关键词:秸秆还田; 轮作; 干物质分配; 产量; 收获指数 Effects of Wheat Straw Returning Patterns on Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation, Distribution and Yield of Rotation Maize YIN Wen**, FENG Fu-Xue**, ZHAO Cai, YU Ai-Zhong, CHAI Qiang*, HU Fa-Long, GUO Yao Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31360323), the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201503125-3), and National Key Technology Support Program of China (2012BAD14B10) AbstractResearch on the response of dry matter accumulation, distribution and yield of crops to previous straw returning usually plays an important role for optimizing cropping systems. In this investigation, a field experiment was carried out in typical oasis irrigation region, to determine the characteristics of dry matter distribution and yield of rotated maize with four previous wheat straw treatments, including 25 cm no tillage with straw standing (NTSS); 25 cm no tillage with straw covering (NTS); 25 cm tillage with straw incorporation (TIS); and conventional tillage (CT). The results showed that, compraed with CT, NTSS, NTS, TIS significantly increased dry matter accumulation by an average of 4.8% to 12.7% after maize heading stage in two years; and improved contribution rate to grain yield (i.e. GCR) of maize by an average of 12.8% to 25.0% from leaf, 6.3% to 11.3% from stem, and 18.3% to 78.4% from sheath, respectively. Especially, NTS had more improvement than NTSS, TIS. The grain yield of maize was 11.3% to 17.5% higher in the three straw returning treatments than in CT check. NTS exhibited the most significant effect of improving yield, reaching 13 470 and 13 274 kg ha-1 in two study years, which was 5.6% to 9.0% higher than that of TIS due to the increase of kernel number per spike. Meanwhile, NTS had the best effect on increasing harvest index, which was increased by 6.4% to 8.4% during the two study years, and resulted in a high grain yield. Our results showed that NTS treatment is recommended as the best feasible cultural method to optimize dry matter accumulation, distribution and obtain high yield for rotated maize in the oasis irrigation region.
Keyword:Straw returning; Rotation; Dry matter distribution; Yield; Harvest index Show Figures Show Figures
图2 不同处理玉米各器官干物质分配比率NTSS: 高茬收割立茬免耕; NTS: 高茬等量秸秆覆盖免耕; TIS: 高茬等量秸秆翻压; CT: 传统耕作。Fig. 2 Dry matter distribution ratio in different organs of maize under different treatmentsNTSS: no-tillage with straw standing; NTS: no-tillage with straw covering; TIS: tillage with straw incorporation; CT: conventional tillage.
表1 不同处理玉米各器官干物质运转及对籽粒的贡献率 Table 1 Dry matter translocation and contribution rate to grain yield of every organ in maize in different treatments
处理 Treatment
转运量 DTA (kg)
转运率 DTR (%)
贡献率 GCR (%)
转运量 DTA (kg)
转运率 DTR (%)
贡献率 GCR (%)
转运量 DTA (kg)
转运率 DTR (%)
贡献率 GCR (%)
994 a
19.49 a
7.61 a
1613 ab
17.23 a
12.36 ab
453 b
12.12 b
3.47 b
1074 a
20.92 a
7.97 a
1707 a
17.82 a
12.67 a
647 a
15.39 a
4.80 a
835 b
17.57 b
6.54 b
1526 b
16.75 a
11.96 b
393 c
10.72 c
3.08 b
768 b
16.68 b
6.70 b
1335 c
15.11 b
11.65 c
300 d
8.11 d
2.62 c
894 b
18.61 b
6.85 b
1549 ab
15.01 b
11.87 b
414 b
9.08 b
3.17 b
1063 a
21.26 a
8.02 a
1656 a
15.80 a
12.50 a
597 a
12.88 a
4.51 a
792 c
17.77 bc
6.51 bc
1467 b
14.96 b
12.07 ab
376 b
8.53 b
3.09 b
713 c
16.80 c
6.12 c
1279 c
13.40 c
10.98 c
303 c
7.10 c
2.60 c
Values followed by different letters are significantly different within the same year among the treatments at the 0.05 probability level. NTSS: no-tillage with straw standing; NTS: no-tillage with straw covering; TIS: tillage with straw incorporation; CT: conventional tillage; DTA: dry matter translocation amount; DTR: dry matter translocation ratio; GCR: grain contribution rate. 数据后不同字母表示同一年度中所有处理在0.05概率水平下差异显著。NTSS: 高茬收割立茬免耕; NTS: 高茬等量秸秆覆盖免耕; TIS: 高茬等量秸秆翻压; CT: 传统耕作。
表1 不同处理玉米各器官干物质运转及对籽粒的贡献率 Table 1 Dry matter translocation and contribution rate to grain yield of every organ in maize in different treatments
图3 不同处理玉米的产量及收获指数NTSS: 高茬收割立茬免耕; NTS: 高茬等量秸秆覆盖免耕; TIS: 高茬等量秸秆翻压; CT: 传统耕作。Fig. 3 Yield and harvest index of maize under different treatmentsNTSS: no-tillage with straw standing; NTS: no-tillage with straw covering; TIS: tillage with straw incorporation; CT: conventional tillage.
表2 不同处理玉米籽粒产量与产量因素的相关系数和通径系数 Table 2 Correlation coefficient and path coefficient of maize between grain yield and yield components, respectively
年份 Year
指标 Index
与籽粒产量的简单相关系数 Correlation coefficient with yield
直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient
间接通径系数Indirect path coefficient
0.832* *
0.983* *
0.773* *
0.832* *
0.909* *
0.708* *
* * Correlation is significant at the 0.01 probability level, respectively. X1, X2, and X3 indicate spike number (SN), kernel number per spike (KNS), and thousand-kernel weight (TKW), respectively. * * 表示0.01水平上相关显著; X1、X2和X3分别表示穗数、穗粒数、粒重。
表2 不同处理玉米籽粒产量与产量因素的相关系数和通径系数 Table 2 Correlation coefficient and path coefficient of maize between grain yield and yield components, respectively
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