同一年份不同字母表示不同处理差异显著(P< 0.05)。Fig. 6 Effects of different treatments on potato water consumption, yield, and WUERMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting. Different letters above bars in the same year mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 probability level.
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 各处理对马铃薯干物质积累的影响 Table 1 Effects of different treatments on dry matter of potato
生育时期 Growth stage
基部茎数 Number of basal stems
茎分枝数 Number of branches
茎干重 Dry weight of stem
3.0 a
3.0 a
2.5 b
35.6 a
35.6 a
18.6 b
6.6 a
7.1 a
3.7 b
3.5 a
3.6 a
2.8 b
80.0 a
88.0 a
51.5 b
35.1 a
37.7 a
21.3 b
3.6 a
3.6 a
2.9 b
128.0 a
131.0 a
75.6 b
37.2 a
40.5 a
23.7 b
3.6 a
3.6 a
2.8 b
119.7 a
127.6 a
73.9 b
32.9 a
35.7 a
20.9 b
2.9 a
2.9 a
2.5 b
34.1 a
35.1 a
20.3 b
6.5 a
6.5 a
3.6 b
3.4 a
3.5 a
2.7 b
90.4 a
90.8 a
62.5 b
36.6 a
38.3 a
21.3 b
3.5 a
3.5 a
2.9 b
124.2 a
125.3 a
77.1 b
42.1 a
43.2 a
26.6 b
3.5 a
3.5 a
2.7 b
124.1 a
125 a
72.5 b
37.8 a
39.3 a
22.7 b
2.9 a
2.9 a
2.2 b
32.7 a
33.9 a
16.8 b
6.3 a
6.6 a
3.8 b
3.8 a
4.1 a
3.1 b
101.3 a
109.6 a
64.3 b
39.2 a
43.9 a
22.5 b
4.3 a
4.3 a
3.8 b
141.3 a
153.6 a
95.7 b
47.5 a
49.1 a
31.4 b
4.0 a
4.3 a
3.8 a
131.7 a
151.6 a
94.0 b
42.1 a
43.1 a
30.5 b
RMF: mini-ditch planting with plastic mulching in ridges; RF: ridge-furrow planting with plastic mulching; CK: field flat planting. Values followed by different letters in the same year are significantly different among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. RMF: 全膜覆盖垄上微沟; RF: 全膜覆盖垄沟种植; CK: 露地平播。同一行不同字母表示同一年份不同处理差异显著(P< 0.05)。
表1 各处理对马铃薯干物质积累的影响 Table 1 Effects of different treatments on dry matter of potato
4 结论马铃薯全膜覆盖垄上微沟种植在季节性干旱年80~200 cm土壤贮水量、地上基部茎数、茎分枝数、茎干重、产量和WUE高于全膜覆盖垄沟种植和对照, 差异显著; 表明全膜覆盖垄上微沟能够促进马铃薯对土壤水分的利用, 更加充分地发挥旱作区马铃薯的水分生产潜力。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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