关键词:地黄; 磷脂脂肪酸; 末端限制性片段长度多态性; 微生物多样性; 植物根际 Diversity Analysis of Rhizosphere Microflora of Wild R. glutinosa Grown in Monocropping for Different Years WU Lin-Kun1,2, HUANG Wei-Min1,2,**, WANG Juan-Ying1,2,**, WU Hong-Miao1,2, CHEN Jun1,2, QIN Xian-Jin1,2, ZHANG Zhong-Yi2, LIN Wen-Xiong1,2,* 1College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
2Agricultural Agroecological Institute, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
AbstractThe soils sampled from the four different plots, including the newly planted, the two-year monocultured, the wild R. glutinosa and the control without growing R. glutinosa, were used to study the changes in microbial biomass and community composition using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses. PLFA analysis indicated that the soil microbial community composition was significantly different among the R. glutinosa with different years of monoculture. Compared with the newly planted soil, the total PLFA content and the ratio of bacteria/fungi in two-year monocultured soil greatly declined. Further analysis by T-RFLP also displayed the distinct differences in rhizospheric bacterial community structure of R. glutinosa. The microbial compositions from the wild and the newly planted R. glutinosa soils tended to be more similar. It was found that the bacteria including Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were predominant in the wild and newly planted R. glutinosa soils. Some beneficial biocontrol bacteria (such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, etc.) gathered in the rhizosphere of the wild and newly planted R. glutinosa. However, a large number of pathogenic bacteria bred in the rhizosphere of the two-year monocultured R. glutinosa, such as Clostridium sp., Flexibacter polymorphus, and Clostridium ghoni, and the number of beneficial bacteria and cellulose degradation bacteria decreased. Furthermore, qRT-PCR analysis verified that the total number of Pseudomonas was much higher in the wild and newly planted R. glutinosa soils than in the two-year monocultured soil. In conclusion, the pathogenic microbes breed seriously in the rhizospheric soil of wild R. glutinosa under the monoculture regime, and yet the number of beneficial bacteria decline, resulting in weakened ability of wild R. glutinosa to resist the diseases so that the two-year monocultured wild R. glutinosagrows abnormally and its yield is decreased drastically.
Keyword: Rehmannia glutinosa; PLFA; T-RFLP; Microbial diversity; Plant rhizosphere Show Figures Show Figures
图1 地黄田间生长情况A: 正茬野生地黄; B: 重茬野生地黄; C: 野生状态地黄; D: 野生状态地黄地下部; E: 正茬(左)、重茬(右)野生地黄地下部。Fig. 1 Growth status of R. glutinosa in the fieldA: newly plantedR. glutinosa; B: two-year monoculturedR. glutinosa; C: wild R. glutinosa; D: tuber roots of the wild R. glutinosa; E: tuber roots of the newly planted (left) and two-year monocultured (right)R. glutinosa.
表1 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤化学性质比较 Table 1 Chemical properties of R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures
样品 Sample
pH值 pH value
碱解氮 Available nitrogen (mg kg-1)
速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg kg-1)
速效钾 Available potassium (mg kg-1)
有机质 Organic material (g kg-1)
8.26± 0.01 b
25.66± 1.7616 c
6.89± 0.29 d
13.40± 0.04 c
7.28± 0.12 c
8.23± 0.01 b
47.60± 3.4372 b
20.02± 0.23 c
18.13± 0.08 b
12.80± 0.07 a
8.09± 0.01 c
54.36± 2.4583 ab
59.75± 0.49 a
21.28± 0.47 a
11.20± 0.09 b
8.32± 0.02 a
67.66± 5.5561 a
27.96± 0.11 b
12.09± 0.26 d
12.44± 0.07 a
CK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wild R. glutinosa soil. CC: two-year monocultured soil. Values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 同一列不同字母表示差异显著(P< 0.05)。
表1 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤化学性质比较 Table 1 Chemical properties of R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures
表2 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤中各种磷脂脂肪酸含量 Table 2 Concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids in R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures (nmol g-1soil)
PLFA生物标记 PLFA marker
0.148± 0.021 b
0.000± 0.000 c
0.231± 0.005 a
0.162± 0.002 ab
0.529± 0.025 c
1.021± 0.024 b
0.895± 0.048 b
1.868± 0.026 a
1.051± 0.022 a
0.698± 0.039 c
0.874± 0.029 b
0.000± 0.000 d
0.576± 0.060 b
2.255± 0.170 b
2.318± 0.101 b
2.516± 0.027 a
0.000± 0.000 c
5.522± 0.046 a
0.000± 0.000 c
0.448± 0.010 b
6.168± 0.060 a
5.700± 0.136 a
4.353± 0.388 b
5.479± 0.056 a
3.396± 0.036 a
1.936± 0.062 c
2.432± 0.067 b
0.680± 0.027 d
1.822± 0.023 d
2.919± 0.011 c
3.465± 0.016 b
4.417± 0.047 a
10.406± 0.077 a
10.115± 0.098 ab
9.870± 0.051 b
10.070± 0.046 b
18:2w6t(6, 9)
5.802± 0.043 a
2.732± 0.078 c
3.348± 0.054 b
3.277± 0.031 b
1.421± 0.018 a
0.671± 0.041 c
1.054± 0.011 b
1.131± 0.007 b
0.505± 0.015 b
0.252± 0.041 c
1.000± 0.043 b
0.000± 0.000 d
20:4w6c(6, 9, 12, 15)
0.767± 0.044 a
0.000± 0.000 c
0.573± 0.023 b
0.448± 0.025 b
3.211± 0.212 a
3.177± 0.151 a
1.124± 0.050 c
1.794± 0.045 b
5.441± 0.515 a
4.316± 0.120 ab
3.066± 0.044 c
3.740± 0.073 bc
3.498± 0.077 a
0.799± 0.028 b
0.813± 0.048 b
0.967± 0.061 b
2.183± 0.131 b
2.331± 0.084 b
2.031± 0.093 b
3.073± 0.089 a
1.494± 0.028 a
1.297± 0.024 b
1.312± 0.025 b
1.219± 0.023 b
13.831± 0.266 a
9.101± 0.094 c
9.651± 0.061 bc
10.271± 0.122 b
CK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil. i, a, cy, and Me refer to iso, anteiso-, cyclopropyl and methyl branching fatty acids, respectively; w refers to the position of double bonds (from the methyl end); c and t refer to the cis-configuration and trans-configuration, respectively. Values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤. i、a、cy和Me分别表示同型、异型、环丙基和甲基分支脂肪酸; w后的数字表示双键的位置(甲基端起); c、t分别表示顺式及反式脂肪酸。同一列数据中不同字母表示差异显著(P< 0.05)。
表2 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤中各种磷脂脂肪酸含量 Table 2 Concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids in R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures (nmol g-1soil)
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤微生物量 Table 3 Microbial biomass in R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures (nmol g-1)
微生物类型Microbial group
细菌 Bacterial
43.193± 0.945 a
40.027± 0.506 b
31.836± 0.716 d
35.901± 0.300 c
真菌 Fungi
16.209± 0.072 a
12.848± 0.135 c
13.218± 0.004 b
13.348± 0.056 b
细菌/真菌比例 Bacteria/fungi ratio
2.665± 0.057 b
3.115± 0.007 a
2.408± 0.054 c
2.690± 0.025 b
放线菌 Actinomycetes
1.580± 0.045 b
1.720± 0.045 ab
1.770± 0.076 ab
1.869± 0.027 a
原生生物 Protozoa
0.767± 0.044 a
0.000± 0.000 c
0.573± 0.023 b
0.448± 0.025 b
标记性PLFA总量 Total PLFA
62.255± 0.940 a
54.848± 0.663 b
48.398± 0.783 c
51.565± 0.333 c
革兰氏阳性菌/革兰氏阴性菌 G+/G-
1.572± 0.034 a
1.661± 0.007 a
1.581± 0.071 a
1.670± 0.031 a
CK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil. Values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。同一列数据中不同字母表示差异显著(P< 0.05)。
表3 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤微生物量 Table 3 Microbial biomass in R. glutinosa rhizospheric soils with different year monocultures (nmol g-1)
图3 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤细菌群落的酶切图谱CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。Fig. 3 T-RFLP profiles of bacterial community in rhizospheric soils of R. glutinosa with different year monoculturesCK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil.
图4 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤细菌群落结构的主成分分析CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。Fig. 4 Principal component analysis of rhizospheric bacterial community of R. glutinosa with different year monoculturesCK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monoculture soil.
图5 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤细菌群落结构的聚类分析CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。Fig. 5 Clustering analysis of rhizospheric bacterial community of R. glutinosa with different year monoculturesCK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil.
图6 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤细菌群落结构分析CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。Fig. 6 Bacterial community structure in rhizospheric soils of R. glutinosa with different year monoculturesCK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wildR. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil.
表4 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤特异菌群相对含量分析 Table 4 Changes in the relative abundance of specific bacteria in rhizospheric soils of R. glutinosa with different monoculture
表4 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤特异菌群相对含量分析 Table 4 Changes in the relative abundance of specific bacteria in rhizospheric soils of R. glutinosa with different monoculture
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