关键词:缓控释肥类型; 肥料运筹; 不同穗型水稻; 产量 Effects of Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer Types and Their Application Regime on Yield in Rice with Different Types of Panicle WEI Hai-Yan, LI Hong-Liang, CHENG Jin-Qiu, ZHANG Hong-Cheng*, DAI Qi-Gen, HUO Zhong-Yang, XU Ke, GUO Bao-Wei, HU Ya-Jie, CUI Pei-Yuan Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Fund:This work was financed by the National Key Research and Development Programs (2016YFD0300503), the Key Research and Development Programs of Jiangsu Province (BE2016344), the Agricultural Technology Independent Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province (CX[12]1003-9), the China Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201303102), and the Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Yangzhou University (2016CXJ056) AbstractRice cultivars of Yongyou 2640 with big panicle and Nanjing 9108 with more panicles were adopted in this study. Three types of slow/controlled release fertilizer (polymer-coated urea, sulfur-coated urea, and urea formaldehyde) and two fertilization methods (both slow/controlled release fertilizer and conventional urea as basal fertilizer, slow/controlled release fertilizer as basal fertilizer with conventional urea as tillering fertilizer) were applied in field with conventional urea split fertilization as control (CK). The application of slow/controlled release fertilizer could not increase the yield of Yongyou 2640 that has big panicles and a large amount of spikelets. Compared with CK, most nitrogen of slow/controlled release fertilizers were released at early and middle stage of rice resulting in rapid decrease of LAI, fewer nitrogen accumulation and LAD, insufficient dry matter production and poor grain filling at middle and late stage. For Nanjing 9108, compared with CK, the yield in treatment with urea formaldehyde as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer was increased by 5.2% to 5.9%. And rice yield in treatment with polymer-coated urea as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer or treatment with both urea formaldehyde and conventional urea as basal fertilizer was similar to that of CK, while the fertilizer application frequency was decreased by 2 to 3 times. Rice yields in treatments with slow/controlled release fertilizer as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer were higher than those in treatments with both slow/controlled release fertilizer and conventional urea as basal fertilizer. Compared with the application of both slow/controlled release fertilizer and conventional urea as basal fertilizer, the application of slow/controlled release fertilizer as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer could increase the number of rice tillers effectively with a large number of panicles and a higher percentage of productive tillers. Meanwhile, the leaf area index and leaf area duration in treatment with both slow/controlled release fertilizer and conventional urea as basal fertilizer were large, which could enhance the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen in rice. Rice yield by using different types of slow/controlled release fertilizer showed a tendency of urea formaldehyde > polymer-coated urea > sulfur-coated urea. In Nanjing 9108, the reason of high yield by using urea formaldehyde was that, nitrogen of urea formaldehyde could be steadily released at the late stage also, therefore, the application of urea formaldehyde as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer could not only promote tillering but also maintain a high level of productive tiller and leaf area index after peak seedling stage. And the highest leaf area duration, dry matter accumulation after elongating and the final nitrogen use efficiency were beneficial to obtain high yield. In conclusion, for rice cultivars with different types of panicle and various characteristics of yield, the application of optimal type of slow/controlled release fertilizer as basal fertilizer and conventional urea as tillering fertilizer can achieve labor saving and yield increasing simultaneously in rice production.
Keyword:Type of slow/controlled release fertilizer; Application regime of fertilizer; Rice with different types of panicle; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 各处理氮肥种类、用量(kg hm-2纯N)与施用时间 Table 1 Nitrogen fertilizer types, application amount and time in different treatments (kg hm-2)
处理 Treatment
基肥Basal fertilizer
分蘖肥(尿素) Tillering fertilizer (urea)
促花肥(尿素) Spikelet-promoting fertilizer (urea)
保花肥(尿素) Spikelet-developing fertilizer (urea)
缓控释肥 Slow/controlled release fertilizer
尿素 Urea
B(PCU+U): both polymer-coated urea and conventional urea as basal fertilizer; B(SCU+U): both sulfur-coated urea and conventional urea as basal fertilizer; B(UF+U): both urea formaldehyde and conventional urea as basal fertilizer; B(PCU)+T(U): polymer-coated urea as basal fertilizer with conventional urea as tillering fertilizer; B(SCU)+T(U): sulfur-coated urea as basal fertilizer with conventional urea as tillering fertilizer; B(UF)+T(U): urea formaldehyde as basal fertilizer with conventional urea as tillering fertilizer; CK: common urea applied separately. B(PCU+U): 树脂包衣+尿素均基施; B(SCU+U): 硫包衣+尿素均基施; B(UF+U): 脲甲醛+尿素均基施; B(PCU)+T(U): 树脂包衣基施+分蘖期施尿素; B(SCU)+T(U): 硫包衣基施+分蘖期施尿素; B(UF)+T(U): 脲甲醛基施+分蘖期施尿素; CK: 普通尿素定量分施。
表1 各处理氮肥种类、用量(kg hm-2纯N)与施用时间 Table 1 Nitrogen fertilizer types, application amount and time in different treatments (kg hm-2)
表2 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻产量及其构成的影响 Table 2 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice yield and its component
品种与处理 Cultivar and treatment
穗数 Panicle number (× 104 hm-2)
穗粒数 Spikelet number per panicle
群体颖花量 Total spikelet number (× 108 hm-2)
结实率Seed-setting rate (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
产量Grain yield (t hm-2)
甬优2640 Yongyou 2640
201.50± 1.70 e
273.17± 1.41 b
5.50± 0.02 e
89.27± 0.17 a
24.29± 0.28 b
11.83± 0.18 d
11.53± 0.11 c
208.50± 2.76 d
255.33± 1.84 c
5.32± 0.01 f
88.30± 0.03 b
24.75± 0.20 ab
11.34± 0.21 e
10.96± 0.16 d
224.00± 2.12 c
254.71± 2.83 c
5.71± 0.02 c
88.40± 0.14 b
24.47± 0.16 ab
12.29± 0.18 bc
11.93± 0.18 b
225.15± 2.12 c
249.38± 1.70 d
5.61± 0.01 d
88.50± 0.03 b
24.40± 0.13 ab
12.04± 0.15 cd
11.57± 0.15 c
233.50± 2.97 b
234.07± 1.56 e
5.47± 0.01 e
87.20± 0.01 c
24.81± 0.14 a
11.51± 0.19 e
11.06± 0.19 d
254.00± 3.18 a
233.14± 1.56 e
5.92± 0.02 b
87.00± 0.17 c
24.62± 0.10 ab
12.54± 0.15 b
12.06± 0.15 b
209.00± 2.33 d
287.14± 1.98 a
6.00± 0.02 a
88.50± 0.01 b
24.86± 0.16 a
13.07± 0.16 a
12.68± 0.16 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
316.00± 2.12 g
130.55± 1.41 a
4.13± 0.02 d
92.90± 0.01 a
26.18± 0.08 b
9.87± 0.11 c
9.48± 0.14 c
323.80± 2.33 f
121.29± 1.53 c
3.93± 0.02 e
91.80± 0.03 b
26.42± 0.10 ab
9.32± 0.02 d
8.97± 0.05 d
349.50± 2.55 d
126.20± 0.99 b
4.41± 0.02 b
91.60± 0.28 b
26.34± 0.12 ab
10.47± 0.21 b
10.14± 0.27 b
361.50± 0.42 c
122.00± 1.58 c
4.41± 0.01 b
91.50± 0.14 b
26.42± 0.11 ab
10.59± 0.06 b
10.24± 0.06 b
370.00± 2.76 b
113.90± 1.70 d
4.21± 0.02 c
89.20± 0.42 c
26.70± 0.12 a
9.84± 0.04 c
9.51± 0.05 c
412.50± 2.97 a
115.18± 2.26 d
4.75± 0.04 a
89.30± 0.01 c
26.65± 0.13 a
11.12± 0.13 a
10.82± 0.04 a
330.50± 3.18 e
133.70± 1.70 a
4.42± 0.04 b
91.50± 0.42 b
26.62± 0.11 ab
10.57± 0.08 b
10.21± 0.07 b
Values followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level, respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。缩写同表1。
表2 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻产量及其构成的影响 Table 2 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice yield and its component
图1 缓控释肥料类型及其运筹对水稻茎蘖动态的影响缩写同表1。Fig. 1 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice tiller dynamicsAbbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.
图2 缓控释肥料类型及其运筹对水稻成穗率的影响缩写同表1。Fig. 2 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on percentage of productive tillerAbbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.
表3 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻叶面积指数的影响 Table 3 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice leaf area index
水稻品种与处理 Rice cultivars and treatment
拔节期 Jointing
抽穗期 Heading
成熟期 Maturity
叶面积衰减率 Decreasing rate of leaf area (LAI d-1)
甬优2640 Yongyou 2640
4.39± 0.06 d
7.74± 0.07 c
3.72± 0.10 c
0.080± 0.004 a
4.30± 0.03 e
7.40± 0.06 d
3.48± 0.04 d
0.078± 0.007 a
4.47± 0.01 c
7.97± 0.04 b
3.96± 0.04 b
0.080± 0.004 a
4.75± 0.04 b
7.79± 0.03 c
3.77± 0.03 c
0.080± 0.004 a
4.48± 0.03 c
7.44± 0.01 d
3.50± 0.01 d
0.079± 0.006 a
4.87± 0.06 a
7.99± 0.01 b
3.98± 0.01 b
0.080± 0.004 a
4.22± 0.07 f
8.10± 0.04 a
4.23± 0.08 a
0.080± 0.007 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
4.23± 0.03 e
6.89± 0.08 d
2.36± 0.01 c
0.082± 0.001 ab
4.15± 0.01 f
6.40± 0.07 e
1.91± 0.06 d
0.082± 0.001 ab
4.32± 0.01 d
7.26± 0.03 b
2.64± 0.07 b
0.080± 0.002 ab
4.50± 0.07 b
7.28± 0.01 b
2.69± 0.01 b
0.083± 0.002 ab
4.42± 0.06 c
6.94± 0.01 d
2.35± 0.03 c
0.083± 0.002 ab
4.63± 0.01 a
7.68± 0.04 a
2.95± 0.04 a
0.082± 0.002 a
4.05± 0.03 g
7.08± 0.06 c
2.68± 0.03 b
0.086± 0.002 b
Values followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level, respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。缩写同表1。
表3 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻叶面积指数的影响 Table 3 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice leaf area index
表4 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻光合势的影响 Table 4 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice leaf area duration (m2 dm-2)
水稻品种与处理 Rice cultivars and treatment
播种-拔节 SS-JS
拔节-抽穗 JS-HS
抽穗-成熟 HS-MS
甬优2640 Yongyou 2640
147.07± 2.83 d
181.68± 1.70 cd
286.36± 2.83 c
144.05± 0.98 e
174.28± 1.13 e
272.12± 1.41 d
149.75± 1.27 c
185.63± 0.85 bc
298.15± 2.83 b
159.13± 0.42 b
186.26± 2.12 b
288.92± 0.28 c
150.03± 0.28 c
177.88± 0.99 de
273.62± 0.14 d
163.15± 0.57 a
191.17± 1.41 a
299.44± 0.85 b
141.37± 0.71 f
194.56± 2.57 a
308.15± 0.99 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
148.11± 0.50 e
181.78± 0.20 e
254.25± 1.00 d
145.08± 0.40 f
170.70± 0.80 f
228.50± 0.50 e
151.20± 0.60 d
189.62± 0.60 c
272.25± 2.00 b
157.50± 0.80 b
195.81± 0.50 b
274.24± 0.10 b
154.70± 0.70 c
183.74± 0.40 de
255.44± 0.20 d
162.05± 0.90 a
203.25± 1.00 a
292.30± 0.30 a
141.75± 1.00 g
185.91± 0.82 d
268.46± 0.40 c
SS: sowing stage; JS: jointing stage; HS: heading stage; MS: maturity stage. Values followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level, respectively. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。缩写同表1。
表4 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻光合势的影响 Table 4 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on rice leaf area duration (m2 dm-2)
表5 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻物质积累量及比例的影响 Table 5 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on the amount and percentage of dry matter accumulation in rice
水稻品种与处理 Rice cultivars and treatment
物质积累量及比例 Amount and percentage of dry matter accumulation
播种-拔节 SS-JS
拔节-抽穗 JS-HS
抽穗-成熟 HS-MS
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
甬优2640 Yongyou 2640
5.03± 0.06 a
23.75± 0.28 a
8.60± 0.06 e
40.64± 0.27 c
7.54± 0.07 c
35.61± 0.33 c
4.72± 0.03 b
23.23± 0.14 a
8.85± 0.06 d
43.55± 0.28 a
6.75± 0.05 d
33.22± 0.25 e
4.66± 0.05 b
21.21± 0.21 c
9.28± 0.05 b
42.25± 0.21 b
8.02± 0.09 b
36.54± 0.42 b
5.11± 0.04 a
23.51± 0.18 a
9.04± 0.06 c
41.58± 0.25 b
7.59± 0.06 c
34.91± 0.28 d
4.80± 0.05 b
23.15± 0.25 a
8.98± 0.07 cd
43.30± 0.33 a
6.96± 0.03 d
33.55± 0.14 e
4.97± 0.10 a
22.04± 0.42 b
9.49± 0.10 a
42.07± 0.42 b
8.10± 0.05 b
35.89± 0.21 c
4.47± 0.08 c
20.17± 0.37 d
8.43± 0.05 f
38.06± 0.23 d
9.25± 0.05 a
41.77± 0.21 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
3.80± 0.05 bc
21.64± 0.28 a
7.53± 0.06 c
42.89± 0.37 a
6.23± 0.05 d
35.47± 0.28 c
3.77± 0.07 c
22.28± 0.44 a
7.32± 0.04 d
43.22± 0.23 a
5.85± 0.05 e
34.50± 0.27 c
3.80± 0.04 bc
20.05± 0.21 b
7.95± 0.05 a
41.94± 0.28 b
7.20± 0.07 bc
38.01± 0.35 ab
4.15± 0.06 a
22.01± 0.33 a
7.64± 0.07 c
40.57± 0.35 c
7.05± 0.06 c
37.42± 0.33 b
3.88± 0.04 bc
22.14± 0.25 a
7.54± 0.07 c
43.02± 0.41 a
6.11± 0.09 d
34.84± 0.54 c
3.96± 0.08 b
20.26± 0.42 b
8.01± 0.04 a
41.06± 0.21 c
7.55± 0.08 a
38.68± 0.42 a
3.73± 0.07 c
19.77± 0.37 b
7.79± 0.07 b
41.27± 0.40 bc
7.35± 0.07 b
38.96± 0.37 a
SS: sowing stage; JS: jointing stage; HS: heading stage; MS: maturity stage. Values followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level, respectively. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。缩写同表1。
表5 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻物质积累量及比例的影响 Table 5 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on the amount and percentage of dry matter accumulation in rice
表6 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻氮素积累量及比例的影响 Table 6 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on the amount and percentage of nitrogen accumulation in rice
水稻品种与处理 Rice cultivars and treatment
氮素积累量及比例 Amount and percentage of nitrogen accumulation
播种-拔节 SS-JS
拔节-抽穗 JS-HS
抽穗-成熟 HS-MS
(kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2)
甬优2640 Yongyou 2640
74.66± 0.66 b
32.17± 0.20 a
114.53± 0.62 d
49.36± 0.27 c
42.86± 0.75 b
18.47± 0.33 bc
74.08± 0.32 b
32.69± 0.10 a
109.92± 0.64 e
48.50± 0.28 d
42.63± 0.58 b
18.81± 0.25 b
74.51± 0.51 b
31.22± 0.15 b
121.25± 0.51 c
50.80± 0.21 b
42.91± 1.01 b
17.98± 0.42 cd
78.57± 0.45 a
32.38± 0.13 a
120.86± 0.62 c
49.81± 0.25 c
43.19± 0.69 b
17.80± 0.28 d
75.31± 0.59 b
32.45± 0.18 a
113.80± 0.75 d
49.04± 0.33 cd
42.96± 0.33 b
18.51± 0.14 bc
75.40± 1.05 b
30.49± 0.30 b
128.54± 1.05 b
51.97± 0.42 a
43.38± 0.52 b
17.54± 0.21 d
68.09± 0.93 c
26.83± 0.26 c
133.81± 0.57 a
52.71± 0.23 a
51.94± 0.54 a
20.46± 0.21 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
70.04± 0.57 bc
34.55± 0.20 a
95.13± 0.75 e
46.93± 0.37 c
37.54± 0.57 d
18.52± 0.28 c
68.82± 0.86 c
35.02± 0.31 a
91.23± 0.44 f
46.42± 0.23 c
36.48± 0.53 d
18.56± 0.27 c
70.99± 0.47 b
32.28± 0.15 c
107.20± 0.62 c
48.75± 0.28 b
41.73± 0.78 bc
18.98± 0.35 bc
73.67± 0.71 a
33.62± 0.23 b
102.58± 0.77 d
46.82± 0.35 c
42.86± 0.71 b
19.56± 0.33 abc
71.51± 0.52 b
34.98± 0.18 a
92.63± 0.84 f
45.30± 0.41 d
40.32± 1.10 c
19.72± 0.54 ab
70.93± 0.97 b
31.05± 0.30 d
112.47± 0.48 ab
49.24± 0.21 ab
45.01± 0.97 a
19.71± 0.42 ab
66.34± 0.82 d
29.82± 0.26 e
110.79± 0.88 b
49.81± 0.40 a
45.31± 0.82 a
20.37± 0.37 a
SS: sowing stage; JS: jointing stage; HS: heading stage; MS: maturity stage. Values followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level, respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。缩写同表1。
表6 缓控释肥类型及其运筹对水稻氮素积累量及比例的影响 Table 6 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on the amount and percentage of nitrogen accumulation in rice
图3 缓控释肥料类型及其运筹对不同水稻品种氮肥利用率的影响缩写同表1。Fig. 3 Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer types and their application on nitrogen use efficiency in riceAbbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.
南粳9108不施氮肥空白处理的吸氮量为104.10 kg hm-2, 脲甲醛基施+分蘖期施尿素处理的氮肥利用率高于CK, 而树脂包衣基施+分蘖期施尿素、脲甲醛+尿素均基施处理的氮肥利用率略低于CK, 但未达显著差异。与甬优2640类似, 缓控释肥基施+分蘖期施尿素比相对应的缓控释肥+尿素均基施氮素利用率高。相同运筹方式下, 3种缓控释肥处理的氮素利用率为脲甲醛> 树脂包衣> 硫包衣。
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