关键词:小麦; 磨粉; 馒头; 面包; 面条; 玉米赤霉烯酮 Effects of Processing on Zearalenone Concentrations in Wheat and Products Made of Wheat ZHANG Hui-Jie, SUN Li-Juan, SUN Juan, ZHANG Yan, LI Wei-Xi, HU Xue-Xu, WANG Bu-Jun* Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Cereal Products (Beijing), Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
AbstractMycotoxin is one of the risky factors in safeties of wheat and the food made of wheat. The objective of this study was to investigate changes of mycotoxin in the processing chain of wheat milling and wheat end-use products, and to assess the risk of mycotoxin-contaminated grain as edibles. The zearalenone (ZEN) levels were tested in different milling fractions of ZEN-contaminated wheat grain and its end-use products (bread, noodle, and Chinese steamed bread) at different processing stages using UPLC-MS/MS method. The results showed that, ZEN concentrations in bran and shorts significantly increased, which were two times more than these in wheat grain, and ZEN concentration in flour decreased averagely by more than 70% as compared with that in wheat grain. When ZEN-stained flour was processed into bread and Chinese steamed bread, ZEN concentration increased by 1.0 and 1.8 times, respectively. However, ZEN concentration in cooked noodle reduced at least 30% during cooking because of the leaching in water. These results indicate that processing has a significant effect on mycotoxin level in wheat flour and its end-use products and diverse standards for ZEN limits in food are required to be established for different products made of wheat.
Keyword:Wheat; Milling; Chinese steamed bread; Bread; Noodle; Zearalenone Show Figures Show Figures
图1 小麦各磨粉组分中ZEN的含量误差线表示3个样品重复的标准差。Fig. 1 ZEN concentrations in different wheat milling fractionsThe error bar shows the standard deviation of three replicates of a sample.
图2 馒头加工过程中ZEN的含量变化误差线表示3个样品重复的标准差。 The error bar shows the standard deviation of three replicates of a sample.Fig. 2 Changes of ZEN concentrations during Chinese steamed bread processing
图3 面包加工过程中ZEN的含量变化误差线表示3个样品重复的标准差。Fig. 3 Changes of ZEN concentrations during bread processingThe error bar shows the standard deviation of three replicates of a sample.
图4 面条加工过程中ZEN的含量变化误差线表示3个样品重复的标准差。Fig. 4 Changes of ZEN concentrations during noodle processingThe error bar shows the standard deviation of three replicates of a sample.
4 结论小麦加工过程对小麦粉及面制食品中ZEN的含量有显著影响。磨粉是降低小麦中ZEN含量的有效方式, 小麦磨粉后ZEN主要集中于粗麸皮和细麸皮等加工副产物中, 小麦粉中ZEN的含量则显著降低; 污染ZEN的面粉在加工成馒头和面包的过程中ZEN含量显著升高, 在面条加工过程中ZEN含量显著降低, ZEN含量在加工过程中变化的原因和机制还需进一步研究。鉴于加工过程对小麦及小麦粉中ZEN含量的影响, 建议对小麦粉和不同的小麦粉加工制品分别制定ZEN最高限量。 致谢 感谢江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所陈怀谷研究员、江苏省淮安市植保站施保国站长提供赤霉病小麦样品, 感谢中国农业科学院作物科学研究所周桂英老师和董建涛在小麦磨粉及制品加工中的帮助。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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