关键词:不同年代; 玉米; 根系; 低氮; 低氮干旱复合胁迫 Response of Roots of Maize Varieties Released in Different Years to Low Nitrogen and Drought Stresses NIU Ping-Ping1, MU Xin-Yuan1, ZHANG Xing1, YANG Chun-Shou2, LI Chao-Hai1,* 1Agronomy College, Henan Agricultural University / Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, Zhengzhou 450002, China
2Zhengzhou Liangfeng Seed Industry Co. Ltd., Zhengzhou 450002, China
AbstractThe changes in root characteristics were studied under low nitrogen stress (LN) and combined stress of low nitrogen and drought (LD) using six maize varieties released from 1973 to 2009, including Zhongdan 2, Danyu 13, Yedan 13, Nongda 108, Zhengdan 958, and a new variety Yudan 606. The result showed that root dry weight, root length and root surface area of the varieties increased at first and then decreased, finally increased again in the process of time. The increase of the three parameters in earlier released varieties could get more water and nutrition from soil, the decrease of these in later released varieties was available to reduce the redundant organ’s dry matter consumption, and the increase again of these in the new variety would meet water and nutrition requirements for yield increase continuously. Compared with the old varieties, root dry weight of the modern varieties changed smaller, root length and surface areas increased more, root average diameter became thinner, root bleeding sap decreased non-significantly under the LN and LD conditions. These results suggested that root characteristics of the varieties have been optimized gradually, the adjustment ability of root morphology, and the LN and LD stress tolerance in modern varieties have been increased.
Keyword:Different eras; Maize; Root; Low nitrogen; Combined stress of low nitrogen and drought Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同年代玉米品种根系形态特征 Table 1 Morphological characteristics of roots in maize varieties in different years
品种 Variety
根系长度RL (m plant-1)
根系表面积RSA (m2 plant-1)
根系平均直径RAD (mm)
中单2号 Zhongdan 2
201.68± 5.15 e
250.13± 9.61 e
0.36± 0.02 d
0.43± 0.02 d
0.44± 0.02 b
0.46± 0.02 bc
丹玉13 Danyu 13
313.15± 16.55 b
377.17± 12.54 b
0.46± 0.01 b
0.53± 0.02 b
0.40± 0.01 c
0.42± 0.01 d
掖单13 Yedan 13
424.03± 10.90 a
488.10± 8.45 a
0.60± 0.01 a
0.67± 0.02 a
0.46± 0.01 b
0.48± 0.01 ab
农大108 Nongda 108
244.03± 10.63 c
323.42± 4.81 c
0.41± 0.02 c
0.51± 0.01 bc
0.45± 0.01 b
0.44± 0.01 cd
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
175.70± 6.91 f
242.34± 14.03 e
0.31± 0.00 e
0.39± 0.01 e
0.46± 0.00 b
0.45± 0.02 bc
豫单606 Yudan 606
220.75± 2.62 d
297.78± 4.42 d
0.40± 0.01 c
0.49± 0.02 c
0.52± 0.01 a
0.51± 0.01 a
变异来源Source of variation
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
品种× 处理Variety× Treatment
RL: root length; RSA: root surface area; RAD: root average diameter; CK1: normal nitrogen; LN: low nitrogen. Values within the same column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. * * means significant difference at the 0.01 probability level; NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. 同一列内标以不同字母的值在0.05水平上差异显著。* * 表示在0.01水平上显著, NS表示在0.05水平不显著。
表1 不同年代玉米品种根系形态特征 Table 1 Morphological characteristics of roots in maize varieties in different years
图4 低氮对不同年代玉米品种根表面积分布的影响Fig. 4 Effect of low nitrogen on the distribution of root surface area for maize varieties in different years
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 低氮对不同年代玉米品种根系伤流量的影响 Table 2 Effect of low nitrogen on root bleeding sap in maize varieties in different years (g plant-1)
品种 Variety
正常氮 Normal nitrogen
低氮 Low nitrogen
低氮下减少比率 Reduction under low nitrogen (%)
中单2号 Zhangdan 2
16.24± 0.82 e
11.02± 0.57 e
丹玉13 Danyu 13
22.08± 1.04 d
16.52± 0.48 d
掖单13 Yedan 13
24.70± 0.60 c
20.02± 0.64 c
农大108 Nongda 108
28.15± 0.91 b
25.16± 0.32 b
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
31.44± 1.09 a
28.94± 0.93 a
豫单606 Yudan 606
33.18± 1.96 a
28.99± 0.86 a
变异来源Source of variation
* *
* *
品种× 处理Variety× Treatment
Values within the same column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. * * means significant difference at the 0.01 probability level; NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. 同一列内标以不同字母的值在0.05水平上差异显著。* * 表示在0.01水平上显著, NS表示在0.05水平不显著。
表2 低氮对不同年代玉米品种根系伤流量的影响 Table 2 Effect of low nitrogen on root bleeding sap in maize varieties in different years (g plant-1)
图5 低氮干旱复合胁迫对不同年代玉米品种根干重及其分布的影响Fig. 5 Effect of combined stress of low nitrogen and drought on root dry weight and distribution for maize varieties in different years
表3 不同年代玉米品种的籽粒产量 Table 3 Grain yield of maize varieties in different years (t hm-2)
品种 Variety
正常氮 CK1
低氮 LN
LN下减少比率 Reduction under LN (%)
正常氮水 CK2
低氮干旱 LD
LD下减少比率 Reduction under LD (%)
中单2号 Zhongdan 2
6.77± 0.27 e
6.15± 0.30 f
6.51± 0.49 d
4.37± 0.19 d
丹玉13 Danyu 13
7.71± 0.41 d
6.84± 0.24 e
7.27± 0.60 cd
4.73± 0.26 d
掖单13 Yedan 13
8.12± 0.27 cd
7.52± 0.13 d
7.72± 0.65 bcd
5.38± 0.23 cd
农大108 Nongda 108
8.73± 0.47 bc
8.03± 0.26 c
8.32± 0.38 bc
6.12± 0.54 bc
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
9.37± 0.18 b
8.88± 0.31 b
9.02± 0.66 b
6.91± 0.26 ab
豫单606 Yudan 606
10.14± 0.47 a
9.53± 0.12 a
10.20± 0.81 a
7.45± 1.13 a
变异来源Source of variation
* *
* *
* *
* *
品种× 处理 Variety× Treatment
CK1: normal nitrogen; LN: low nitrogen; CK2: normal nitrogen and water; LD: low nitrogen and drought. Values within the same column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. * * means significant difference at the 0.01 probability level. NS means no significance at the 0.05 probability level. 同一列内标以不同字母的值在0.05水平上差异显著。* * 表示在0.01水平上显著, NS表示在0.05水平不显著。
表3 不同年代玉米品种的籽粒产量 Table 3 Grain yield of maize varieties in different years (t hm-2)
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