关键词:花生; 休眠性; ABA; AhNCED2; AhCYP707A1 Expression Analysis of Genes Involved in Peanut Seed Dormancy Release ( Arachis hypogaeaL.) CHEN Jing1,4, JIANG Ling1, WANG Chun-Ming1, HU Xiao-Hui4, ZHAI Hu-Qu3, WAN Jian-Min1,2,* 1State Key Laboratory for Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement / Jiangsu Provincial Center of Plant Gene Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
2Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
4 Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, China
AbstractSeed dormancy is one of important agronomic traits in peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L.). Seed dormancy can be released with exogenous ethephon. To understand the molecular mechanisms of switches from dormancy to germination in peanut seeds underlying the role of ethephon, we preformed transcriptome analyses among imbibed dormant seeds as control and dormancy-released seeds (AE1, AE2, AE3) treated by 100 mg L-1exogenous ethephon, and compared the expression of unigenes related to ABA, GA, ETH and auxin. The results showed that there were 15, 40, 60, and 56 unigenes associated with GA, ABA, ETH, and auxin respectively, which were significantly differentially expressed unigenes during the process from dormancy to germination. The results of Real-time RT-PCR showed that the expressions of AhNCED2and AhCYP707A1 were induced distinctly by exogenous ethephon in seed dormancy released process. In dormant and non-dormant seed imbibition and germination processes, there were different roles between expresses of AhNCED2 and AhCYP707A1. AhNCED2played a positive role in maintaining seed dormancy, while AhCYP707A1played a positive role for seed dormancy breaking.
附表1 种子休眠解除过程中与ABA、GA、ETH、auxin相关的显著性差异表达unigenes Supplementary table 1 Significant differential expression unigenes associated with GA, ABA, ETH, and auxin during the process from dormancy to germination
附表1 种子休眠解除过程中与ABA、GA、ETH、auxin相关的显著性差异表达unigenes Supplementary table 1 Significant differential expression unigenes associated with GA, ABA, ETH, and auxin during the process from dormancy to germination
1.2 文库构建与测序采用Illumina/Solexa标准操作步骤(Directional mRNA-Seq Sample Preparation Part # 15018460 Rev. A, October 2010)制备转录组测序文库。其后用Agilent2100对文库建库片段大小进行质控, 采用 Illumina 2000平台对文库进行测序。 1.3 序列分析和注释对所产生的原始reads进行质量评估和可信度分析, 去除低质量片段(Q< 20)。使用软件Trinity (trinityrnaseq_r2012-10-05)将花生4个样本的有效reads合并进行de novo拼接, 获得121412个Unigene。将获得的Unigenes进行注释, 包括NR、Swiss-Prot等基本数据库注释、KOG分类、GO和KEGG注释。 1.4 差异表达分析使用RPKM (Reads per kb per million reads)计算基因表达量; 根据unigenes表达量采用fold change分析、fisher检验、chisq检验等进行差异表达分析。样本AE1、AE2、AE3均与CK相比较, 取值P≤ 0.05且|fold change|≥ 2。 1.5 花生总RNA的提取及cDNA的合成按照RNA试剂盒(TransGen)说明书提取花生种子总RNA, 用Prime RT Reagent Kit (TaKaRa, 大连)将提取的总RNA反转录成cDNA。 1.6 荧光定量PCR采用LightCycle 2.0 (rRoche Diagnostics公司)荧光定量PCR仪。PCR程序为95℃ 30 s; 95℃ 5 s, 60℃ 20 s, 72℃ 10 s , 45个循环; 然后绘制溶解曲线。采用SYBR Premix Ex Taq试剂盒(TaKaRa, 大连), 按照说明进行实时定量PCR。每个样品重复3次, 取平均值, 采用2-Δ Δ Ct的方法。根据目的基因片段序列, 利用Beacon Designer 7.91软件设计荧光定量PCR引物, 内参基因为Actin11(表2)。 1.7 目的基因片段生物信息学分析利用DNA MAN 6.0对目的基因片段的氨基酸序列、开放阅读框搜索进行分析; 利用在线Blast (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast/)进行序列比对、同源序列搜索。 表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
图1 ABA相关unigenes在种子休眠解除过程中的表达变化数字对应unigenes见附表1。 A: log2(CK_RPKM/CK_RPKM); B: log2(AE1_RPKM/CK_RPKM); C: log2(AE2_RPKM/CK_RPKM); D: log2(AE3_RPKM/CK_RPKM). Number corresponding to unigenes see Supplementary table 1.Fig. 1 Expression trend of unigenes related to ABA during the process of seed dormancy release
图2 GA相关unigenes在种子休眠解除过程中的表达变化数字对应unigenes见附表1。Fig. 2 Expression trend of unigenes related to GA during the process of seed dormancy releaseA: log2(CK_RPKM/CK_RPKM); B: log2(AE1_RPKM/CK_RPKM); C: log2(AE2_RPKM/CK_RPKM); D: log2(AE3_RPKM/CK_RPKM). Number corresponding to unigenes see Supplementary table 1.
图3 ETH相关unigenes在种子休眠解除过程中的表达变化数字对应unigenes见附表1。Fig. 3 Expression trend of unigenes related to ETH during the process of seed dormancy releaseA: log2(CK_RPKM/CK_RPKM); B: log2(AE1_RPKM/CK_RPKM); C: log2(AE2_RPKM/CK_RPKM); D: log2(AE3_RPKM/CK_RPKM). Number corresponding to unigenes see Supplementary table 1.
图4 auxin相关unigenes在种子休眠解除过程中的表达变化数字对应unigenes见附表1。Fig. 4 Expression trend of unigenes related to auxin during the process of seed dormancy releaseA: log2(CK_RPKM/CK_RPKM); B: log2(AE1_RPKM/CK_RPKM); C: log2(AE2_RPKM/CK_RPKM); D: log2(AE3_RPKM/CK_RPKM). Number corresponding to unigenes see Supplementary table 1.
4 结论外源乙烯利诱导花生种子休眠解除过程中, 与GA、ABA、ETH及auxin相关unigenes表现显著差异表达, 表明外源乙烯利通过GA、ABA、ETH、auxin相关基因的诱导作用来完成其对花生种子休眠的解除。AhNCED2和AhCYP707A1受外源乙烯利的诱导, 与花生种子休眠的维持及解除密切相关, 为培育具有适度休眠性的花生新种质提供了候选基因。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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