摘要免耕秸秆覆盖是中国北方干旱半干旱区一种重要的保护性耕作模式。为明确宽行覆盖窄行深松交错种植条件下覆盖带适宜的秸秆覆盖量和覆盖方式, 2012—2013年在河北省廊坊市进行了春玉米的田间试验。选用郑单958为试验材料, 采用80 cm+40 cm宽窄行种植, 宽行间覆盖秸秆, 窄行间进行苗带深松, 设置8.42 t hm-2覆盖量下粉碎覆盖(100SC)、整秆覆盖(100SP)、4.21 t hm-2覆盖量下粉碎覆盖(50SC)、整秆覆盖(50SP)和不覆盖(CK)处理, 测定土壤水分和温度、出苗状况、物质积累、产量及产量构成。结果表明, 秸秆覆盖与深松结合条件下, 4种覆盖处理与对照相比均提高了土壤含水量, 其中50SC处理在花前0~15 cm土壤降温幅度最小, 其他覆盖处理显著降低花前土壤温度。各覆盖处理明显提高了苗期整齐度, 秸秆覆盖对苗期的生育期天数略有推迟。与CK相比, 50SC提高了春玉米地上部生物量, 促进花后干物质积累, 千粒重和穗粒重分别提高10.9% (P<0.05)和6.5% (P<0.05), 产量提高4.78%, 达12 243 kg hm-2。50SC条件下产量与全生育期干物质积累(DMA)、花后/花前DMA呈极显著正相关。说明宽行覆盖窄行深松交错种植有利于缓和秸秆覆盖对出苗的物理阻碍, 其中秸秆以4.21 t hm-2的覆盖量粉碎覆盖效果最好, 该处理可为玉米提供稳定有利的土壤水分和温度条件, 提高了生育后期的物质积累以及籽粒产量。
关键词:玉米生长发育; 秸秆覆盖量; 秸秆覆盖方式; 土壤水温; 产量 Effect of Straw Mulching on Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture and Spring Maize Yield under Seedling Strip Subsoiling LI Jing-Jing1,2, LI Cong-Feng2,*, LI Lian-Lu1, DING Zai-Song2, ZHAO Ming2,* 1 College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
2 Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
Fund: AbstractNo-tillage with straw mulching is widely adopted in arid and semi-arid regions of North China which effectively preserves the water content. But it decreases the soil temperature and results in seed germination delaying. We developed a new way of no-tillage with straw mulching. The straw mulching was conducted only in the wide inter-row, and subsoiling was conducted in the narrow inter-row. To determine the quantity and method of straw mulching in this new no-tillage way, we conducted field experiments in 2012 and 2013 in Langfang, Hebei province. The maize cultivar Zhengdan 958 was planted with 80 cm+40 cm inter-row planting spacing. The treatments of wide inter-row included mulching with 8.42 t ha-1 of chopped straw (100SC) and prostrated straw (100SP), 4.21 t ha-1 of chopped straw (50SC) and prostrated straw (50SP), with no straw mulching as CK. Soil temperature, soil moisture, emergence quality, days of growth period, dry matter accumulation, yield and its components were compared among these treatments. The results showed that the soil moisture were increased in all the four straw mulching treatments. The 50SC treatment had the least influence on decreasing soil temperature compared with CK. The emergence uniformity of all straw mulching treatments increased significantly. Straw mulching had less significant effects on duration from sowing to seedling. Above-ground biomass of 50SC was improved, and its dry matter accumulation was promoted at post-anthesis stage. Compared with CK, the yield of 50SC was increased by 4.78%, and 1000-kernel weight and kernel weight per ear by 10.9% and 6.5%, respectively. The yield of 50SC had very significant correlation with its whole period dry matter accumulation (DMA) and ratio of post-anthesis to pre-anthesis DMA. Therefore, the mulching technique in this study has less physical constraint to emergence, and in this new way of straw mulching 4.21 t ha-1 of chopped straw mulching is better for maize. With this condition, the adverse effects of straw on emergence are alleviated and dry matter accumulation in later period and yield of maize are increased.
Keyword:Maize growth; Straw mulching quantity; Straw mulching method; Soil temperature and moisture; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同秸秆覆盖处理的出苗质量 Table 1 Emergence quality of different straw mulching treatments
处理 Treatment
出苗率Emergence rate (%)
整齐度 Uniformity
相对值1) Relative value1)
相对值 Relative value
100%粉碎 100SC
85.84 b
10.13 a
100%整秆 100SP
86.07 b
10.36 a
50%粉碎 50SC
86.09 b
9.19 b
50%整秆 50SP
87.85 ab
6.76 c
对照 CK
91.37 a
6.69 c
Values within the same column followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 5% probability level.1): Relative values equal to ratio of the difference between each mean value with CK and CK. 100SC: 100% chopped straw mulching; 100SP: 100% prostrated straw mulching; 50SC: 50% chopped straw mulching; 50SP: 50% prostrated straw mulching; CK: without any straw mulching. 同一栏内标有不同小写字母的均值间差异显著( P<0.05)。1): 各处理均值都与对照比较得到相对值。100%粉碎: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 100%整秆: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 50%粉碎: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 50%整秆: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 对照: 无秸秆覆盖。
表1 不同秸秆覆盖处理的出苗质量 Table 1 Emergence quality of different straw mulching treatments
表2 秸秆覆盖处理对不同阶段干物质积累(DMA)的影响 Table 2 Effects of straw mulching treatments on dry matter accumulation (DMA) during different stages
处理 Treatment
花前DMA Pre-anthesis DMA
花后DMA Post-anthesis DMA
全生育期DMA Whole period DMA
花前/全生育期DMA Pre-anthesis/whole period DMA
花后/全生育期DMA Post-anthesis/whole period DMA
花后/花前DMA Post-/pre-anthesis DMA
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
(t t-1)
(t t-1)
(t t-1)
100%粉碎 100SC
9.61 a
16.80 b
26.42 b
0.363 ab
0.637 ab
1.80 b
100%整秆 100SP
9.41 a
15.67 b
25.08 b
0.374 a
0.626 b
1.67 b
50%粉碎 50SC
8.83 a
21.52 a
30.35 a
0.293 b
0.707 a
2.47 a
50%整秆 50SP
11.09 a
14.62 b
25.71 b
0.431 a
0.569 b
1.34 b
对照 CK
10.09 a
15.87 b
25.96 b
0.390 a
0.610 b
1.57 b
Values within the same column followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.1): Relative values equal to ratio of the difference between each mean value with CK and CK. 100SC: 100% chopped straw mulching; 100SP: 100% prostrated straw mulching; 50SC: 50% chopped straw mulching; 50SP: 50% prostrated straw mulching; CK: without any straw mulching. 同一栏内标有不同小写字母的均值间差异显著( P<0.05)。1): 各处理均值都与对照比较得到相对值。100%粉碎: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 100%整秆: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 50%粉碎: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 50%整秆: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 对照: 无秸秆覆盖。
表2 秸秆覆盖处理对不同阶段干物质积累(DMA)的影响 Table 2 Effects of straw mulching treatments on dry matter accumulation (DMA) during different stages
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 秸秆覆盖处理对产量及产量构成的影响 Table 3 Effects of straw mulching treatments on yield and yield components
处理 Treatment
穗数 Ear number (×104 No. hm-2)
穗粒数 Grain number per ear
千粒重 1000-kernel weight (g)
穗粒重 Kernel weight per ear (g)
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
收获指数 Harvest index
100%粉碎 100SC
8.0 a
471 a
317.7 bc
144.8 d
11325 b
0.514 b
100%整秆 100SP
7.7 ab
482 a
316.7 bc
152.5 cd
11557 b
0.509 b
50%粉碎 50SC
7.4 b
479 a
344.4 a
174.3 a
12243 a
0.541 a
50%整秆 50SP
6.9 d
478 a
334.2 ab
169.2 ab
11504 b
0.457 c
对照 CK
7.2 c
470 a
310.6 c
163.7 bc
11685 ab
0.518 ab
产量及产量构成显著性分析( F值) Interaction analysis of yield and yield components ( F-value)
覆盖量 Mulching rates (MR)
覆盖方式 Mulching methods (MM)
覆盖量×覆盖方式 MR× MM
Values within the same column followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.* P<0.05,** P<0.01. 100SC: 100% chopped straw mulching; 100SP: 100% prostrated straw mulching; 50SC: 50% chopped straw mulching; 50SP: 50% prostrated straw mulching; CK: without any straw mulching. 同一栏内标有不同小写字母的均值间差异显著( P<0.05),* P<0.05,** P<0.01。100%粉碎: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 100%整秆: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 50%粉碎: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 50%整秆: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 对照: 无秸秆覆盖。
表3 秸秆覆盖处理对产量及产量构成的影响 Table 3 Effects of straw mulching treatments on yield and yield components
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