关键词:生物炭; 水稻; 根系形态; 解剖结构 Effect of Biochar on Root Morphogenesis and Anatomical Structure of Rice Cultivated in Cold Region of Northeast China ZHOU Jin-Song1,2, YAN Ping2, ZHANG Wei-Ming1, ZHENG Fu-Yu2, CHENG Xiao-Yi1, CHEN Wen-Fu1,* 1Rice Research Institute, Shenyang Agricultural University / Biochar Engineering Technology Research Center of Liaoning Province / Northeast Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture / Northern Key Laboratory of Super Rice Breeding, Ministry of Education, Shenyang 110866, China
2Wuchang Rice Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuchang 150229, China
Fund:This study was supported by the State Key Special Program of Soil Fertility Improvement and Cropping Innovation for High Yield with High Efficiency in Rice Cropping Areas (2016YFD0300904), the Liaoning Provincial Major Science and Technology Platform for Universities (Biochar Engineering and Technical Research Center), the Shenyang Special Program for Apply Basic Research Program (F16-205-1-38), Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest Program of China (201303095), and Program for Innovative Research Team of Ministry of Education (IRT13079) AbstractTo explore potential and practical application value of biochar in rice production in the cold region of Northeast China, we added 0-20.0% (w/w) biochar in rice nursery substrate of paddy soil and studied the root morphogenesis and anatomical structure of rice at 30 days after seed germination, The treatment of 5.0% biochar significantly increased the root length, root surface area and root volume, with the maximum value for all the root morphological indexes in the treatment of 10.0% biochar. When the biochar added more than 10.0%, the root morphological indexes started to decrease. It was indicated that the increase of root length, root surface area and root volume was the consequence of producing more fine roots. Meanwhile, when 5.0% biochar added in the rice nursery substrate, root epidermis thickness, cortex thickness, sclerenchyma tissue, number of vessels, sectional area of vessels, cortex cavity area, sectional area of whole root and root radius increased in comparison with those of the control. In the treatment of 5.0%-10.0% biochar application, all the indexes of anatomical structure of root reached the maximum. When the biochar added more than 10.0%, all the indexes of anatomical structure of root had a descending trend. It was revealed that the well-developed root epidermis and cortex were the main reason of promoting enlargement of roots when a moderate amount of biochar was added in the rice nursery substrate. Taken together, we conclude that the proper addition of 5.0%-10.0% (w/w) biochar is advantageous to the elongation, enlargement and formation of well-developed root system ,resulting in improved quality of rice seedlings in the dry rice-nursery of protected area when the paddy soil is used as the nursery substrate in the cold region of Northeast China.
Keyword:Biochar; Rice ( Oryza sativaL .); Root morphology; Anatomical structure Show Figures Show Figures
表1 生物炭对水稻秧苗根长的影响 Table 1 Effects of biochar on root length of rice seedling
生物炭添加量 Biochar content (%)
总根长度 Total root length (cm)
不同直径根长度 Length of roots in different diameters (cm)
49.55± 14.03 b
22.84± 7.77 b
14.39± 3.62 c
6.14± 2.39 b
6.18± 2.84 a
59.39± 12.55 a
26.53± 6.58 a
19.28± 4.75 b
7.46± 2.12 a
6.11± 1.57 a
62.60± 12.74 a
26.11± 5.70 a
22.47± 5.61 a
7.52± 2.00 a
6.49± 2.01 a
35.17± 8.18 c
11.47± 4.42 c
13.74± 3.65 cd
5.74± 1.93 b
4.21± 2.14 b
33.29± 8.07 c
10.88± 4.82 c
11.60± 2.83 d
7.22± 2.40 ab
3.59± 1.08 b
Data are shown in mean ± SD of three replicates. Different letters after SD indicate significant difference of data among treatments atP < 0.05. d1: Root diameter ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 mm < Root diameter ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 mm < Root diameter ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: Root diameter > 0.9 mm. 数据为3次重复的平均值± 标准差。数据后不同字母表示处理间有显著差异(P< 0.05)。d1:根直径 ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 mm < 根直径 ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 mm < 根直径 ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: 根直径 > 0.9 mm。
表1 生物炭对水稻秧苗根长的影响 Table 1 Effects of biochar on root length of rice seedling
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 生物炭对水稻秧苗根表面积的影响 Table 2 Effects of biochar on root surface area of rice seedling
生物炭添加量 Biochar content (%)
根表面积 Root surface area (cm2)
不同直径根的表面积 Surface area of roots with different diameters (cm2)
8.40± 2.69 b
1.23± 0.41 b
1.99± 0.50 c
1.41± 0.55 bc
2.73± 1.40 a
9.80± 2.09 a
1.44± 0.38 a
2.72± 0.67 b
1.71± 0.49 a
2.62± 0.69 a
10.55± 2.34 a
1.58± 0.34 a
3.14± 0.79 a
1.72± 0.46 a
2.74± 0.87 a
6.59± 1.62 c
0.75± 0.29 c
1.92± 0.49 cd
1.32± 0.45 c
1.75± 0.89 b
6.08± 1.24 c
0.69± 0.30 c
1.63± 0.42 d
1.63± 0.54 ab
1.42± 0.45 b
Data are shown in mean ± SD of three replicates. Different letters after SD indicate significant difference of data among treatments atP < 0.05. d1: Root diameter ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 < Root diameter ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 < Root diameter ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: Root diameter > 0.9 mm. 数据为3次重复的平均值± 标准差。数据后不同字母表示处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。d1: 根直径 ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 < 根直径 ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 < 根直径 ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: 根直径 > 0.9 mm。
表2 生物炭对水稻秧苗根表面积的影响 Table 2 Effects of biochar on root surface area of rice seedling
表3 生物炭对水稻秧苗根体积的影响 Table 3 Effects of biochar on root volume of rice seedling
生物炭添加量 Biochar content (%)
总根体积 Total root volume (cm3)
不同直径根的总根体积 Total volume of roots with different diameters (cm3)
115.40± 46.74 ab
6.13± 2.14 c
22.62± 5.65 c
26.15± 10.35 bc
108.90± 70.14 a
129.10± 29.74 a
7.19± 1.98 b
31.51± 7.77 b
31.80± 9.29 a
99.06± 30.59 a
142.27± 37.014 a
8.46± 1.85 a
36.11± 9.20 a
31.67± 8.49 a
101.70± 35.11 a
100.73± 36.21 b
4.24± 1.62 d
22.24± 5.46 c
24.34± 8.52 c
63.12± 32.57 b
89.33± 19.49 b
3.83± 1.65 d
19.06± 5.07 c
29.61± 9.70 ab
48.26± 17.60 b
Data are shown in mean ± SD of three replicates. Different letters after SD indicate significant difference of data among treatments atP < 0.05. d1: Root diameter ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 mm < Root diameter ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 mm < Root diameter ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: Root diameter > 0.9 mm. 数据为3次重复的平均值± 标准差。数据后不同字母表示处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。d1:根直径 ≤ 0.3 mm, d2: 0.3 mm < 根直径 ≤ 0.6 mm, d3: 0.6 mm < 根直径 ≤ 0.9 mm, d4: 根直径 > 0.9 mm。
表3 生物炭对水稻秧苗根体积的影响 Table 3 Effects of biochar on root volume of rice seedling
图2 不同生物炭施用量条件下水稻秧苗根系不同部位解剖结构图Fig. 2 Anatomical structures photograph of different parts of rice root under the condition of different biochar percentages
图3 不同用量生物炭对水稻秧苗根粗的影响 误差线表示3次重复的标准差。Fig. 3 Impacts of biochar application on root thickness of rice seedling Error bars show the standard deviations of three replicates.
图4 生物炭对水稻秧苗根系表皮发育的影响 误差线表示3次重复的标准差。Fig. 4 Impacts of biochar application on the epidermis development of rice seedling root Error bars show the standard deviations of three replicates.
图5 生物炭对水稻秧苗根系皮层发育的影响误差线表示3次重复的标准差。Fig. 5 Impacts of biochar application on cortex development of rice seedling rootError bars show the standard deviations of three replicates.
图6 生物炭对水稻秧苗根系中柱发育的影响误差线表示3次重复的标准差。 Error bars show the standard deviations of three replicates.Fig. 6 Impacts of biochar application on stele of rice seedling root
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