关键词:贵州; 作物种质资源; 可视化 Visualization Study for Investigation Data of Crop Germplasm Resources in Guizhou Province CHEN Li-Na1,2, SI Hai-Ping3, FANG Wei2, CHEN Yan-Qing2, CAO Yong-Sheng2,* 1School of Information Technology, Shangqiu Normal College, Shangqiu 476000, China
2Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3College of Information and Management Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Infrastructure for Crop Germplasm Resources (2005DKA21001), the Science and Technology Plan Project in Henan Province (152207110002), and the Science and Technology Plan Project in Zhengzhou City (163PKJHM201) AbstractThe large amounts of data derived from the project of “Agro-biological Resources Investigation in Guizhou Province” require analyzing in effective methods and providing comprehensive information on conservation and utilization of biological resources in this province to support local policy makers. Visualized and intuitive demonstration of data analysis is a well-liked but ignored in previous systems regarding resource investigation and data excavation. In this study, we compared several visualization methods, including Microsoft Excel, GIS, and R software, and proposed an effective strategy. We found that the spreadsheet was suitable for simple data analysis, spatial data visualization method was suitable for validating data and showing richness of resources, and statistical analysis visualization method had the advantage of mining hiding information because it could integrate different types of data. Using several visualization methods can make the intuitive results of data analysis, from which we are able to better understand germplasm resources and promote utilization efficiency of germplasm resources. This article also discussed the existing problems and data-standardizing proposals in the investigation of crop germplasm resources.
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