关键词:持绿型小麦; 激素; 灌浆特性; Richard方程; 蛋白质含量; 谷氨酰胺合成酶 Effects of Exogenous ABA and 6-BA on Protein Content and Grain Filling Process in Different Types of Stay-Green Wheat YANG Dong-Qing1, LI Yu-Ling2, NI Ying-Li1,3, YIN Yan-Ping1, YANG Wei-Bing1, CUI Zheng-Yong1, ZHANG Yong-Tai2, MA Ren-Yuan2, WANG Zhen-Lin1,* 1 College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai#cod#x02019;an 271018, China
2 Agriculture Bureau of Qihe County of Shandong Province, Qihe 251100, China
3 Agriculture Bureau of Rencheng District of Shandong Province, Jining 272000, China
AbstractThis study aimed to understand the grain filling process and protein biosynthesis in grain of stay-green wheat in response to exogenous hormones. At blooming stage, plants of Wennong 6 (stay-green cultivar) and Jimai 20 (control) were sprayed with 10 mg L-1 abscisic acid (ABA) and 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) for four days. Compared with Jimai 20, Wennong 6 had longer grain-filling duration (t3) and the active growth phase (D), higher mean grain-filling rate (Gmean) and maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax), larger thousand-grain weight (TGW), and greater grain yield (GY). All parameters for grain filling were higher in superior grain than in inferior grain.Gmean,Gmax, TGW, and GY were promoted by ABA or 6-BA treatment in both cultivars. However, the effects of exogenous hormones ont3 andD were interacted with grain position in a panicle and genotype. Exogenous ABA and 6-BA treatment obviously increased protein content at 35 days after anthesis (DAA). The glutenin contents in ABA-treated and 6-BA-treated Wennong 6 significantly increased at 35 DAA; however, those in Jimai 20 decreased at 35 DAA. Exogenous ABA increased endogenous zeatin (ZR) content from 7 DAA to 21 DAA. In Wennong 6, GA3 content in superior grain was significantly decreased from 7 DAA to 21 DAA by 6-BA treatment, however, its content in inferior grain was enhanced. In both cultivars, application of ABA and 6-BA resulted in significant increases of endogenous auxin (IAA) and ABA contents from 7 DAA to 21 DAA, along with significant enhancement of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity.
Keyword:Stay-green wheat; Hormones; Grain filling characteristics; Richard equation; Protein content; Glutamine synthetase Show Figures Show Figures
图1 外源ABA和6-BA对籽粒增重的影响实心图例表示强势粒(S), 空心图例表示弱势粒(I), 虚线表示对照; CK、ABA和6-BA分别表示喷施清水(含Tween-20)、ABA (10 mg L-1)和6-BA (10 mg L-1)。Fig. 1 Effects of spraying exogenous ABA and 6-BA on grain weight processSolid and hollow legends represent superior (S) and inferior (I) grain, respectively. Dash lines represent the control (CK). CK, ABA, and 6-BA represent spraying water (including Tween-20), ABA (10 mg L-1), and 6-BA (10 mg L-1), respectively.
图2 外源ABA和6-BA对籽粒灌浆速率的影响实心图例表示强势粒(S), 空心图例表示弱势粒(I), 虚线表示对照; CK、ABA和6-BA分别表示喷施清水(含Tween-20)、ABA (10 mg L-1)和6-BA (10 mg L-1)。Fig. 2 Effects of spraying exogenous ABA and 6-BA on grain filling rateSolid and hollow legends represent superior (S) and inferior (I) grain, respectively. Dash lines represent the control (CK). CK, ABA, and 6-BA represent spraying water (including Tween-20), ABA (10 mg L-1), and 6-BA (10 mg L-1), respectively.
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 籽粒增重模型与籽粒灌浆参数 Table 1 The grain filling parameters and grain filling process model
粒位 Grain position
处理 Treatment
灌浆方程 Model of grain-filling process
活跃生长期 D (d)
最大灌浆速率 Gmax
平均灌浆速率 Gmean
实际灌浆终期 t3(d)
济麦20 Jimai 20
强势粒 Superior grain
W= 34.8989/(1+28.7429e-0.221t)1/1.068, r=0.9991
W= 39.6919/(1+12.6433e-0.187t)1/0.819, r=0.9989
W= 34.8847/(1+38.0724e-0.233t)1/1.199, r=0.9994
弱势粒 Inferior grain
W= 25.7400/(1+6.4624e-0.206t)1/0.458, r=0.9953
W= 31.8531/(1+2.3089e-0.167t)1/0.283, r =0.9959
W= 30.1616/(1+7.9715e-0.204t)1/0.533, r=0.9974
汶农6号 Wennong 6
强势粒 Superior grain
W = 45.8820/(1+7.7274e-0.164t)1/0.508, r=0.9987
W = 48.6430/(1+45.3867e-0.204t)1/1.108, r=0.9986
W = 47.2152/(1+47.4159e-0.228t)1/1.021, r=0.9995
弱势粒 Inferior grain
W = 37.9304/(1+27.0382e-0.197t)1/0.812, r=0.9983
W = 39.5295/(1+91.1443e-0.234t)1/1.258, r=0.9981
W = 41.2767/(1+1.6755e-0.142t)1/0.185, r=0.9951
灌浆方程中 W和 t分别表示千粒重和开花后天数。 In the model of grain-filling process, W and t represent thousand-grain weight and days after anthesis, respectively.
表1 籽粒增重模型与籽粒灌浆参数 Table 1 The grain filling parameters and grain filling process model
图4 外源ABA和6-BA对小麦籽粒蛋白质组分含量的影响S表示强势粒, I表示弱势粒; CK、ABA和6-BA分别表示喷施清水(含Tween-20)、ABA (10 mg L-1)和6-BA (10 mg L-1)。Fig. 4 Effect of ABA and 6-BA on protein components in wheatS and I represent superior and inferior grain, respectively. CK, ABA, and 6-BA represent spraying water (including Tween-20), ABA (10 mg L-1), and 6-BA (10 mg L-1), respectively.
图5 不同外源激素对小麦叶片内源激素含量的影响实心图例表示强势粒(S), 空心图例表示弱势粒(I), 虚线表示对照; CK、ABA和6-BA分别表示喷施清水(含Tween-20)、ABA (10 mg L-1)和6-BA (10 mg L-1)。Fig. 5 Effects of exogenous hormones on content of four endogenous hormones in wheat grainsSolid and hollow legends represent superior (S) and inferior (I) grain, respectively. Dash lines represent the control (CK). CK, ABA, and 6-BA represent spraying water (including Tween-20), ABA (10 mg L-1), and 6-BA (10 mg L-1), respectively.
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