关键词:玉米; 氮肥水平; 弱光胁迫; 产量; 氮素吸收与利用; 物质生产 Effects of Light, Nitrogen and Their Interaction on Nitrogen Absorption, Utilization and Matter Production of Maize SONG Hang, ZHOU Wei-Xia, YUAN Liu-Zheng, JIN Ying-Jie, LI Hong-Ping, YANG Yan, YOU Dong-Ling, LI Chao-Hai* Agronomy College, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China Fund:This study was supported by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-02-19) and the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203100). AbstractA field experiment was conducted using maize cultivar Yuyu 22 with three nitrogen levels (N1: 0 kg ha-1, N2: 120 kg ha-1, N3: 240 kg ha-1) and two light conditions (L1: no shading, L2: shading 14 days from the third day before tasseling) to study the effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on nitrogen absorption and utilization, matter production of maize in 2012 and 2013. Compared with L1 treatment, L2 not only reduced the activities of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) in ear leaf and nitrogen accumulation in plant and grain, but also significantly reduced dry matter accumulation and declined the length of ear, kernels per row and kernels per ear, resulting in the final grain yield reduced significantly. However under L2, with increasing nitrogen application level, the activities of NR and GS in ear leaf improved and ear length, kernels per row and kernels per ear increased significantly, the grain yield eventually improved significantly. This indicates that there are significant effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on matter production , nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize, and that nitrogen fertilizer could partially offset the impact of low-light stress on the matter production and yield of maize.
Keyword:Maize; Nitrogen levels; Low-light stress; Yield; Nitrogen absorption and utilization; Matter production Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同光照处理下遮阴棚内外小气候比较 Table 1 Effect of shading on the microclimate
光照处理 Light treatment
光照强度 Light intensity (μ mol m-2 s-1)
气温 Air temperature (° C)
相对湿度 Relative humidity (%)
CO2浓度 CO2 concentration (mol mol-1)
1146.51 a
30.97 a
72.54 a
352.62 a
581.64 b
28.21 b
75.12 a
346.54 a
Value within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. L1: no shading; L2: shading 14 days from the third day before tasseling. 同一列中不同的小写字母表示0.05水平下差异的显著性。L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽雄前3 d开始遮光14 d。
表1 不同光照处理下遮阴棚内外小气候比较 Table 1 Effect of shading on the microclimate
表2 不同光氮处理对玉米单株产量影响的方差分析 Table 2 Variance analysis of interaction effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on yield per plant of corn
变异来源 Source
平方和 SS
自由度 df
均方 MS
F值 F-value
氮肥水平间 Nitrogen
199.81 * *
光照处理间 Light
678.71 * *
氮肥× 光照处理 Nitrogen × Light
17.78 * *
* , * * means significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. L1: no shading; L2: shading 14 days from the third day 3 before tasseling. * , * * 分别表示差异在0.05和0.01水平显著。L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽雄前3 d 开始遮光14 d。
表2 不同光氮处理对玉米单株产量影响的方差分析 Table 2 Variance analysis of interaction effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on yield per plant of corn
表3 光、氮及其互作对玉米穗部性状的影响 Table 3 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on ear characteristics of maize
氮肥水平Nitrogen level
光照处理 Light treatment
穗粒数 Kernels per ear
穗长 Ear length (cm)
穗粗 Ear diameter (cm)
秃尖长 Bare top length (cm)
穗行数 Rows per ear
行粒数 Kernels per row
百粒重 100-kernel weight (g)
565.33 c
19.79 ab
5.14 c
4.27 a
16.67 ab
34.00 b
28.44 b
301.33 e
17.34 bc
5.22 bc
4.14 a
14.67 b
20.67 d
29.31 ab
700.67 b
21.23 a
5.33 ab
1.44 b
16.67 ab
42.00 a
32.02 ab
449.33 d
16.20 c
5.57 ab
1.95 b
16.67 ab
27.00 c
29.69 ab
799.33 a
22.75 a
5.61 ab
1.34 b
19.33 a
41.67 a
33.49 a
499.33 d
19.90 ab
5.71 a
1.81 b
16.00 b
31.67 bc
33.65 a
N1: 0 kg hm-2 N applied; N2: 120 kg hm-2 N applied; N3: 240 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 14 days from the third day before tasseling. Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. N1: 0 kg hm-2纯氮; N2: 120 kg hm-2纯氮; N3: 240 kg km-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽雄前3 d开始遮光14 d。同一列数字后不同小写字母表示不同处理差异达0.05显著水平。
表3 光、氮及其互作对玉米穗部性状的影响 Table 3 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on ear characteristics of maize
图2 光氮互作下玉米穗位叶硝酸还原酶活性变化TS3D: 抽雄前3 d; SS: 吐丝期; 10DSS: 吐丝后10 d; 20DSS: 吐丝后20 d; N1: 0 kg hm-2纯氮; N2: 120 kg hm-2纯氮; N3: 240 kg km-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽雄前3 d 开始遮光14 d。Fig. 2 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on leaf NR activity of maizeTS3D: 3 days before tasseling, SS: silking, 10DSS: 10 days after silking, 20DSS: 20 days after silking; N1: 0 kg hm-2 N applied; N2: 120 kg hm-2 N applied; N3: 240 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 14 days from the third day before tasseling.
图3 光氮互作下玉米穗位谷氨酰胺合成酶活性变化缩写同图2。Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.Fig. 3 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on leaf GS activity of maize
表4 光、氮及其互作对玉米氮阶段积累量和氮收获指数的影响 Table 4 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on periodical N accumulation and N harvest index per plant of maize (g plant-1)
氮肥水平Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
N阶段性积累量 N accumulation
成熟期 Maturity
播种至抽 雄前3 d Sowing to TS3D
抽雄前3 d 至吐丝期 SS3D to 10DSS
吐丝期至 吐丝后10 d SS to 10DSS
吐丝后10 d 至吐丝后20 d 10DSS to 20DSS
吐丝后20 d 至成熟期 20DSS to Maturity
植株总氮 N in plant
籽粒氮 N in grain
氮收获指数 N harvest index
1.34 c
0.24 b
0.44 c
0.29 c
0.29 c
2.60 c
1.68 b
1.34 c
0.03 d
0.11 f
0.03 f
0.03 e
1.55 e
0.72 e
1.68 b
0.29 ab
0.51 b
0.33 b
0.36 b
3.16 b
1.83 b
1.68 b
0.06 d
0.16 e
0.06 e
0.05 e
2.01 d
0.96 d
2.01 a
0.32 a
0.57 a
0.45 a
0.54 a
3.89 a
2.34 a
2.01 a
0.13 c
0.27 d
0.08 d
0.09 d
2.59 c
1.30 c
变异来源 Source of variation
氮肥 Nitrogen (N)
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
光照 Light (L)
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
氮肥× 光照 N× L
* *
* *
Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments.* , * * means significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2. 同一列数字后小写字母不同表示不同处理差异达0.05显著水平。* , * * 表示达到0.05和0.01水平差异显著。NS表示在0.05水平不显著。缩写同图2。
表4 光、氮及其互作对玉米氮阶段积累量和氮收获指数的影响 Table 4 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on periodical N accumulation and N harvest index per plant of maize (g plant-1)
表5 光、氮及其互作对玉米干物质阶段积累量的影响 Table 5 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on periodical dry matter accumulation per plant of maize (g plant-1)
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
出苗至抽雄前3 d Seeding to TS3D
抽雄前3 d至 吐丝期 TS3D to SS
吐丝期至 吐丝后10 d SS to 10DSS
吐丝后10 d至 吐丝后20 d 10DSS to 20DSS
吐丝后20 d至 成熟期 20DSS to Maturity
62.68 c
43.03 a
47.05 b
45.85 d
77.48 c
62.68 c
17.80 c
33.76 d
44.31 d
27.37 f
75.62 b
45.75 a
56.90 a
64.90 ab
83.31 b
75.62 b
24.39 b
35.94 cd
51.76 c
39.10 e
87.36 a
48.16 a
59.68 a
69.20 a
95.91 a
87.36 a
27.25 b
41.19 bc
60.67 b
45.06 d
变异来源 Source of variation
氮肥Nitrogen (N)
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
光照 Light (L)
* *
* *
* *
* *
氮肥× 光照 N× L
* *
Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. * , * * means significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2. 同一列数字后小写字母不同表示不同处理差异达0.05显著水平。* , * * 表示达到0.05和0.01水平差异显著。NS表示在0.05水平不显著。缩写同图2。
表5 光、氮及其互作对玉米干物质阶段积累量的影响 Table 5 Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on periodical dry matter accumulation per plant of maize (g plant-1)
表6 光、氮及其互作下成熟期玉米干物质分配 Table 6 Dry matter distribution at maturity of maize affected by light, nitrogen and their interaction (g plant-1)
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
叶片 Leaf
茎鞘 Stem
雄穗 Tassel
苞叶 Bract
穗轴 Cob
籽粒 Grain
总重 Total weight
31.33 ab
68.35 c
2.89 ab
13.02 bc
28.73 b
143.74 b
288.06 b
27.99 b
79.27 bc
2.19 b
10.32 c
16.94 c
53.54 e
190.25 d
33.10 ab
78.34 bc
3.15 ab
19.94 a
32.70 ab
165.58 a
332.81 a
30.75 ab
97.76 bc
3.31 a
17.32 ab
15.85 c
71.13 d
236.13 c
36.50 a
81.98 ab
3.48 a
19.22 a
36.35 a
170.45 a
347.98 a
33.80 ab
103.16 a
3.50 a
18.80 a
17.43 c
94.83 c
271.53 b
变异来源 Source of variation
氮肥 Nitrogen (N)
* *
* *
* *
* *
光照 Light (L)
* *
* *
* *
* *
氮肥× 光照 N× L
* *
Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. * , * * means significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2. 同一列数字后小写字母不同表示不同处理差异达0.05显著水平。* , * * 表示达到0.05和0.01水平差异显著。NS表示在0.05水平不显著。缩写同图2。
表6 光、氮及其互作下成熟期玉米干物质分配 Table 6 Dry matter distribution at maturity of maize affected by light, nitrogen and their interaction (g plant-1)
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