关键词:栽培技术; 小麦; 根系活力; 根系垂直分布; 产量 Regulative Effect of Optimized Cultivation Practice to the Root Vertical Distribution and Activity in Winter Wheat LI Hua-Wei1,2, SI Ji-Sheng1,2, XU Yue2,3, LI Sheng-Dong1,2, WU Jian-Jun1, WANG Fa-Hong1,2,* 1 Shandong Luyan Seed Co., Ltd, Jinan 250100, China
2 Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China
3 College of Life Sciences, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
AbstractTo find out the cultivation practices, optimizing the construction of winter wheat root system, promoting root function, and enhancing the final grain yield, in the growing seasons of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, we compared the root vertical distribution and activity in 0-90 cm soil layers, as well as grain yield and its components of winter wheat cultivar Luyuan 502, with three treatments of cultivate techniques, viz., plow tillage-surface fertilization (PT-SF), rotary tillage-surface fertilization (RT-SF) and seedling belt rotary tillage-subsoiling-deep fertilization in different soil layers (SRT-SS-DF). Compared to PT-SF and RT-SF, SRT-SS-DF significantly increased thousand-kernel weight and spike number per hectare, resulting in 3.96-13.29% increase of grain yield. Root growth was stimulated in SRT-SS-DF treatment. For example, the root length density and dry weight density in 15-60 cm soil layer and total root surface area and active absorption area in 30-75 cm soil layer were significantly higher in SRT-SS-DF than in other treatments after jointing stage, especially in the fertilized soil layer (15-30 cm). At 20 days after anthesis (DAA), the total absorbing surface area and the active absorbing area of root in SRT-SS-DF were 66.3% and 56.5% higher than those in PT-SF and 75.9% and 59.8% higher than those in RT-SF, respectively. Besides, SRT-SS-DF alleviated the decline of root activity at late grain filling stage. From anthesis stage to 20 DAA, the reduction of root activity in 15-30 soil layer was 28.5% and 14.9% lower in SRT-SS-DF than in RT-SF and PT-SF, respectively. At 20 DAA, low root MDA content and high SOD activity in 15-90 cm soil layer were observed in SRT-SS-DF. Especially, the SOD activity in 15-30 cm soil layer in SRT-SS-DF was 20.6% and 10.9% higher than those in RP-SF and PR-SF, respectively. The root activity and the ratio of root dry weight (root dry weight in different soil layers/total root dry weight in 0-90 cm soil layer) in 15-90 cm had a significant positive correlation with final grain yield. Our results suggest that optimizing integrated practices of seedling belt rotary tillage, seedling belt subsoiling and deep fertilization could be able to extend the root distribution in deep soil and increase the root activity, especially in fertilized soil layer, resulting in higher grain yield.
Keyword:Cultivation technique; Wheat; Root activity; Root vertical distribution; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同处理对小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响 Table 1 Effect of different treatments on yield and yield components of winter wheat
处理 Treatment
穗数 Spike number (104 hm-2)
穗粒数 Kernel number per spike
千粒重 1000-kernel weight (g)
籽粒产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
生物量 Biomass (kg hm-2)
收获指数 HI
667.4 a
32.2 a
39.2 a
7395 a
21068 a
0.351 a
648.4 b
31.6 a
38.5 b
6840 b
20116 b
0.340 b
617.7 c
31.8 a
38.1 b
6531 c
19614 c
0.333 c
655.6 a
36.1 a
45.6 a
9570 a
25250 a
0.379 a
638.4 b
36.4 a
44.2 b
9205 b
24745 b
0.372 b
603.8 c
36.7 a
44.3 b
8721 c
23573 c
0.370 b
F值 F-value
处理 Treatment (T)
37.35* *
85.85* *
28.47* *
52.42* *
年份 Year (Y)
962.33* *
944.17* *
464.01* *
428.98* *
Y × T
Trait data are the means of three replicates, and different letters afterwards indicate significant difference among treatments within the same year (P < 0.05). * and * * after an F-value indicate significance at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. SRT-SS-DF: Seedling belt rotary tillage-subsoiling-deep fertilization in different soil layers; PT-SF: Plow tillage-surface fertilization; RT-SF: rotary tillage-surface fertilization; HI: Harvest index. 性状数据为3个小区的平均值, 数据后不同字母表示同一年度中不同处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。F值后* 和* * 分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平显著。SRT-SS-DF: 苗带旋耕-间隔深松-分层深施肥; PT-SF: 深翻-基肥撒施; RT-SF: 旋耕-基肥撒施; HI: 收获指数。
表1 不同处理对小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响 Table 1 Effect of different treatments on yield and yield components of winter wheat
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 不同处理对冬小麦主要生育期根干重密度垂直分布的影响 Table 2 Effect of different treatments on vertical distribution of dry root weight density at major growth stages of winter wheat (× 104 g cm-3)
生育期 Growth stage
处理 Treatment
土层 Soil layer
0-15 cm
15-30 cm
30-45 cm
45-60 cm
60-75 cm
75-90 cm
拔节期 Jointing
5.22 b
1.32 a
0.95 a
0.54 a
0.29 a
0.12 a
5.34 a
0.88 b
0.64 c
0.36 c
0.12 b
0.12 a
4.83 c
1.16 a
0.75 b
0.45 b
0.18 b
0.10 a
开花期 Anthesis
8.67 b
2.39 a
1.08 a
0.77 a
0.45 a
0.20 a
8.89 a
1.28 c
0.66 c
0.52 c
0.29 b
0.11 a
7.95 c
1.85 b
0.79 b
0.63 b
0.36 ab
0.16 a
花后20 d 20 days after anthesis
6.96 a
2.79 a
1.28 a
0.96 a
0.77 a
0.28 a
6.79 a
1.62 c
0.72 c
0.59 c
0.32 b
0.11 b
6.34 b
2.45 b
0.83 b
0.65 b
0.44 b
0.17 b
拔节期 Jointing
5.97 b
1.66 a
1.12 a
0.61 a
0.31 a
0.14 a
6.18 a
1.07 b
0.72 c
0.33 c
0.12 b
0.15 a
5.49 c
1.63 a
0.81 b
0.41 b
0.13 b
0.13 a
开花期 Anthesis
8.88 ab
3.27 a
1.59 a
0.82 a
0.48 a
0.21 a
9.04 a
2.06 c
0.82 c
0.58 b
0.33 b
0.19 a
8.59 b
2.64 b
0.97 b
0.79 a
0.42 a
0.18 a
花后20 d 20 days after anthesis
8.11 a
3.09 a
1.55 a
1.11 a
0.73 a
0.22 a
8.09 a
1.62 c
0.88 c
0.64 c
0.35 b
0.16 b
7.87 b
2.77 b
1.09 b
0.71 b
0.41 ab
0.16 b
Data are the means of three replicates, and different letters afterwards indicate significant difference among treatments within the same stage (P < 0.05). Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 数据为3个小区的平均值, 数据后不同字母表示同一生育期处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。缩写同表1。
表2 不同处理对冬小麦主要生育期根干重密度垂直分布的影响 Table 2 Effect of different treatments on vertical distribution of dry root weight density at major growth stages of winter wheat (× 104 g cm-3)
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 不同处理对冬小麦根长密度垂直分布的影响 Table 3 Effect of different treatments on the root length density vertical distribution in different growing stage (cm cm-3)
生育期 Growth stage
处理 Treatment
土层 Soil layer
0-15 cm
15-30 cm
30-45 cm
45-60 cm
60-75 cm
75-90 cm
拔节期 Jointing
3.49 a
1.29 a
0.49 a
0.13 a
0.02 a
0.01 a
3.45 a
1.03 b
0.22 c
0.05 c
0.02 a
0.01 a
3.21 b
1.18 a
0.31 b
0.08 b
0.02 a
0.01 a
开花期 Anthesis
6.20 a
2.11 a
0.92 a
0.41 a
0.21 a
0.09 a
6.18 a
1.32 b
0.34 c
0.20 c
0.14 b
0.03 b
5.59 b
2.01 a
0.52 b
0.34 b
0.17 b
0.04 b
花后20 d 20 days after anthesis
4.78 a
2.85 a
1.92 a
0.84 a
0.39 a
0.13 a
4.73 a
1.86 b
0.93 c
0.45 c
0.26 b
0.15 a
4.29 b
2.74 a
1.12 b
0.72 b
0.32 ab
0.16 a
拔节期 Jointing
4.22 b
1.89 a
0.55 a
0.21 a
0.03 a
0.11 a
4.41 a
1.61 b
0.28 c
0.09 c
0.02 a
0.03 a
4.07 c
1.87 a
0.42 b
0.13 b
0.02 a
0.04 a
开花期 Anthesis
6.41 ab
2.39 a
1.09 a
0.45 a
0.19 a
0.07 a
6.58 a
1.73 b
0.49 c
0.27 c
0.11 b
0.04 b
6.16 b
2.22 a
0.67 b
0.36 b
0.17 a
0.04 b
花后20 d 20 days after anthesis
5.33 a
2.59 a
2.11 a
0.95 a
0.36 a
0.18 a
5.21 a
1.81 b
0.99 c
0.51 c
0.19 b
0.11 a
5.09 b
2.44 a
1.76 b
0.79 b
0.21 b
0.17 a
Data are the means of three replicates, and different letters afterwards indicate significant difference among treatments within the same stage (P < 0.05). Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. 数据为3个小区的平均值, 数据后不同字母表示同一生育期处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。缩写同表1。
表3 不同处理对冬小麦根长密度垂直分布的影响 Table 3 Effect of different treatments on the root length density vertical distribution in different growing stage (cm cm-3)
图1 不同处理对冬小麦根系总吸收面积与活跃吸收表面积垂直分布的影响(2012-2013)Fig. 1 Effect of different treatments on the root total absorbing surface and active absorbing surface (2012-2013)
图3 不同处理对花后20 d根系SOD活性(A)和MDA含量(B)的影响(2012-2013)Fig. 3 Effect of different treatments on SOD activity (A) and MDA content (B) in roots at 20 DAA (2012-2013)
表4 冬小麦花后20 d不同土层根系特性与籽粒产量的相关性系数 Table 4 Correlation coefficient between root traits in different soil layers and grain yield at 20 days after anthesis of winter wheat
根系特性 Root trait
土层 Soil layer
0-15 cm
15-30 cm
30-45 cm
45-60 cm
60-75 cm
75-90 cm
根系干重Root dry weight
0.881* *
0.861* *
0.823* *
0.859* *
根重占比 Radio of root dry weight
-0.923* *
0.816* *
0.949* *
0.951* *
0.918* *
根系活力Root activity
0.912* *
0.912* *
0.951* *
0.972* * *
* , * * , and * * * indicate significance at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively. * 、* * 和* * * 分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001概率水平显著。
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