摘要为探索旱地小麦休闲期蓄水保墒及其配套施肥技术, 2009—2011年连续2个小麦生长季, 在山西闻喜县进行了休闲期深松或无耕作条件下低(75 kg hm-2)、中(150 kg hm-2)、高(225 kg hm-2)施氮水平的田间试验, 以明确深松处理配合施氮对土壤水分、籽粒蛋白质形成的影响。结果表明, 深松处理可提高播前土壤蓄水量, 尤其是深层土壤(60~160 cm)蓄水量, 欠水年和丰水年分别提高12%~34%、10%~22%。深松处理后, 籽粒谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、旗叶谷氨酸合酶(GOGAT)、低氮和中氮条件下籽粒GOGAT、籽粒谷丙转氨酶(GPT) 活性均提高; 籽粒蛋白质产量和球蛋白含量, 及丰水年谷蛋白含量和谷醇比也提高。随施氮量增加, 开花期20~200 cm土壤蓄水量呈下降趋势, 但籽粒GS、灌浆中后期旗叶GOGAT、灌浆后期籽粒GPT活性均上升, 籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量提高, 中氮条件下籽粒谷醇比最高。施氮量对深松处理开花期深层土壤蓄水量、籽粒蛋白质产量、籽粒GS和GPT活性有较大调控效应。深松配施氮肥条件下, 丰水年开花期土壤水分与籽粒清蛋白、谷蛋白、蛋白质含量关系密切, 而欠水年开花期土壤水分与谷醇比关系密切。氮代谢酶主要影响籽粒球蛋白含量、蛋白质产量的积累, 丰水年还影响籽粒谷蛋白含量和谷醇比的提高。总之, 旱地小麦休闲期深松蓄水效果好; 配施氮量225 kg hm-2有利于提高籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量, 在欠水年施氮量150 kg hm-2有利于提高籽粒蛋白质产量及谷醇比。
关键词:旱地小麦; 深松; 施氮量; 土壤水分; 籽粒蛋白质 Effect of Subsoiling in Fallow Period and Nitrogen Application on Soil Moisture and Grain Protein Accumulation in Dryland Wheat SUN Min, GAO Zhi-Qiang*, ZHAO Wei-Feng, REN Ai-Xia, Deng Yan, MIAO Guo-Yuan College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, China Fund: AbstractThe objective of this study was to explore a technique to increase and maintain soil moisture of dryland through subsoiling during fallow period (SS) and the proper nitrogen (N) application in wheat production. In a two-year field experiment carried out in Wenxi County of Shanxi Province, China from autumn 2009 to summer 2011, we tested soil moistures in different soil layers, protein content and its components in grain, and activities of enzymes related to protein accumulation during grain filling after SS and non-tillage practice (CK) in combination with the applications of low (LN, 75 kg ha-1), medium (MN, 150 kg ha-1), or high (HN, 225 kg ha-1) N. Before sowing, the soil moistures in 0-300 cm soil layers under SS condition were higher than those under CK condition, especially in 60-160 cm soil layers, which were increased by 12%-34% in dry year and 10%-22% in humid year. Under SS condition, the activities of protein-related enzymes increased, such as glutamine synthetase (GS) in grain, glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in flag leaf, and GOGAT in grain in LN and MN treatments, and glutamic acid-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in grain. In mature grains, the globulin content and protein yield in SS treatment were increased compared with CK, and Glutenin content and glutenin/gliadin ratio in humid year also increased in SS. The soil moisture in 20-200 cm soil layer at anthesis stage showed a decrease trend with the increase of nitrogen application level; however, the GS activity in grain, GOGAT activity in flag leaf at middle to late filling stage, GPT activity in grain at late filling stage were enhanced, and the contents of protein and its components in grain were increased. The glutenin/gliadin ratio in grain was the highest in MN treatment. Nitrogen application had obvious effects on soil moisture in the deep soil layer at anthesis, also on protein yield, GS and GPT activities in grain under SS condition. Under SS plus N application condition, soil moisture at anthesis was closely correlated with grain albumin, glutenin, and protein content in humid year and with glutenin/gliadin ratio in dry year. In conclusion, subsoiling during fallow period is an effective method to maintain soil moisture in dryland; N application at 225 kg ha-1 has a positive effect on increasing contents of grain protein and its components, whereas N level of 150 kg ha-1 is favorable for high protein yield and glutenin/gliadin ratio in grain in dry year.
Keyword:Dryland wheat; Subsoiling; Nitrogen application amount; Soil moisture; Grain protein Show Figures Show Figures
表1 试验点全年降水量及其分布 Table 1 Precipitation and its distribution in the experimental location (mm)
时期 Period
2005-2009年平均 Average of 2005-2009
休闲期 Fallow period
播种-越冬前 Sowing-prewintering
越冬前-拔节 Prewintering-elongation
拔节-开花 Elongation-anthesis
开花-成熟 Anthesis-maturity
总计 Total
数据由山西省闻喜县气象站提供。休闲期: 7月上旬至10月上旬; 播种-越冬前: 10月上旬至11月下旬; 越冬前-拔节: 11月下旬至4月上旬; 拔节-开花: 4月上旬至5月上旬; 开花-成熟: 5月上旬至6月中旬。 Data were provided by the Meteorological Observation station of Wenxi County, Shanxi Province, China. Fallow period: from the first 10 days of July to the first 10 days of October; Sowing-perwintering: from the first 10 days of October to the last 10 days of November; Perwintering-elongation: from the last 10 days of November to the first 10 days of April of the following year; Elongation-anthesis: from the first 10 days of April to the first 10 days of May; Anthesis-maturity: from the first 10 days of May to the middle 10 days of June.
表1 试验点全年降水量及其分布 Table 1 Precipitation and its distribution in the experimental location (mm)
1.2 试验设计供试品种运旱20410由闻喜县农业局提供。前茬小麦收获时留高茬(20~30 cm)。约2周后(7月1日)进行耕作处理, 采用二因素裂区设计, 主区为耕作处理, 设30~40 cm深松和无耕作措施(对照) 2个水平; 副区为施氮量, 设低氮(纯氮75 kg hm-2)、中氮(150 kg hm-2)和高氮(225 kg hm-2) 3个水平。3次重复, 小区面积50 m × 6 m = 300 m2。8月20日旋耕、耙耱; 9月29日机械条播, 播前施P2O5和K2O各150 kg hm-2, 氮肥按设计用量同时全部施入; 基本苗315 × 104株 hm-2, 行距20 cm。 1.3 测定项目及方法1.3.1 土壤蓄水量 于播种前、越冬期、返青期、拔节期、孕穗期、开花期和成熟期, 分别取0~300 cm (每20 cm为一层)土样, 烘干后测定土壤含水量, 计算土壤蓄水量。SWSi = Wi × Di × Hi × 10 / 100[ 4]。式中, SWS为蓄水量(mm), i为土层, W为土壤质量含水量(%), D为土壤容重(g cm-3), H为土层厚度(cm)。 1.3.2 蛋白质及组分含量 开花期选择同天开花、大小均匀的穗挂牌标记, 于花后5、10、15、20、25和30 d取样, 每次取30穗和10片旗叶。取一部分穗于105℃杀青30 min, 80℃烘干至恒重, 然后粉碎。采用苏佩等[ 19]的方法测定清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白含量。采用半微量凯氏定氮法测定含氮量, 再乘以5.7即为蛋白质含量。 1.3.3 氮代谢相关酶活性 取部分上述穗和旗叶样品, 于液氮中快速冷冻, -40℃冰箱保存。按Lin和Kao[ 20]的方法测定谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸合酶(GOGAT)活性, 按吴良欢和陶勤南[ 21]的方法测定谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活性。 1.3.4 产量相关性状 成熟期调查单位面积穗数、每穗平均粒数及千粒重; 从每小区取50株测定生物产量, 收获20 m2实测产量。 1.4 统计分析采用Microsoft Excel 2003处理数据和作图, 用DPS和SAS 9.0软件统计分析, 用LSD法检验差异显著性。
表2 休闲期深松对旱地小麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量的影响 Table 2 Effect of subsoiling in fallow period on grain protein and its component contents in dryland wheat
处理 Treatment
清蛋白 Albumin (%)
球蛋白 Globulin (%)
醇溶蛋白 Gliadin (%)
谷蛋白 Glutenin (%)
谷醇比 Glu/Gli ratio
蛋白质 Total protein
含量Content (%)
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
深松 SS
2.35 e
1.57 cd
4.08 f
4.14 f
1.01 e
13.39 d
333.96 e
2.74 d
1.65 bc
4.22 d
4.76 d
1.13 bc
15.14 b
459.86 a
2.86 b
1.81 a
4.42 b
4.95 c
1.12 c
15.97 a
443.88 b
对照 CK
2.77 cd
1.38 e
4.16 e
4.57 e
1.10 d
14.47 c
302.96 f
2.82 bc
1.52 d
4.34 c
5.15 b
1.19 a
15.74 a
377.00 d
3.02 a
1.66 b
4.56 a
5.26 a
1.15 b
16.18 a
413.70 c
深松 SS
2.43 d
1.34 b
3.39 d
3.97 d
1.17 c
12.30 d
506.95 c
2.53 c
1.39 a
3.33 d
4.21 c
1.26 a
12.97 c
578.60 b
2.69 b
1.41 a
3.75 b
4.56 a
1.22 b
14.19 a
597.81 a
对照 CK
2.52 c
1.22 d
3.65 c
3.89 d
1.07 e
13.08 c
423.81 d
2.68 b
1.27 c
3.68 c
4.14 c
1.13 d
13.51 b
498.33 c
2.86 a
1.31 bc
3.97 a
4.38 b
1.10 d
14.43 a
506.64 c
每一年度中, 数据后不同字母表示处理间有显著差异( P<0.05)。SS: 休闲期深松; CK: 无耕作对照; LN: 施氮量75 kg hm-2; MN: 施氮量150 kg hm-2; HN: 施氮量225 kg hm-2。 In each growing season, values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05. SS: subsoiling in fallow period; CK: control with no tillage practice; LN: N rate of 75 kg hm-2; MN: N rate of 150 kg hm-2; HN: N rate of 225 kg hm-2.
表2 休闲期深松对旱地小麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量的影响 Table 2 Effect of subsoiling in fallow period on grain protein and its component contents in dryland wheat
图3 休闲期深松对旱地小麦花后旗叶和籽粒谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性的影响(2010-2011)Fig. 3 Effect of subsoiling in fallow period on activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in flag leaves and grains after anthsis in dryland wheat (2010-2011)
图4 休闲期深松对旱地小麦花后旗叶和籽粒谷氨酸合酶(GOGAT)活性的影响(2010-2011)Fig. 4 Effect of subsoiling in fallow period on activity of glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in flag leaves and grains after anthsis in dryland wheat (2010-2011)
图5 休闲期深松对旱地小麦籽粒谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活性的影响(2010-2011)Fig. 5 Effect of subsoiling in fallow period on activity of glutamic acid-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in grains in dryland wheat (2010-2011)
表3 籽粒蛋白质含量和产量与蛋白质合成相关酶活性的相关系数 Table 3 Correlation coefficients between grain protein accumulation and activities of the relevant enzymes for protein synthesis
籽粒蛋白质 Grain protein
旗叶 Flag leaf
籽粒 Grain
旗叶 Flag leaf
籽粒 Grain
清蛋白 Albumin
球蛋白 Globulin
醇溶蛋白 Gliadin
谷蛋白 Glutenin
谷醇比 Glu/Gli ratio
蛋白质含量Protein content
蛋白质产量 Protein yield
*在 P<0.05水平显著;**在 P<0.01水平显著。*Significant at P<0.05;**significant at P<0.01.
表3 籽粒蛋白质含量和产量与蛋白质合成相关酶活性的相关系数 Table 3 Correlation coefficients between grain protein accumulation and activities of the relevant enzymes for protein synthesis
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