关键词: Xa39; 水稻白叶枯病; SSR; MAS Evaluation of Selective Efficiency of Molecular Markers Linked with a Novel Gene Xa39 Resistant to Bacterial Blight in Rice ZHUO Da-Long1,2, HU Dan-Dan1,2, ZHANG Fan2, ZHANG Fan2,*, SHI Ying-Yao1,*, GAO Yong-Ming2, ZHOU Yong-Li2, LI Zhi-Kang2 1College of Agronomy, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China
2Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract Xa39 is a novel and dominant resistance gene with broad spectrum for bacterial leaf blight in rice. In previous study, this gene was mapped on chromosome 11. In present study, FF329 carrying Xa39 gene as donor parent and BT4, BT6, BT12, BT18 as recipients were used to develop four F2 segregation populations (4FL10, 4FL14, 4FL17, 4FL21). Combining artificial inoculation with phenotype identification of bacterial leaf blight, the validity of three molecular markers tightly linked with Xa39, and two co-dominant molecular markers was investigated for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The results showed that the accuracy of marker RM26985 for MAS was 95.81% and that of marker RM206 was 93.61% in the four populations. The accuracy of two markers RM26985 and RM206 used simultaneously for MAS was up to 95.35%. Therefore, RM26985 and RM206 can be used as effective markers in MAS for Xa39in rice breeding program.
图1 与Xa39紧密连锁的3个分子标记在分离群体中的PCR扩增结果. A、B、C: 分子标记RM26985、DM13、RM206对4FL10/FF329 F2分离群体亲本(1: BT4; 2: FF329)及部分单株(3~16) PCR扩增产物在8%聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结果。M: 分子量。向左的箭头表示抗病单株带型。Fig. 1 PCR amplification products of three molecular markers closely linked with Xa39. A, B, C: PCR amplification products of RM26985, DM13, and RM206 in partial F2 individuals (3-16) of the 4FL10/FF329 population and their parents BT4 (1) and FF329 (2) on 8% polyacrylamide gel. M: DNA ladder. Arrows point to the left indicate the PCR products of BB resistant individuals.
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