关键词:小麦; 株高; 突变体; 内源激素 Effects of Dwarf Gene Rht_NM9 on Contents of Endogenous Hormone Regulating Plant Height of Common Wheat LU Yuan1,2, CUI Chao-Fan2, HU Ping2, CHEN Pei-Du2, SHEN Xue-Fang1, HAN Qing1, WANG Yi-Fa1, XING Li-Ping2,*, CAO Ai-Zhong2,* 1 Crop Breeding and Cultivation Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403, China
2State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement / Cytogenetics Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University / Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing 210095, China
Fund:This study was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (KYZ201601, KYYJ201602, KYZ201401) AbstractA dwarf wheat mutant (NM9) with additional tillers and elongated spikes was obtained by treating NAU9918 seeds with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). The decreased plant height in NM9 was controlled by a novel dwarf gene Rht_NM9. The endogenous plant hormones play important roles in regulating plant height of common wheat. To understand the dwarfing mechanism of Rht_NM9 and the relationship between endogenous hormone contents and plant height, measured contents of endogenous gibberellic acid (GA), auxin (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatin riboside (ZR) in internodes of NM9 and NAU9918 at different stages by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Our study indicated that contents of GA and ABA in NM9 were significantly higher than there in NAU9918, and ZR content in NM9 was significantly lower than that in NAU9918 at both booting and heading stages. Nevertheless, no difference of IAA content was observed between the mutant and the wild-type. In addition, the GA/ABA ratio in internodes of the mutant was significantly higher than that of the wild-type, however, the ratios of IAA/ABA, (IAA + GA)/ABA and ZR/ABA were significantly lower than there of the wild-type. All these results indicated that plant height in wheat was regulated by multiple hormones. Plant height would be inhibited with increasing content of endogenous ABA and decreasing ratios of IAA/ABA and ZR/ABA in wheat.
图1 孕穗期和抽穗期矮秆突变体NM9及其野生型南农9918各节间内源激素含量变化A: GA含量; B: ABA含量; C: ZR含量; D: IAA含量; 1IU~4IU: 顶端第1~第4节间。* 和* * 分别表示突变体和野生型在P < 0.05 和 P < 0.01水平差异显著。Fig. 1 Changes of endogenous phytohormone contents in different internodes of dwarf mutant NM9 and its wild-type NAU9918 at booting and heading stageA: GA content; B: ABA content; C: ZR content; D: IAA content; 1IU-4IU: the first, second, third, and forth internode from the top, respectively. * and * * indicate significant difference between the mutant and the wild-type at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively.
2.1.2 突变体和野生型ABA含量变化 在孕穗期和抽穗期, 突变体各节间内源ABA含量极显著高于野生型的对应节间(图1-B)。突变体中, 孕穗期顶端第2节间的ABA含量最高, 为809.25± 50.31 ng g-1, 在抽穗期顶端第1节间的ABA含量最低, 为183.44± 7.77 ng g-1; 而在野生型中, 在孕穗期顶端第3节间ABA含量最高, 仅为152.96± 9.18 ng g-1, 显著低于突变体各节间ABA最低含量(图1-B), 可见突变体茎秆中ABA含量远高于野生型。 2.1.3 突变体和野生型ZR含量变化 在孕穗期和抽穗期, 突变体和野生型內源ZR含量变化趋势相同, 均呈先上升后下降(图1-C)。突变体和野生型ZR含量在各节间的分布相同, 孕穗期突变体(25.87± 1.67 ng g-1)和野生型(32.71± 0.38 ng g-1)顶端第2节间的ZR含量最高, 抽穗期突变体(21.51± 2.05 ng g-1)和野生型(41.51± 2.10 ng g-1)顶端第3节间的ZR含量最高(图1-C)。比较发现, 孕穗期和抽穗期突变体各节间内源ZR含量均显著低于野生型对应节间(图1-C)。 2.1.4 突变体和野生型IAA含量变化 在孕穗期和抽穗期, 突变体和野生型各节间中IAA含量变化趋势相同, 表现为从形态学上端节间(顶端第1节间)至形态学基部节间(孕穗期顶端第3节间, 抽穗期顶端第4节间) IAA含量呈逐渐上升趋势, 在基部节间IAA含量达到最大值(图1-D), 在突变体和野生型各节间之间形成了IAA浓度梯度。然而, 将突变体各节间内源IAA含量和野生型对应节间相比, 均无显著差异(图1-D)。 2.2 突变体NM9和野生型各节间内源激素含量比值变化突变体孕穗期顶端第3节间以及抽穗期各节间的GA/ABA比值均显著高于野生型(图2-A)。除了抽穗期顶端第1节间中(IAA+GA)/ABA比值在突变体和野生型之间无显著差异外, 突变体各节间的IAA/ABA、(IAA+GA)/ABA、ZR/ABA比值均极显著低于野生型对应节间(图2-B, C, D)。 图2 Fig. 2
图2 孕穗期和抽穗期矮秆突变体NM9及其野生型南农9918各节间激素含量比值变化A: GA/ABA比值; B: IAA/ABA比值; C: (IAA + GA)/ABA比值; D: ZR/ABA比值; 1IU~4IU: 顶端第1~第4节间。* 和* * 分别表示突变体和野生型在P < 0.05 和P < 0.01水平差异显著。Fig. 2 Changes of phytohormone content ratio in different internodes of dwarf mutant NM9 and its wild-type NAU9918 at booting and heading stageA: GA/ABA ratio; B: IAA/ABA ratio; C: (IAA + GA)/ABA ratio; D: ZR/ABA ratio; 1IU-4IU: the first, second, third, and forth internode from the top, respectively. * and * * indicate significant difference between the mutant and the wild-type at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively.
4 结论小麦矮秆突变体NM9的矮化是多种激素相互作用、综合调控的结果。矮秆基因Rht_NM9对GA不敏感, 导致突变体茎秆GA含量较野生型极显著提高, 进而降低株高。此外, ABA含量提高和IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA比值降低均会抑制植物株高的增长。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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