关键词:豌豆; 白粉病; 抗病基因; PsMLO1基因; 功能标记 Identification of Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Pea Line X9002 WANG Zhong-Yi1, FU Hai-Ning1,2, SUN Su-Li1, DUAN Can-Xin1, WU Xiao-Fei1, YANG Xiao-Ming2, ZHU Zhen-Dong1,* 1 National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resource and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2 Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China
AbstractPowdery mildew is one of the major diseases in pea, causing severe economic loss worldwide. Planting resistant cultivars is the most effective, economical and eco-friendly method for controlling the disease. To date, two recessive resistance genes ( er1, er2) and one dominant resistance gene ( Er3) have been identified in pea, and er1 has been utilized in breeding programs worldwide. Gene er1 is a member of MLOgene family, and er1 resistance is caused by the loss of function at a PsMLO1 locus in pea. X9002 with resistance to powdery mildew is an afilapea line bred by Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Here, we identified the powdery mildew resistance gene in X9002, and developed molecular marker for the gene selection. Genetic analysis for powdery mildew resistance showed that X9002 carries a recessive resistance gene. The resistance gene was mapped in a region carrying er1 locus on the pea linkage group VI using SSR markers, and was linked to SSR marker AD60 and gene marker c5DNAmet. PsMLO1 sequence analysis revealed that X9002 carries an insertion of unknown size and identity. The same mutation also existed in pea cultivars Stratagem and Franklin carrying er1-2 allele, indicating that the resistance gene is er1-2 in X9002. A functional marker PsMLO1-650 for er1-2 was developed, and the marker was a coupling-phase marker that was detected only in susceptible plants. PsMLO1-650 can be used effectively in marker-assisted selection.
Keyword:Pisum sativumL.; Powdery mildew; Resistance gene; PsMLO1 gene; Functional marker Show Figures Show Figures
图1 部分野生型PsMLO1编码序列与豌豆品系X9002中鉴定的3个PsMLO1 cDNA同源区域的多重比对Fig. 1 Multiple alignment among partial wild-type PsMLO1coding sequence and homologous regions of three PsMLO1 cDNA sequences identified in line X9002
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