关键词:黄麻; 遗传资源; 分子标记; DNA指纹图谱 Construction of Molecular Fingerprinting Map in Gene Pool of Jute with SRAP, ISSR, and SSR Markers WU Gui-Fen1,2, XU Xian-Jun3, XU Jian-Tang1, TAO Ai-Fen1, ZHANG Li-Wu1, WEI Li-Zhen4, PAN Mo5, FANG Ping-Ping1, LIN Li-Hui1, QI Jian-Min1,* 1Key Laboratory of Ministry for Genetics, Breeding and Multiple Utilization of Crops, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Breeding by Design, Fujian Province International Cooperation Base for Genetics, Breeding and Multiple Utilization of Characteristic Economy Crops in South China , Fuzhou 350002, China
2 Horticultural Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China
3 Wuyishan Biological Resource Institute of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 354300, China
4 Third Middle School of Fuzhou, Fuzhou 350002, China
5 Fuzhou Tanditongren Mdt InfoTech Ltd., Fuzhou 350001, China
AbstractAn experiment was conducted using 231 jute germplasm resources from abroad and at home to construct DNA fingerprints of jute varieties with SRAP, ISSR, SSR marker, and the DNA fingerprint analysis software. The results showed that 96 DNA fingerprints from 231 jute germplasm resources with 35 pairs of selected SRAP primers, 45 DNA fingerprints from 96 jute varieties with 11 selected polymorphic ISSR primers, and 13 DNA fingerprints from 48 jute varieties with 49 selected polymorphic SSR primers were constructed. This study completed a total of 154 genomic DNA molecular fingerprint maps of jute varieties. Every identified jute variety had its unique “ID”. Other 77 local varieties had not been able to be identified due to their high genetic similarity with some varieties. It showed that jute local variety has a serious phenomenon of synonym.
图1 SRAPM18E15引物的扩增结果 M: marker; 1~48: 48份黄麻品种的电泳扩增效果图。Fig. 1 Amplified result of SRAP M18E15 M: marker; 1-48: electrophoresis of DNA in 48 jute varieties amplified with SRAP M18E15.
图2 引物U889的扩增结果 M: marker; 1~48: 48份黄麻品种的电泳扩增效果图。Fig. 2 Amplified result with U889 M: marker; 1-48: electrophoresis of DNA in 48 jute varieties amplified with U889.
4 结论绘制了154份黄麻品种基因源DNA指纹图谱。SRAP、ISSR和SSR 3种标记对绘制黄麻品种分子身份证的贡献率分别为31.6%、52.6%和5.3%, 尚有10.5%的品种很可能是因为同种异名而未被鉴定出来。复合分子标记比单一的分子标记在黄麻种质资源DNA指纹图谱数据库的建立中更具优越性。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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