关键词:紫芽茶树; 基因表达分析; 总儿茶素; 花青素; 相关性分析 Correlation Analysis between Total Catechins (or Anthocyanins) and Expression Levels of Genes Involved in Flavonoids Biosynthesis in Tea Plant with Purple Leaf ZHOU Tian-Shan1, WANG Xin-Chao2, YU You-Ben1, XIAO Yao1, QIAN Wen-Jun1, XIAO Bin1,*, YANG Ya-Jun2,* 1College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2Key Laboratory of Tea Plant Biology and Resource Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture / Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310008, China
Fund:This study was supported by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-23) AbstractFlavan-3-ols (aka catechins) and Anthocyanins found in large amounts in tea plant with purple leaf are synthesized through flavonoids metobolic pathway. To investigate the metobolic flux of flavanoids biosynthetic pathway in tea plant with purple leaf, we employed a tea plant with purple leaf and a tea plant with green leaf both from Mei-Tan-Tai-Cha, to examine the expression profiles of related genes involved in flavonoids biosynthesis intensively and determine the concentrations of catechins and anthocynins. The correlation between total catechins (or anthocyanin) and the expression levels of related genes were analyzed. The results indicated that the expression levels of related genes ( PAL, CHS, CHI, F3H, DFR, ANS, ANR1, ANR2, F3’H, and F3’5’H) were up-regulated in purple leaves as compared with those in the green leaves. The purple leaf also had higher concentration of anthocyanins than the green leaf, while the green leaf was richer in total catechins. In purple leaves, the expression levels of related genes (except LAR) were highly correlated with both concentrations of total catechins ( r = 0.84-0.99) and anthocyanins ( r = 0.72-1.00). In contrast, there was only a high correlation between the expression levels of related genes (except LAR and F3’ H) and the concentration of total catechines ( r = 0.64-0.77) in green leaves.
Keyword:Tea plant with purple leaf; Gene expression analysis; Total catechins; Anthocyanins; Correlation analysis Show Figures Show Figures
表2 紫色芽叶与对照色泽 Table 2 Values of L, a, and b for purple leaves and control
样品 Sample
绿色芽叶(对照) Green leaf (control) (51-1)
第一叶 1st leaf
45.72± 0.24 e
-14.99± 0.37 b
28.11± 0.44 e
第二叶 2nd leaf
46.62± 0.09 e
-15.66± 0.24 a
28.85± 0.49 f
第三叶 3rd leaf
42.42± 0.40 d
-14.97± 0.54 b
23.92± 0.63 d
紫色芽叶 Purple leaf (51-2)
第一叶 1st leaf
30.30± 0.38 a
4.71± 0.33 e
3.91± 0.29 a
第二叶 2nd leaf
33.71± 0.26 b
2.47± 0.09 d
10.44± 0.28 b
第三叶 3rd leaf
34.92± 0.36 c
-5.64± 0.24 c
15.15± 0.31 c
The lightness, L, represents the darkest black at L = 0 and the brightest white at L = 100. The red/green opponent colors are represented along the aaxis, with green at negative avalues and red at positive avalues. The yellow/blue opponent colors are represented along the b axis, with blue at negative b values and yellow at positive b values. Duncan’ s multiple range test (P< 0.05, n= 20). L表示明暗度, L = 0时表示黑色, L = 0时表示白色; a表示红绿, a为正值表示红色, a为负值表示绿色; b表示黄蓝, b为正值表示黄色, b为负值表示蓝色。采用Duncan’ s 多重比较方法分析(P< 0.05, n= 20)。
表2 紫色芽叶与对照色泽 Table 2 Values of L, a, and b for purple leaves and control
图4 紫色芽叶中类黄酮生物合成相关基因相对表达量 51-1: 对照; 51-2: 紫色芽叶。采用Duncan’ s 多重比较方法分析(P< 0.05, n= 3)。Fig. 4 Expression levels of related genes involved in flavonoids biosynthesis in tea plant with purple leaf 51-1: control; 51-2: purple leaf. Duncan’ s multiple range test (P< 0.05, n= 3).
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