关键词:玉米; 行粒数; 单核苷酸多态性; 关联分析 Genome-wide Association Analysis of Kernel Number per Row in Maize WU Lyu, DAI Li-Qiang, DONG Qing-Song, SHI Ting-Ting, WANG Pi-Wu* Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130000, China Fund:This study was supported by grants from the Special Fund for Modern Crop Seed Industry Development of Jilin Province and the 948 Project of the Ministry of Agriculture (2013-Z47). AbstractKernel number per row in maize is a significant trait in determining yield components and it has great significance to study its genetic mechanism. This report studied 80 Jilin maize inbred lines in field experiments at Jilin Changchun and Jilin Meihekou, and measured kernel number per row in 2014 and 2015. At the same time, whole-genome resequencing was performed for the association population using second generation sequencing technology, and the obtained single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers were used for subsequent analysis. The results revealed that the range of phenotypic traits of kernel number per row was from 12.0 to 41.6 and the broad-sensed heritability was 70.5% in four environments. A total of 19 SNP markers significantly associated with kernel number per row were detected by a genome-wide association study. Of these, two markers located at bins 2.04 and 3.08 of chromosome frame were detected in the experiments at Changchun and Meihekou in 2015, respectively, and 14 SNP markers located within the quantitative trait loci had been previously mapped. Four candidate genes, such as the genes encoding the receptor for ubiquitination targets protein, metal dependent phosphohydrolase, heavy metal transport/detoxification protein and putative protein with no characteristic function, were identified from the range of linkage disequilibrium of the significant SNP makers and predicted that they were closely associated to the development of the kernel number per row.
Keyword:Maize; Kernel number per row; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Association analysis Show Figures Show Figures
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