关键词:超级粳稻; 遮光; 氮肥; 产量; 物质生产 Effects of Light, Nitrogen and Their Interaction on Grain Yield and Matter Production Characteristics ofJaponica Super Rice WANG Ya-Jiang, GE Meng-Jie, YAN Xi-Ting, WEI Hai-Yan, ZHANG Hong-Cheng*, DAI Qi-Gen, HUO Zhong-Yang, XU Ke Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Agricultural College of Yangzhou University / Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Rive Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou 225009, China
AbstractField experiment was conducted usingjaponica super rice Nanjing 44 and Ningjing 3 with two nitrogen fertilization levels (N10: 150 kg ha-1, N20: 300 kg ha-1) and three shading treatments (L1: no shading, L2: shading 20 days before heading, L3: shading 20 days after heading) to study the effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on grain yield and matter production. Results showed that, compared with L1 treatment, L2 not only reduced the effective panicles and grains per panicle, resulting in the decline of total spikelets by 24.81% to 35.63%, but also significantly reduced the tiller number and leaf area index at heading by 2.90%-6.44% and 19.02%-27.17% respectively, causing photosynthetic potential, dry matter accumulation decreased significantly from heading to maturity, and at last the final yield decreased by 27.23%-35.26%. Compared with L1 treatment, L3 mainly affected photosynthate accumulation from heading to maturity, leading to seed setting rate and grain weight significantly decreased by 1.49%-4.48% and 5.54%-9.17%, respectively, and the final yield decreased by 10.91%-18.47%. Under L2 condition, with increasing nitrogen level, tiller number and leaf area index at heading increased significantly, resulting in photosynthetic potential, dry matter accumulation increased significantly from heading to maturity, and the ultimately effective panicles, number of grains per panicle, total number of spikelets and the yield improved significantly. Under L3 condition, with increasing nitrogen level, photosynthate accumulation from heading to maturity increased significantly, dry matter translocation from stems and leaves to the panicle increased significantly, meanwhile, translocation rate and contribution rate were further improved, and the ultimate yield improved significantly. This indicated that nitrogen fertilizer could partially offset the impact of low light stress on the matter production and yield ofjaponica super rice.
Keyword:Japonica super rice; Shading; Nitrogen; Yield; Matter production Show Figures Show Figures
表2 光、氮及其互作对超级稻产量及其构成因素的影响 Table 2 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on yield and yield components of super rice
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
有效穗数 No. of panicles (×104 hm-2)
每穗粒数 No. of spikelets per panicle
总颖花量 Total spikelets (×104 hm-2)
千粒重1000-grain weight (g)
结实率Seed-setting rate (%)
实际产量 Actual yield (t hm-2)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
248.13 Cc
128.71 Bb
31937.23 Cc
27.25 Aa
93.56 Aa
7.57 Dd
237.19 Dd
105.25 Dd
24963.98 Dd
26.96 Aa
93.15 Aa
5.95 Ff
249.38 Cc
130.75 Bb
32605.78 Cc
25.30 Cc
89.55 Cc
6.79 Ee
308.75 Aa
149.00 Aa
46003.75 Aa
26.20 Bb
92.59 Bb
10.97 Aa
299.69 Bb
122.22 Cc
36628.47 Bb
25.95 Bb
92.43 Bb
8.39 Cc
307.66 Aa
148.57 Aa
45708.93 Aa
24.00 Dd
88.67 Dd
9.26 Bb
宁粳3号Ningjing 3
259.06 Cc
137.66 Bb
35661.80 Cc
27.31 Aa
92.06 Aa
8.44 Dd
249.06 Dd
105.57 Dd
26293.88 Dd
27.11 Aa
91.77 ABa
6.24 Ff
259.69 Cc
138.14 Bb
35873.97 Cc
25.45 Cc
90.71 Cc
7.61 Ee
313.91 Aa
154.75 Aa
48576.99 Aa
26.31 Bb
91.23 BCb
11.45 Aa
305.78 Bb
127.28 Cc
38921.58 Bb
26.12 Bb
90.96 Cbc
8.76 Cc
316.09 Aa
152.11 Aa
48081.37 Aa
24.93 Cd
88.97 Dd
9.92 Bb
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading.
表2 光、氮及其互作对超级稻产量及其构成因素的影响 Table 2 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on yield and yield components of super rice
表3 光、氮及其互作对超级稻单位面积(m2)茎蘖数及成穗率的影响 Table 3 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on number and percentage of productive tillers per unit ground area of super rice
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
成穗数 Number of productive tillers
成穗率 Percentage of productive tillers (%)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
302.19 Bb
255.53 Cc
248.13 Cc
82.11 Aa
302.75 Bb
240.07 Dd
237.19 Dd
78.34 Cc
303.04 Bb
256.37 Cc
249.38 Cc
82.29 Aa
383.63 Aa
316.25 Aa
308.75 Aa
80.48 Bb
383.99 Aa
305.85 Bb
299.69 Bb
78.04 Cc
384.22 Aa
314.28 Aa
307.66 Aa
80.07 Bb
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
314.24 Bb
266.49 Cc
259.06 Cc
82.44 Aa
314.64 Bb
256.09 Dd
249.06 Dd
79.16 Cc
314.42 Bb
267.62 Cc
259.69 Cc
82.59 Aa
387.93 Aa
319.06 Aa
313.91 Aa
80.92 Bb
388.49 Aa
310.06 Bb
305.78 Bb
78.71 Cc
390.18 Aa
321.87 Aa
316.09 Aa
81.01 Bb
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表3 光、氮及其互作对超级稻单位面积(m2)茎蘖数及成穗率的影响 Table 3 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on number and percentage of productive tillers per unit ground area of super rice
表4 光、氮及其互作对超级稻群体叶面积指数和抽穗期叶面积组成的影响 Table 4 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on population leaf area index and leaf area composition at heading of super rice
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
叶面积指数 Leaf area index
有效叶面积率 LARPTH (%)
高效叶面积率 LARFTH (%)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
4.48 Bb
5.50 Cc
2.18 Bb
95.22 a
67.74 Bb
4.48 Bb
4.58 Dd
2.22 Bb
95.69 a
64.76 Cc
4.47 Bb
5.53 Cc
1.61 Cd
94.89 a
67.77 Bb
5.06 Aa
7.97 Aa
2.50 Aa
95.45 a
70.37 Aa
5.03 Aa
6.35 Bb
2.58 Aa
95.34 a
67.37 Bb
5.04 Aa
7.96 Aa
1.96 Bc
95.32 a
70.69 Aa
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
4.37 Bb
5.34 Cc
2.08 Bb
94.98 a
67.18 Bb
4.39 Bb
4.49 Dd
2.14 Bb
94.33 a
64.67 Cc
4.37 Bb
5.38 Cc
1.50 Cd
94.85 a
67.21 Bb
4.91 Aa
7.82 Aa
2.37 Aa
95.12 a
69.93 Aa
4.92 Aa
6.15 Bb
2.46 Aa
95.09 a
66.92 Bb
4.90 Aa
7.83 Aa
1.84 Bc
95.22 a
70.14 Aa
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2 纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing. LARPTH: leaf area rate of productive tillers at heading; LARFTH: leaf area rate from flag leaf to 3rd leaf at heading.
表4 光、氮及其互作对超级稻群体叶面积指数和抽穗期叶面积组成的影响 Table 4 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on population leaf area index and leaf area composition at heading of super rice
表5 光、氮及其互作对超级稻群体光合势的影响 Table 5 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on population photosynthetic potential of super rice
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
光合势 Photosynthetic potential (m2 d m-2)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
149.95 Bb
139.68 Cc
234.27 Dd
150.18 Bb
135.93 Dd
200.69 Ff
149.68 Bb
139.92 Cc
217.64 Ee
169.37 Aa
182.37 Aa
319.30 Aa
168.58 Aa
176.46 Bb
259.08 Cc
168.72 Aa
181.92 Aa
302.51 Bb
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
146.44 Bb
135.99 Cc
226.32 Dd
147.21 Bb
133.24 Dd
195.65 Ff
146.52 Bb
136.50 Cc
209.65 Ee
164.49 Aa
184.68 Aa
305.85 Aa
164.91 Aa
177.22 Bb
245.59 Cc
164.11 Aa
184.50 aA
289.81 Bb
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. SO: sowing; EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表5 光、氮及其互作对超级稻群体光合势的影响 Table 5 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on population photosynthetic potential of super rice
表6 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质积累量的影响 Table 6 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on dry matter accumulation amount of super rice (t hm-2)
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
拔节 EG
抽穗 HD
成熟 MA
南粳44 Nanjing 44
3.26 Bb
8.30 Cc
14.50 Dd
3.29 Bb
7.22 Dd
12.63 Ff
3.27 Bb
8.43 Cc
13.77 Ee
4.19 Aa
12.69 Aa
21.18 Aa
4.14 Aa
10.62 Bb
17.93 Cc
4.14 Aa
12.42 Aa
18.90 Bb
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
3.49 Bb
9.50 Cc
16.26 Dd
3.51 Bb
7.72 Dd
13.22 Ff
3.51 Bb
9.72 Cc
15.16 Ee
4.74 Aa
13.09 Aa
21.64 Aa
4.72 Aa
11.27 Bb
18.68 Cc
4.72 Aa
13.21 Aa
20.08 Bb
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表6 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质积累量的影响 Table 6 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on dry matter accumulation amount of super rice (t hm-2)
表7 Table 7 表7(Table 7)
表7 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质阶段积累量的影响 Table 7 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on periodical dry matter accumulation of super rice (t hm-2)
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
拔节前 TR-EG
拔节-抽穗 EG-HD
抽穗-成熟 HD-MA
南粳44 Nanjing 44
3.26 Bb
5.05 Cc
6.20 Cd
3.29 Bb
3.94 Dd
5.41 De
3.27 Bb
5.16 Cc
5.34 De
4.19 Aa
8.50 Aa
8.49 Aa
4.14 Aa
6.48 Bb
7.31 Bb
4.14 Aa
8.28 Aa
6.47 Cc
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
3.49 Bb
6.02 Cc
6.76 Cd
3.51 Bb
4.21 Dd
5.50 De
3.51 Bb
6.21 Cc
5.44 De
4.74 Aa
8.35 Aa
8.56 Aa
4.72 Aa
6.55 Bb
7.41 Bb
4.72 Aa
8.49 Aa
6.87 Cc
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. TR: transplanting; EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表7 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质阶段积累量的影响 Table 7 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on periodical dry matter accumulation of super rice (t hm-2)
表8 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质阶段积累率的影响 Table 8 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on percentage of periodical dry matter accumulation rate of super rice (%)
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
拔节前 TR-EG
拔节-抽穗 EG-HD
抽穗-成熟 HD-MA
南粳44 Nanjing 44
22.47 CDd
34.80 Ee
42.73 Aa
26.01 Aa
31.16 Ff
42.83 Aa
23.77 Bb
37.47 Cc
38.76 Bc
19.79 Ef
40.13 Bb
40.07 Bbc
23.10 BCc
36.12 Dd
40.78 ABb
21.93 De
43.81 Aa
34.26 Cd
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
21.43 De
37.00 Dd
41.57 Aa
26.53 Aa
31.84 Ff
41.64 Aa
23.18 Cc
40.97 Bb
35.86 Cc
21.89 Dd
38.57 Cc
39.54 Bb
25.26 Bb
35.08 Ee
39.66 Bb
23.49 Cc
42.28 Aa
34.23 Dd
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. TR: transplanting; EG: elongation; HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表8 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质阶段积累率的影响 Table 8 Effects of light, nitrogen and their interaction on percentage of periodical dry matter accumulation rate of super rice (%)
表9 Table 9 表9(Table 9)
表9 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质转运特性的影响 Table 9 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on dry matter translocation of super rice
氮肥水平 Nitrogen level
光处理 Light treatment
抽穗期 HD (t hm-2)
成熟期 MA (t hm-2)
转运量 Translocation amount (t hm-2)
转运率 Translocation rate(%)
贡献率 Contribution rate (%)
茎叶 Stem and leaf
穗 Panicle
茎叶 Stem and leaf
穗 Panicle
南粳44 Nanjing 44
7.35 Cc
0.95 Bb
6.40 Dd
8.10 Dd
0.95 Dd
12.98 Dd
11.77 Ee
6.69 Dd
0.53 Dd
5.97 Ff
6.67 Ff
0.72 Ee
10.86 Ee
10.90 Ff
7.55 Cc
0.89 Bb
6.22 Ee
7.56 Ee
1.33 Cc
17.64 Bb
17.62 Bb
11.32 Aa
1.37 Aa
9.61 Aa
11.57 Aa
1.71 Bb
15.13 Cc
14.82 Cc
9.96 Bb
0.66 Cc
8.70 Cc
9.23 Cc
1.26 Cc
12.63 Dd
13.63 Dd
11.16 Aa
1.26 Aa
8.94 Bb
9.95 Bb
2.22 Aa
19.86 Aa
22.27 Aa
宁粳3号 Ningjing 3
8.33 Cc
1.17 Bb
7.11 Dd
9.15 Dd
1.22 De
14.58 Dd
13.28 Ee
7.08 Dd
0.63 Dd
6.30 Ff
6.92 Ff
0.78 Ef
11.06 Ff
11.32 Ff
8.64 Cc
1.08 Bb
6.92 Ee
8.24 Ee
1.72 Bc
19.91 Bb
20.88 Bb
11.58 Aa
1.51 Aa
9.77 Aa
11.87 Aa
1.80 Bb
15.58 Cc
15.19 Cc
10.46 Bb
0.81 Cc
9.11 Cc
9.57 Cc
1.35 Cd
12.95 Ee
14.16 Dd
11.79 Aa
1.42 Aa
9.32 Bb
10.77 Bb
2.47 Aa
20.96 Aa
22.95 Aa
同一品种的相同数据列标以不同大小写字母的数值分别在1%和5%水平差异显著。N10: 150 kg hm-2纯氮; N20: 300 kg hm-2纯氮; L1: 不遮光; L2: 抽穗前遮光20 d; L3: 抽穗后遮光20 d。 Values followed by different letters within the same column for a cultivar are significantly different at 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels, respectively. N10: 150 kg hm-2 N applied; N20: 300 kg hm-2 N applied; L1: no shading; L2: shading 20 days before heading; L3: shading 20 days after heading. HD: heading; MA: maturing.
表9 光、氮及其互作对超级稻干物质转运特性的影响 Table 9 Effects of light, nitrogen, and their interaction on dry matter translocation of super rice
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