关键词:杂交水稻; 脱水剂; 种子质量; 成熟脱水; 基因表达 Effects of Different Dehydrating Agents on Seed Quality and Gene Expression in Hybrid Rice Seed Production SHEN Hang-Qi1, HU Wei-Min1, LIN Cheng1, GUAN Ya-Jing1, LIU Hong-You2, AN Jian-Yu1, HU Jin1,* 1Seed Science Center, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2Seed Management Station of Pujiang County, Jinhua 322200, China
Fund:This study was supported by the China Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203052), the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (2013C02005, 2013C32023), the Natural Science Fundation of Zhejiang Province (LZ14C130002, LY15C130002), and the Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production AbstractSeed dehydration is very important in hybrid rice seed production. For seed production safety, dehydrating agents are used in this process because natural dehydration is slow and easily affected by rainy weather, which often results in seed late mature of and pre-harvest sprouting. In this study, the effects of different dehydrating agents on seed dehydration and quality were compared using hybrid rice variety “Y Liangyou 689”. The eleven dehydrating agents tested all accelerated seed dehydration. Particularly, agents No.7 and No.9 resulted in seed moisture content at five days after spray decreased by 4.6% and 3.6%, respectively, and had no negative effects on 1000-grain weight, seed germination and seedling growth. Moreover, both agents significantly increased the contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar, ABA and GA3 in seeds. After storage at room temperature for six months, agents No.7, No.8, and No.9 had no negative effects on seed germination and seedling growth as compared to the control. There were no significant differences in soluble protein content, α-amylase activity and ABA content among agents No.7, No.9 and the control. Agent No.7 was better in lowering seed moisture content than No.9, suggesting its potential use in Y Liangyou 689 seed production. Interestingly, agents No.7, No.8, and No.9 induced OsNECD1and OsNCED2 expressions and reduced OsGA2ox1 expression in seeds before storage. After six-month storage, the expressions of OsNECD1 and OsNCED2 decreased and the expression of OsCYP707A5 and OsGA2ox1 increased in seeds treated with agents No.7, No.8, and No.9. This result indicate that the effects of dehydrating agents on ABA biosynthesis genes and GA3 catabolism genes in seeds weakened during storage and the high expression level of OsCYP707A5 resulted in the decline of ABA content, which might be a main reason for better seed germination.
Keyword:Hybrid rice; Dehydration agent; Seed quality; Mature dehydration; Gene expression Show Figures Show Figures
表3 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689种子水分和千粒重的影响 Table 3 Effects of different dehydrating agents on seed moisture content and 1000-grain weight of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice
脱水剂 Dehydrating agent
喷后3 d Three days after spraying
喷后5 d Five days after spraying
喷后7 d Seven days after spraying
水分 Moisture content (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
水分 Moisture content (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
水分 Moisture content (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
1号 No.1
24.1 c
19.4 b
18.8 f
20.2 d
22.7 bcd
20.1 d
2号 No.2
23.9 cd
19.6 ab
20.0 ef
20.7 a
21.1 d
20.6 abc
3号 No.3
24.1 c
19.4 b
20.2 def
20.4 cd
23.0 bcd
20.3 cd
4号 No.4
25.2 ab
20.0 ab
21.7 c
20.6 ab
23.3 abcd
20.4 bcd
5号 No.5
24.6 bc
19.8 ab
22.7 bc
20.8 a
23.2 abcd
20.8 abc
6号 No.6
24.7 bc
19.5 b
21.4 cde
20.5 bcd
23.1 bcd
20.3 cd
7号 No.7
25.2 ab
19.9 ab
21.6 cd
20.8 a
22.8 bcd
20.7 a
8号 No.8
26.0 a
20.2 a
21.9 c
20.7 a
23.8 abc
20.5 abcd
9号 No.9
25.8 a
19.7 ab
22.6 bc
20.7 a
24.8 ab
20.5 abcd
10号 No.10
25.4 ab
19.6 ab
23.8 b
20.6 ab
22.9 bcd
20.2 cd
11号 No.11
23.0 d
19.6 b
23.9 b
20.8 a
22.5 cd
20.6 abc
25.2 ab
19.8 ab
26.2 a
20.9 a
25.3 a
20.9 a
The number of dehydrating agents compound with that shown in Table 1. Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). 脱水剂的配方参照表1; 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表3 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689种子水分和千粒重的影响 Table 3 Effects of different dehydrating agents on seed moisture content and 1000-grain weight of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice
表4 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的影响 Table 4 Effects of different dehydrating agents on germination percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI), and vigor index (VI) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds
脱水剂 Dehydrating agent
喷后5 d Five days after spraying
喷后7 d Seven days after spraying
发芽率 GP (%)
发芽势 GE (%)
发芽指数 GI
活力指数 VI
发芽率 GP (%)
发芽势 GE (%)
发芽指数 GI
活力指数 VI
1号 No.1
83.0 bc
79.0 efg
14.5 de
1.44 ef
91.0 ab
89.0 abc
16.9 bc
1.60 b
2号 No.2
82.0 c
77.3 fg
14.9 cde
1.56 de
87.0 ab
84.0 de
16.5 bc
1.39 cd
3号 No.3
88.0 abc
83.3 cdef
16.0 bc
1.56 cde
90.0 ab
84.0 e
15.8 c
1.41 c
4号 No.4
92.0 a
87.0 abcd
15.9 bcd
1.49 bcd
93.0 a
90.0 ab
17.8 ab
1.66 ab
5号 No.5
94.7 a
90.0 abc
16.8 ab
1.67 bcd
93.0 a
90.0 ab
17.4 abc
1.70 ab
6号 No.6
92.0 a
88.7 abcd
16.9 ab
1.72 abc
92.0 ab
88.0 bcd
18.0 ab
1.70 ab
7号 No.7
92.0 a
92.0 a
17.3 ab
1.75 ab
93.0 a
87.0 bcd
17.0 abc
1.59 b
8号 No.8
90.7 ab
82.0 def
16.5 ab
1.68 bcd
89.0 ab
85.0 cde
17.7 ab
1.67 ab
9号 No.9
91.0 ab
85.0 bcde
17.0 ab
1.73 ab
93.0 a
89.0 abc
17.9 ab
1.76 ab
10号 No.10
73.0 d
73.0 gh
13.9 e
1.39 f
72.0 d
76.0 f
12.4 d
1.22 de
11号 No.11
68.0 d
68.0 h
12.4 f
1.22 g
79.0 c
66.0 f
13.3 d
1.21 e
94.0 a
90.7 ab
17.8 a
1.85 a
94.0 a
93.0 a
18.6 a
1.79 a
The number of dehydrating agents compound with that shown in Table 1. Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). 脱水剂的配方参照表1; 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表4 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的影响 Table 4 Effects of different dehydrating agents on germination percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI), and vigor index (VI) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds
表5 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689幼苗根长、苗高、苗干重和苗鲜重的影响 Table 5 Effects of different dehydrating agents on root length (RL), shoot height (SH), fresh and dry weights (SFW, SDW) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings
脱水剂种类 Dehydrating agent
喷后5 d Five days after spraying
喷后7 d Seven days after spraying
根长 RL (cm)
苗高 SH (cm)
干重 SDW (g)
鲜重 SFW (g)
根长 RL (cm)
苗高 SH (cm)
干重 SDW (g)
鲜重 SFW (g)
1号 No.1
5.78 abc
6.76 ab
0.099 a
0.628 bcd
5.49 bcd
6.89 ab
0.095 ab
0.725 abc
2号 No.2
5.37 bc
6.76 ab
0.105 a
0.620 cd
5.38 de
6.66 ab
0.085 c
0.730 ab
3号 No.3
5.70 abc
6.87 b
0.098 a
0.628 bcd
6.66 abcd
6.92 ab
0.090 bc
0.693 bcd
4号 No.4
5.95 ab
6.66 b
0.097 a
0.632 abcd
5.91 abcd
6.78 ab
0.094 ab
0.691 bcd
5号 No.5
6.30 a
6.70 b
0.099 a
0.661 abc
5.83 abcd
6.86 ab
0.098 ab
0.689 bcd
6号 No.6
5.93 abc
6.92 ab
0.101 a
0.613 d
6.09 abc
7.13 ab
0.095 ab
0.703 bc
7号 No.7
6.22 a
6.63 b
0.101 a
0.671 a
6.06 abcd
6.80 ab
0.094 ab
0.682 cd
8号 No.8
5.68 abc
7.06 a
0.102 a
0.648 abcd
6.17 ab
6.98 ab
0.095 ab
0.680 d
9号 No.9
6.07 a
6.89 ab
0.102 a
0.670 ab
5.41 abc
7.26 a
0.099 a
0.682 cd
10号 No.10
5.25 cd
6.61 b
0.100 a
0.611 d
6.09 ab
6.72 ab
0.098 a
0.747 a
11号 No.11
4.67 d
6.20 c
0.098 a
0.568 e
4.70 e
6.49 b
0.091 abc
0.693 bcd
5.85 abc
6.87 ab
0.104 a
0.648 abcd
6.48 a
7.08 ab
0.097 ab
0.678 d
The number of dehydrating agents compound with that shown in Table 1. Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). 脱水剂的配方参照表1; 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表5 不同脱水剂处理对杂交水稻Y两优689幼苗根长、苗高、苗干重和苗鲜重的影响 Table 5 Effects of different dehydrating agents on root length (RL), shoot height (SH), fresh and dry weights (SFW, SDW) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings
表6 不同脱水剂处理的Y两优689种子贮藏6个月对种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的影响 Table 6 Effects of different dehydrating agents on germination percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI) and vigor index (VI) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds after storage for 6 months
脱水剂 Dehydrating agent
喷后5 d Five days after spraying
喷后7 d Seven days after spraying
发芽率 GP (%)
发芽势 GE (%)
发芽指数 GI
活力指数 VI
发芽率 GP (%)
发芽势 GE (%)
发芽指数 GI
活力指数 VI
1号 No.1
90.0 cd
90.0 cd
19.2 b
1.76 b
91.3 bcd
91.3 bcd
17.3 bcde
1.62 de
2号 No.2
89.0 d
89.0 d
19.3 b
1.76 b
91.3 bcd
91.3 bcd
17.7 bcd
1.65 cde
3号 No.3
89.3 d
89.3 d
16.8 c
1.55 c
93.3 abc
93.3 abc
16.9 cde
1.66 cde
4号 No.4
96.0 a
96.0 a
21.3 a
2.07 a
94.0 ab
94.0 ab
17.7 bcd
1.73 cd
5号 No.5
94.7 a
94.7 a
20.9 ab
1.97 a
94.7 ab
94.7 ab
18.7 ab
1.76 bc
6号 No.6
92.7 bc
92.7 bc
20.8 ab
1.99 a
88.0 d
88.0 d
15.9 e
1.56 e
7号 No.7
97.3 a
97.3 a
22.1 a
2.09 a
96.0 ab
96.0 ab
18.1 bc
1.72 cd
8号 No.8
94.7 ab
94.7 ab
20.9 ab
2.01 a
97.0 a
97.0 a
20.1 a
1.95 a
9号 No.9
96.0 a
96.0 a
21.5 a
2.05 a
96.0 ab
96.0 ab
19.7 a
1.87 ab
10号 No.10
90.0 cd
90.0 cd
19.2 b
1.79 b
88.7 cd
88.7 cd
16.7 de
1.58 e
11号 No.11
74.0 e
74.0 e
15.9 d
1.46 c
78.0 e
78.0 e
12.8 f
1.22 f
94.7 ab
94.7 ab
21.4 a
2.07 a
94.7 ab
94.7 ab
19.8 a
1.92 a
The number of dehydrating agents compound with that shown in Table 1. Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). 脱水剂的配方参照表1; 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表6 不同脱水剂处理的Y两优689种子贮藏6个月对种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的影响 Table 6 Effects of different dehydrating agents on germination percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI) and vigor index (VI) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds after storage for 6 months
表7 不同脱水剂处理的Y两优689种子贮藏6个月对幼苗根长、苗高、苗干重和苗鲜重的影响 Table 7 Effects of different dehydrating agents on root length (RL), shoot height (SH), fresh and dry weights (SFW, SDW) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings after storage for 6 months
脱水剂 Dehydrating agent
喷后5 d Five days after spraying
喷后7 d Seven days after spraying
根长 RL (cm)
苗高 SH (cm)
干重 SDW (g)
鲜重 SFW (g)
根长 RL (cm)
苗高 SH (cm)
干重 SDW (g)
鲜重 SFW (g)
1号 No.1
5.52 abc
6.76 bc
0.099 a
0.628 bcd
5.60 abc
6.66 cd
0.092 e
0.726 a
2号 No.2
5.75 ab
6.79 bc
0.102 a
0.620 cd
5.11 cd
6.65 cd
0.091 e
0.752 a
3号 No.3
5.19 cd
6.96 abc
0.098 a
0.628 bcd
5.76 abc
6.85 bc
0.092 de
0.706 ab
4号 No.4
5.62 abc
6.98 abc
0.097 a
0.632 abcd
5.63 abc
6.70 cd
0.097 a
0.696 ab
5号 No.5
5.99 a
7.08 ab
0.099 a
0.661 abc
5.73 abc
6.64 cd
0.094 bcd
0.659 b
6号 No.6
5.80 ab
7.06 ab
0.101 a
0.613 d
5.45 ab
6.87 bc
0.096 abc
0.693 ab
7号 No.7
5.55 abc
7.12 ab
0.101 a
0.671 a
6.04 ab
7.04 ab
0.094 bcd
0.730 a
8号 No.8
5.64 abc
7.24 a
0.102 a
0.648 abcd
5.88 ab
6.88 bc
0.096 ab
0.734 a
9号 No.9
5.47 abc
7.23 a
0.102 a
0.670 ab
5.86 ab
7.33 a
0.095 abc
0.713 ab
10号 No.10
5.35 bc
6.60 cd
0.100 a
0.611 d
6.12 a
6.89 bc
0.093 cde
0.726 a
11号 No.11
4.67 d
6.20 d
0.098 a
0.568 e
4.93 d
6.53 d
0.092 e
0.713 ab
5.30 bc
7.35 a
0.102 a
0.648 abcd
5.92 ab
7.21 ab
0.097 ab
0.742 a
The number of dehydrating agents compound with that shown in Table 1. Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). 脱水剂的配方参照表1; 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表7 不同脱水剂处理的Y两优689种子贮藏6个月对幼苗根长、苗高、苗干重和苗鲜重的影响 Table 7 Effects of different dehydrating agents on root length (RL), shoot height (SH), fresh and dry weights (SFW, SDW) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings after storage for 6 months
图1 7号、8号和9号脱水剂处理对Y两优689种子中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量的影响柱状图上方不同字母表示不同脱水剂处理的种子之间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。Fig. 1 Effects of No.7, No.8, and No.9 dehydrating agents on the soluble sugar content and soluble protein content in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedsDifferent small letters on top of bars indicate significant difference among different treatments (α = 0.05, LSD).
图2 7号、8号和9号脱水剂处理对Y两优689种子α -淀粉酶活性的影响柱状图上方不同字母表示不同脱水剂处理的种子之间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。Fig. 2 Effects of No.7, No.8, and No.9 dehydrating agents on the α -amylase activity in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedsDifferent small letters above error indicate significant difference among different treatments (α = 0.05, LSD).
图3 7号、8号和9号脱水剂处理对Y两优689种子ABA和GA3含量及其比值的影响柱状图上方不同字母表示不同脱水剂处理的种子之间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。Fig. 3 Effects of No.7, No.8, and No.9 dehydrating agents on the ABA content, GA3content and ABA/GA3ratio in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedsDifferent small letters above error indicate significant difference among different treatments (α = 0.05, LSD).
图4 7号、8号和9号脱水剂处理对Y两优689种子ABA和GA3合成、分解相关基因表达的影响柱状图上方不同字母表示不同脱水剂处理的种子之间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。Fig. 4 Effects of No.7, No.8, and No.9 dehydrating agents on the expression of ABA and GA3 biosynthesis, catabolism genes in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedsDifferent small letters above error indicate significant difference among different treatments (α = 0.05, LSD).
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