关键词:水稻; 钵苗机插; 密度; 产量; 光合物质生产 Effect of Planting Density on Yield and Photosynthate Production Characteristics in Different Types of Rice with Bowl Mechanical-Transplanting Method ZHU Cong-Cong1, ZHANG Hong-Cheng1,2,*, GUO Bao-Wei1,2, CAO Li-Qiang1, JIANG Feng1, GE Meng-Jie1, HUA Jin1, SONG Yun-Sheng1, ZHOU Xing-Tao1, HUO Zhong-Yang1,2, XU Ke1,2, Dai Qi-Gen1,2, WEI Hai-Yan1,2, ZHU Da-Wei1 1 Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
2 Jiangsu Engineering Technology Center for Hybrid Japonica Rice, Yangzhou 225009, China
AbstractIn order to study the impacts of planting density of nutrition bowl seedling mechanical-transplanting rice on photosynthate production and yield, a field experiment was conducted using conventionaljaponica rice Nanjing 44, Wuyunjing 24,japo- nica hybrid rice Yongyou 8, Changyou 5, andindica hybrid rice Liangyoupeijiu, II you 084 which have been widely grown in the southern China with high, medium and low density treatments of the different hill spacings in nutrition bowl mechanical- transplanting (12 cm, 14 cm, and 16 cm), and the conventional blanket seedling mechanical-transplanting as control. The results showed that, the tiller number of nutrition bowl mechanical-transplanting rice in the critical period and the declining rate of leaf area after heading decreased with the reduction of planting density, the productive tiller percentage increased significantly, while the chlorophyll content of flag leaf and the photosynthetic parameters presented the opposite trend. The dry matter weight of single stem, the matter transportation amount in stem and leaf, and the net assimilation rate were all the highest in the low density treatment, the medium in medium density treatment, and the lowest in high density treatment. After heading, the dry matter accumulation, population growth rate, photosynthetic potential and other indicators of conventionaljaponica rice decreased significantly with the reduction of planting density. The average dry matter weight of population in high density treatment at maturity stage was 11.8% and 8.9% higher than that in medium density treatment and low density treatment respectively, and without significant difference between the low density treatment and control. For the population growth indexes of hybrid rice, medium density treatment was the highest, and there was no significant difference between high density treatment and low density treatments. The actual yield in high density treatment was between that in medium and low density treatments, besides, that in high density treatment ofindica hybrid rice was equal to that in low density treatment, but significantly lower than that in medium density treatment by 3.0%. Consequently, for conventionaljaponica rice and varieties with big panicle and numerous grain in agricultural production, the hill spacing of 12 centimeters could reach high yield, while for hybrid rice and big heavy panicle varieties, increasing the hill spacing appropriately was helpful to improve the percentage of spike-forming tillers and develop the advantage of panicle type, resalting in high yielding and high efficiency production.
Keyword:Rice; Nutrition bowl mechanical-transplanting; Density; Yield; Photosynthetic matter production Show Figures Show Figures
图1 钵苗机插不同密度水稻关键时期群体茎蘖数CK: 对照; HD: 高密度; MD: 中密度; LD: 低密度。Fig. 1 Number of stems and tillers of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densitiesCK: control; HD: high density; MD: middle density; LD: low density.
表1 钵苗机插不同密度水稻叶面积指数和叶面积衰减率 Table 1 Leaf area index and decay rate of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Variety
处理 Treatment
移栽 Transplanting
拔节 Jointing
抽穗 Heading
成熟 Maturity
叶面积衰减率 DRLA (LAI d-1)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
对照 Control
0.0541 Dd
4.23 Aa
7.63 Bb
3.31 Cc
0.0863 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0769 Aa
4.18 Bb
7.70 Aa
3.74 Aa
0.0791 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0659 Bb
4.00 Cc
7.43 Cc
3.50 Bb
0.0786 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0576 Cc
3.60 Dd
6.90 Dd
3.01 Dd
0.0778 Dd
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
对照 Control
0.0485 Dd
4.40 Aa
7.40 Bb
3.27 Cc
0.0825 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0643 Aa
4.28 Bb
7.77 Aa
3.87 Aa
0.0781 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0551 Bb
4.01 Cc
7.26 Cc
3.38 Bb
0.0777 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0482 Cc
3.70 Dd
6.90 Dd
3.08 Dd
0.0764 Dd
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
对照 Control
0.0213 Dd
4.54 Aa
7.66 Bb
4.07 Cc
0.0732 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0400 Aa
4.49 Bb
7.90 Aa
4.43 Bb
0.0708 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0343 Bb
4.21 Cc
7.55 Cc
4.54 Aa
0.0615 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0300 Cc
3.92 Dd
6.81 Dd
4.02 Cc
0.0569 Dd
常优5号 Changyou 5
对照 Control
0.0390 Dd
4.81 Aa
7.69 Cc
3.33 Bc
0.0947 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0619 Aa
4.67 Bb
7.90 Aa
3.84 Ab
0.0882 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0531 Bb
4.64 Cc
7.76 Bb
3.94 Aa
0.0831 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0465 Cc
4.23 Dd
6.90 Dd
3.11 Bd
0.0824 Dd
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
对照 Control
0.0227 Dd
5.78 Aa
7.60 Ab
3.21 Cc
0.0999 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0688 Aa
5.66 Bb
7.69 Aa
3.40 Bb
0.0975 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0590 Bb
5.35 Cc
7.50 Ab
3.70 Aa
0.0862 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0516 Cc
4.98 Dd
6.94 Bc
3.26 Cc
0.0838 Dd
II优084 II you 084
对照 Control
0.0246 Dd
5.84 Aa
7.77 Aab
3.15 Cc
0.0888 Aa
高密度 High density
0.0550 Aa
5.60 Bb
7.82 Aa
3.32 Bb
0.0865 Bb
中密度 Middle density
0.0472 Bb
5.46 Cc
7.65 Ab
3.55 Aa
0.0788 Cc
低密度 Low density
0.0413 Cc
5.22 Dd
7.14 Bc
3.17 Cc
0.0764 Dd
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。DRLA: 叶面积衰减率。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively. DRLA: the decay rate of leaf area.
表1 钵苗机插不同密度水稻叶面积指数和叶面积衰减率 Table 1 Leaf area index and decay rate of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表2 钵苗机插不同密度水稻齐穗后叶绿素含量及光合特征参数 Table 2 SPAD and photosynthetic parameters of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
叶绿素含量 SPAD
光合特征参数 Photosynthetic parameters
齐穗期 Full heading
齐穗后10 d 10 days after FH
齐穗后20 d 20 days after FH
衰减率 Attenuation rate (%)
净光合速率 Pn (μmol m-2s-1)
气孔导度 Cs (mol m-2s-1)
蒸腾速率 Tr (mmol m-2s-1)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
49.03 Cc
47.01 Dd
43.17 Cc
29.33 Aa
19.00 Dd
0.283 Dd
5.59 Dd
高 HD
49.40 BCb
48.40 Cc
44.32 Bb
25.40 Bb
19.20 Cc
0.322 Cc
6.98 Cc
中 MD
49.63 Bb
49.10 Bb
44.64 Bb
24.97 Bbc
22.70 Bb
0.351 Bb
7.34 Bb
低 LD
51.27 Aa
51.03 Aa
46.33 Aa
24.67 Bc
0.499 Aa
9.73 Aa
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
47.43 Dd
44.16 Dd
38.04 Dd
46.97 Aa
20.00 Cc
0.464 Cc
7.80 Cd
高 HD
49.93 Cc
47.51 Cc
40.73 Cc
46.00 Ab
22.35 Bb
0.465 Cc
8.15 Bc
中 MD
51.90 Bb
49.67 Bb
44.40 Bb
37.50 Bc
23.70 Aa
0.522 Bb
8.82 Bb
低 LD
52.63 Aa
52.30 Aa
47.02 Aa
28.07 Cd
23.78 Aa
0.551 Aa
8.90 Aa
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
46.53 Dd
45.03 Dd
43.63 Dd
14.53 Aa
21.10 Bc
0.414 Dd
7.59 Cc
高 HD
47.57 Cc
46.30 Cc
44.84 Cc
13.65 Bb
21.13 Bbc
0.510 Cc
9.21 Bb
中 MD
48.67 Bb
47.90 Bb
46.23 Bb
12.17 Cc
21.30 Bb
0.524 Bb
9.73 Aa
低 LD
49.30 Aa
48.71 Aa
47.33 Aa
9.83 Dd
23.75 Aa
0.559 Aa
9.78 Aa
常优5号 Changyou 5
45.83 Dd
44.08 Dd
40.07 Dd
28.83 Aa
15.05 Cc
0.286 Dd
6.01 Dd
高 HD
46.47 Cc
45.11 Cc
42.55 Cc
19.58 Bb
18.65 Bb
0.364 Cc
7.95 Cc
中 MD
47.67 Bb
46.50 Bb
45.78 Bb
9.43 Cc
20.95 Aa
0.386 Bb
8.02 Bb
低 LD
48.70 Aa
48.40 Aa
47.83 Aa
4.33 Dd
21.25 Aa
0.420 Aa
8.57 Aa
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
43.83 Cc
41.41 Dd
30.67 Dd
65.83 Aa
18.75 Cc
0.325 Cd
7.15 Dd
高 HD
44.03 Cc
42.58 Cc
32.35 Cc
58.43 Bb
18.85 Cc
0.396 Bc
7.89 Cc
中 MD
46.27 Bb
45.33 Bb
35.12 Bb
55.72 Cc
21.00 Bb
0.416 Bb
8.30 Bb
低 LD
47.67 Aa
47.33 Aa
36.73 Aa
54.67 Cd
24.15 Aa
0.601 Aa
9.61 Aa
II优084 II you 084
41.20 Dd
36.40 Dd
18.50 Dd
113.50 Aa
15.80 Cc
0.361 Dd
7.58 Cc
高 HD
43.23 Cc
39.23 Cc
21.46 Cc
108.87 ABb
16.90 Bb
0.385 Cc
8.05 Bb
中 MD
44.27 Bb
41.50 Bb
23.25 Bb
105.08 Bc
17.10 Bb
0.403 Bb
8.14 Bb
低 LD
46.97 Aa
44.42 Aa
27.67 Aa
96.50 Cd
19.40 Aa
0.419 Aa
8.41 Aa
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。FH: 齐穗; Pn: 净光合速率; Cs: 气孔导度; Tr: 蒸腾速率。其他缩写同图1。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively. FH: full heading; Pn: net photosynthetic rate; Cs: stomatal conductance; Tr: transpiration rate. Other abbreviations are the same as given in Figure 1.
表2 钵苗机插不同密度水稻齐穗后叶绿素含量及光合特征参数 Table 2 SPAD and photosynthetic parameters of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表3 钵苗机插不同密度水稻单茎叶片及茎鞘干物质转运 Table 3 Leaves, culm and sheath of per shoot of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
单茎叶片 Leaves per shoot
单茎茎鞘 Culm and sheath per shoot
抽穗期 Heading (g)
成熟期 Maturity (g)
表观转运量 Exportation (g)
表观转运率 Exportrate (%)
抽穗期 Heading (g)
成熟期 Maturity (g)
表观转运量 Exportation (g)
表观转运率 Exportrate (%)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
1.00 Dd
0.82 Dd
0.176 Dd
17.60 Cc
2.17 Dd
1.99 Dd
0.188 Dd
8.66 Bc
高 HD
1.15 Cc
0.91 Cc
0.239 Cc
20.78 BCb
2.39 Cc
2.17 Cc
0.225 Cc
9.41 ABb
中 MD
1.23 Bb
0.93 Bb
0.297 Bb
24.15 ABa
2.53 Bb
2.24 Bb
0.289 Bb
11.42 Aa
低 LD
1.37 Aa
1.01 Aa
0.366 Aa
26.72 Aa
2.65 Aa
2.34 Aa
0.316 Aa
11.92 Aa
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
1.11 Dd
0.92 Dd
0.194 Dd
17.48 Bc
2.19 Dd
2.13 Dd
0.060 Dd
2.74 Bc
高 HD
1.19 Cc
0.93 Cc
0.257 Cc
21.60 Ab
2.62 Cc
2.42 Cc
0.199 Cc
7.60 Ab
中 MD
1.26 Bb
0.95 Bb
0.307 Bb
24.37 Aa
2.75 Bb
2.47 Bb
0.288 Bb
10.47 Aab
低 LD
1.38 Aa
1.03 Aa
0.347 Aa
25.14 Aa
2.91 Aa
2.56 Aa
0.350 Aa
12.03 Aa
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
1.63 Dd
1.49 Dd
0.140 Dd
8.59 Cc
3.03 Dd
2.93 Dd
0.098 Dd
3.23 Ac
高 HD
1.77 Cc
1.52 Cc
0.244 Cc
13.79 Bb
3.22 Cc
3.11 Cc
0.108 Cc
3.35 Abc
中 MD
1.93 Bb
1.59 Bb
0.340 Bb
17.62 ABa
3.56 Bb
3.38 Bb
0.181 Bb
5.08 Aab
低 LD
2.09 Aa
1.68 Aa
0.413 Aa
19.76 Aa
3.91 Aa
3.62 Aa
0.295 Aa
7.54 Aa
常优5号 Changyou 5
1.48 Dd
1.37 Dd
0.115 Dd
7.77 Bc
3.03 Dd
2.82 Dd
0.210 Dd
6.93 Ab
高 HD
1.53 Cc
1.40 Cc
0.125 Cc
8.17 Bb
3.30 Cc
3.06 Cc
0.246 Cc
7.45 Aa
中 MD
1.74 Bb
1.43 Bb
0.307 Bb
17.64 Aa
3.53 Bb
3.28 Bb
0.257 Bb
7.28 Aab
低 LD
1.83 Aa
1.50 Aa
0.327 Aa
17.87 Aa
3.68 Aa
3.39 Aa
0.292 Aa
7.93 Aa
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
1.29 Dd
1.28 Dd
0.013 Dd
1.01 Cd
2.48 Dd
2.33 Dd
0.152 Dd
6.13 Bb
高 HD
1.51 Cc
1.38 Cc
0.130 Cc
8.61 Bc
2.86 Cc
2.53 Cc
0.325 Cc
11.36 Aa
中 MD
1.63 Bb
1.44 Bb
0.186 Bb
11.41 ABb
3.05 Bb
2.69 Bb
0.356 Bb
11.67 Aa
低 LD
1.73 Aa
1.46 Aa
0.269 Aa
15.55 Aa
3.24 Aa
2.87 Aa
0.371 Aa
11.45 Aa
II优084 II you 084
1.38 Dd
1.32 Dd
0.061 Dd
4.42 Bc
2.64 Dd
2.50 Dd
0.138 Dd
5.23 Bc
高 HD
1.56 Cc
1.36 Cc
0.199 Cc
12.76 Ab
2.87 Cc
2.54 Cc
0.332 Cc
11.57 Ab
中 MD
1.67 Bb
1.46 Bb
0.216 Bb
12.93 Ab
2.96 Bb
2.60 Bb
0.362 Bb
12.23 Aab
低 LD
1.81 Aa
1.53 Aa
0.279 Aa
15.41 Aa
3.24 Aa
2.83 Aa
0.406 Aa
12.53 Aa
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively.
表3 钵苗机插不同密度水稻单茎叶片及茎鞘干物质转运 Table 3 Leaves, culm and sheath of per shoot of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表4 钵苗机插不同密度水稻主要生育期单茎和群体干物重 Table 4 Dry matter weight of per stem and population of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
移栽 Transplanting
拔节 Jointing
抽穗 Heading
成熟 Maturity
单茎干物重 DMWPS (g)
群体干物重 DMWP (t hm-2)
单茎干物重 DMWPS (g)
群体干物重 DMWP (t hm-2)
单茎干物重 DMWPS (g)
群体干物重 DMWP (t hm-2)
单茎干物重 DMWPS (g)
群体干物重 DMWP (t hm-2)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
0.030 Bb
0.030 Dd
1.08 Dd
4.06 Bc
3.62 Dd
11.44 Cc
6.11 Dd
17.39 Dd
高 HD
0.067 Aa
0.068 Aa
1.47 Cc
5.24 Aa
4.12 Cc
12.68 Aa
6.80 Cc
19.67 Aa
中 MD
0.067 Aa
0.058 Bb
1.55 Bb
5.15 Ab
4.36 Bb
12.60 Aa
6.98 Bb
19.29 Bb
低 LD
0.067 Aa
0.051 Cc
1.73 Aa
5.13 Ab
4.63 Aa
12.06 Bb
7.33 Aa
18.18 Cc
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.023 Bb
0.023 Dd
1.27 Dd
4.51 Cd
4.03 Dd
11.90 Bc
6.89 Dd
18.35 Dd
高 HD
0.039 Aa
0.039 Aa
1.68 Cc
5.39 Aa
4.60 Cc
12.98 Aa
7.48 Cc
20.42 Aa
中 MD
0.039 Aa
0.034 Bb
1.81 Bb
5.36 Bb
4.86 Bb
12.75 Ab
7.61 Bb
19.63 Bb
低 LD
0.039 Aa
0.029 Cc
1.93 Aa
5.33 Bc
5.16 Aa
12.58 Ab
7.91 Aa
19.07 Cc
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
0.021 Bb
0.011 Dd
1.66 Cd
4.17 Cc
5.70 Dd
11.42 Cc
10.11 Dd
19.12 Dd
高 HD
0.045 Aa
0.023 Aa
2.10 Bc
4.68 Aa
6.29 Cc
12.18 Aa
10.52 Cc
20.47 Bb
中 MD
0.045 Aa
0.020 Bb
2.12 Bb
4.38 Bb
6.84 Bb
12.27 Aa
11.32 Bb
20.58 Aa
低 LD
0.045 Aa
0.017 Cc
2.40 Aa
4.33 Bb
7.49 Aa
11.64 Bb
11.98 Aa
19.31 Cc
常优5号 Changyou 5
0.020 Bb
0.010 Dd
1.49 Dd
4.15 Bb
5.21 Dd
11.87 Bc
8.77 Dd
18.26 Dd
高 HD
0.055 Aa
0.028 Aa
1.81 Cc
4.52 Aa
5.76 Cc
12.37 Aa
9.34 Cc
19.56 Bb
中 MD
0.055 Aa
0.024 Bb
1.99 Bb
4.47 Aa
6.32 Bb
12.41 Aa
10.06 Bb
19.87 Aa
低 LD
0.055 Aa
0.021 Cc
2.19 Aa
4.45 Aa
6.79 Aa
12.01 Bb
10.26 Aa
18.45 Cc
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.021 Bb
0.011 Dd
1.26 Dd
4.09 Bc
4.18 Dd
10.28 Cc
8.43 Dd
16.70 Cc
高 HD
0.070 Aa
0.035 Aa
1.68 Cc
5.14 Aa
4.83 Cc
11.58 Aa
9.00 Cc
18.23 Bb
中 MD
0.070 Aa
0.030 Bb
1.79 Bb
5.11 Aa
5.16 Bb
11.63 Aa
9.70 Bb
18.94 Aa
低 LD
0.070 Aa
0.027 Cc
1.95 Aa
5.49 Aa
11.13 Bb
9.99 Aa
17.81 Bb
II优084 II you 084
0.018 Bb
0.009 Dd
1.80 Cd
5.65 Cd
4.52 Dd
11.21 Cc
8.74 Dd
18.55 Cc
高 HD
0.071 Aa
0.036 Aa
2.10 Bc
6.55 Aa
5.00 Cc
12.40 Aa
9.12 Cc
19.98 Bb
中 MD
0.071 Aa
0.031 Bb
2.14 Bb
6.28 ABb
5.19 Bb
12.26 Aa
9.70 Bb
20.33 Aa
低 LD
0.071 Aa
0.027 Cc
2.33 Aa
6.08 Bc
5.62 Aa
11.78 Bb
10.20 Aa
19.39 Bb
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。DMWPS: 单茎干物重; DMWP: 群体干物重。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively. DMWPS: dry matter weight of per stem; DMWP: dry matter weight of population.
表4 钵苗机插不同密度水稻主要生育期单茎和群体干物重 Table 4 Dry matter weight of per stem and population of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表5 钵苗机插不同密度水稻阶段积累量及群体生长率 Table 5 Phase accumulation and crop growth rate of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
阶段积累量 Phase accumulation (t hm-2)
群体生长率 Population growth rate (g m-2 d-1)
移栽-拔节 Transplanting- jointing
拔节-抽穗 Jointing- heading
抽穗-成熟 Heading- maturity
移栽-拔节 Transplanting- jointing
拔节-抽穗 Jointing- heading
抽穗-成熟 Heading- maturity
南粳44 Nanjing 44
对照 Control
4.03 Cc
7.37 Cc
5.95 Cd
9.37 Cc
25.43 Bc
11.91 Cd
高密度 High density
5.17 Aa
7.44 Aa
6.99 Aa
11.94 Aa
25.68 Aa
14.05 Aa
中密度 Middle density
5.13 Bb
7.42 ABa
6.69 Bb
11.92 ABa
25.58 Ab
13.38 Bb
低密度 Low density
5.08 Bb
6.92 Bb
6.12 Cc
11.82 Bb
23.87 Cd
12.24 Cc
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
对照 Control
4.48 Bb
7.39 Bb
6.45 Cc
10.43 Dd
25.50 Bb
12.91 Cc
高密度 High density
5.35 Aa
7.59 Aa
7.44 Aa
12.45 Aa
26.18 Aa
14.88 Aa
中密度 Middle density
5.32 Aab
7.39 Bb
6.88 Bb
12.38 Bb
25.49 Bb
13.76 Bb
低密度 Low density
5.30 Ab
7.26 Bc
6.49 Cc
12.32 Cc
25.00 Cc
12.98 Cc
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
对照 Control
4.16 Cc
7.25 Cd
7.70 Bc
9.68 Dd
21.32 Cc
15.71 Bc
高密度 High density
4.66 Aa
7.50 Bb
8.28 Ab
10.84 Aa
22.06 Bb
16.91 Ab
中密度 Middle density
4.36 Bb
7.88 Aa
8.32 Aa
10.14 Bb
23.19 Aa
16.98 Aa
低密度 Low density
4.31 BCb
7.32 Cc
7.67 Bc
10.02 Cc
21.52 Cc
15.65 Bc
常优5号 Changyou 5
对照 Control
4.14 Bc
7.73 Dd
6.39 Bc
9.62 Cc
20.89 Cc
13.89 Cc
高密度 High density
4.50 Aa
7.85 Bb
7.18 Ab
10.46 Aa
21.22 Bb
15.61 Bb
中密度 Middle density
4.45 Aab
7.93 Aa
7.46 Aa
10.35 ABb
21.44 Aa
16.22 Aa
低密度 Low density
4.43 Ab
7.56 Cc
6.44 Bc
10.31 Bb
20.43 Cc
14.00 Cc
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
对照 Control
4.08 Cc
6.19 Bb
6.42 Cc
9.49 Dd
18.75 Cc
14.60 Cc
高密度 High density
5.11 Aa
6.44 Aa
6.65 Bb
11.88 Aa
19.50 Bb
15.12 Bb
中密度 Middle density
5.08 Aa
6.52 Aa
7.32 Aa
11.81 Bb
19.76 Aa
16.63 Aa
低密度 Low density
4.98 Bb
6.13 Bb
6.69 Bb
11.57 Cc
18.57 Cc
15.20 Bb
II优084 II you 084
对照 Control
5.64 Dd
5.56 Cd
7.34 Cc
13.13 Dd
22.22 Dd
14.12 Cc
高密度 High density
6.52 Aa
5.85 ABb
7.57 Bb
15.15 Aa
23.41 Bb
14.57 Bb
中密度 Middle density
6.25 Bb
5.98 Aa
8.07 Aa
14.53 Bb
23.93 Aa
15.52 Aa
低密度 Low density
6.06 Cc
5.69 BCc
7.62 Bb
14.09 Cc
22.77 Cc
14.65 Bb
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively.
表5 钵苗机插不同密度水稻阶段积累量及群体生长率 Table 5 Phase accumulation and crop growth rate of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表6 钵苗机插不同密度水稻光合势及净同化率 Table 6 Photosynthetic potential and net assimilation of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
光合势 Photosynthetic potential (×104m2d hm-2)
净同化率 Net assimilation (g m-2d-1)
移栽-拔节 Transplanting- jointing
拔节-抽穗 Jointing- heading
抽穗-成熟 Heading- maturity
移栽-拔节 Transplanting- jointing
拔节-抽穗 Jointing- heading
抽穗-成熟 Heading- maturity
南粳44 Nanjing 44
对照 Control
92.2 Aa
172.0 Aa
273.4 Bb
9.778 Dd
4.412 Dd
2.303 Cd
高密度 High density
91.5 Bb
172.2 Aa
285.9 Aa
11.716 Cc
4.456 Cc
2.551 Bc
中密度 Middle density
87.4 Cc
165.7 Bb
273.2 Bb
12.441 Bb
4.618 Bb
2.564 Bb
低密度 Low density
78.7 Dd
152.3 Cc
247.8 Cc
13.795 Aa
4.706 Aa
2.609 Aa
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
对照 Control
95.6 Aa
171.0 Aa
266.7 Bb
10.809 Dd
4.421 Dd
2.553 Dd
高密度 High density
93.4 Bb
174.8 Aa
291.1 Aa
12.397 Cc
4.471 Cc
2.659 Cc
中密度 Middle density
87.5 Cc
163.5 Bb
266.1 Bb
13.412 Bb
4.652 Bb
2.710 Bb
低密度 Low density
80.5 Dd
153.7 Cc
249.5 Cc
14.659 Aa
4.870 Aa
2.741 Aa
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
对照 Control
98.1 Aa
207.3 Aa
287.3 Bb
11.493 Dd
3.575 Dd
2.768 Dd
高密度 High density
97.3 Bb
210.5 Aa
302.0 Aa
11.508 Cc
3.656 Cc
2.819 Cc
中密度 Middle density
91.3 Cc
200.0 Bb
296.3 Aa
11.681 Bb
4.053 Bb
2.868 Bb
低密度 Low density
85.0 Dd
182.5 Cc
265.3 Cc
12.537 Aa
4.112 Aa
2.958 Aa
常优5号 Changyou 5
对照 Control
104.2 Aa
232.8 Aa
253.4 Bb
9.712 Dd
3.404 Dd
2.667 Dd
高密度 High density
101.8 Bb
234.4 Aa
270.0 Aa
9.803 Cc
3.452 Cc
2.775 Cc
中密度 Middle density
100.9 Cc
229.4 Bb
269.2 Aa
10.089 Bb
3.534 Bb
2.878 Bb
低密度 Low density
91.9 Dd
205.8 Cc
230.2 Cc
11.127 Aa
3.745 Aa
2.944 Aa
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
对照 Control
124.7 Aa
220.6 Aa
237.5 Cc
9.131 Dd
2.821 Dd
2.866 Dd
高密度 High density
123.3 Bb
220.4 Aa
244.0 Bb
9.363 Cc
2.944 Cc
2.877 Cc
中密度 Middle density
116.4 Cc
212.0 Bb
246.5 Aa
10.058 Bb
3.103 Bb
3.090 Bb
低密度 Low density
108.3 Dd
196.8 Cc
224.4 Dd
10.719 Aa
3.141 Aa
3.120 Aa
II优084 II you 084
对照 Control
126.2 Aa
170.2 Aa
284.1 Bc
12.343 Dd
3.286 Dd
2.757 Dd
高密度 High density
121.7 Bb
168.0 Aa
289.8 Ab
12.628 Cc
3.520 Cc
2.771 Cc
中密度 Middle density
118.4 Cc
163.8 Bb
291.1 Aa
12.758 Bb
3.686 Bb
2.908 Bb
低密度 Low density
113.2 Dd
154.6 Cc
268.2 Cd
13.157 Aa
3.712 Aa
2.994 Aa
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively.
表6 钵苗机插不同密度水稻光合势及净同化率 Table 6 Photosynthetic potential and net assimilation of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
表 7 钵苗机插不同密度水稻产量结构 Tabl e 7 Yield component of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
穗数 No. of panicles (×104 hm-2)
穗粒数 No. of spikelets per panicle
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
理论产量 Theoretic yield (t hm-2)
实际产量 Actual yield (t hm-2)
增产 Yield increase rate (%)
南粳44 Nanjing 44
284.6 Aa
136.9 Cd
93.1 Aa
26.84 Aa
9.74 Cc
9.38 Cc
高 HD
289.5 Aa
153.7 Bc
93.0 Aa
26.81 Aa
11.09 Aa
10.48 Aa
中 MD
276.3 Bb
156.4 ABb
93.1 Aa
26.83 Aa
10.80 Bb
10.3 Bb
低 LD
247.9 Cc
160.2 Aa
93.3 Aa
26.80 Aa
9.93 Cc
9.41 Cc
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
266.4 Aa
148.2 Bc
92.4 Aa
27.58 Aa
10.06 Cc
9.80 Cc
高 HD
273.0 Aa
163.8 Ab
92.3 Aa
27.57 Aa
11.38 Aa
10.97 Aa
中 MD
257.9 Bb
165.7 Aab
92.2 Aa
27.58 Aa
10.87 Bb
10.58 Bb
低 LD
241.2 Cc
167.1 Aa
92.2 Aa
27.55 Aa
10.24 Cc
9.83 Cc
甬优8号 Yongyou 8
189.2 Aa
230.0 Cd
83.1 Aa
29.60 Aa
10.70 Bd
10.11 Bd
高 HD
194.6 Aa
248.0 Bc
83.1 Aa
29.61 Aa
11.87 Ab
11.39 Ab
中 MD
181.8 Bb
265.6 Ab
83.2 Aa
29.72 Aa
11.94 Aa
11.51 Aa
低 LD
161.2 Cc
268.5 Aa
83.5 Aa
29.74 Aa
10.75 Bc
10.33 Bc
常优5号 Changyou 5
208.3 Aa
218.2 Cc
84.7 Aa
25.18 Aa
9.69 Bd
9.42 Bd
高 HD
209.3 Aa
242.0 Bb
84.5 Aa
25.16 Aa
10.77 Ab
10.41 Ab
中 MD
197.5 Bb
256.0 Aab
84.8 Aa
25.25 Aa
10.83 Aa
10.70 Aa
低 LD
179.9 Cc
258.6 Aa
84.8 Aa
25.28 Aa
9.97 Bc
9.57 Bc
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
198.1 Aa
219.0 Dd
85.9 Aa
25.60 Aa
9.54 Cc
9.02 Cc
高 HD
202.6 Aa
240.3 Cc
85.9 Aa
25.58 Aa
10.69 Bb
10.43 Bb
中 MD
195.4 Bb
255.9 Bb
86.0 Aa
25.60 Aa
11.01 Aa
10.7 0Aa
低 LD
178.4 Cc
263.9 Aa
86.3 Aa
25.73 Aa
10.45 Bb
10.29 Bb
II优084 II you 084
212.3 Aa
193.2 Dd
86.0 Aa
26.14 Aa
9.22 Cc
8.82 Cc
高 HD
219.0 Aa
217.0 Cc
86.1 Aa
26.11 Aa
10.69 Bb
10.19 Bb
中 MD
209.7 Bb
236.0 Bb
86.1 Aa
26.16 Aa
11.14 Aa
10.55 Aa
低 LD
190.2 Cc
246.0 Aa
86.3 Aa
26.24 Aa
10.59 Bb
10.15 Bb
标以不同大、小写字母的值分别在1%和5%水平上差异显著。缩写同图1。 Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 1% (capital) and 5% (lowercase) probability levels respectively. Abbreviations are the same as given in Figure 1.
表 7 钵苗机插不同密度水稻产量结构 Tabl e 7 Yield component of bowl mechanical-transplanting rice under different densities
4 结论常规粳稻抽穗后干物质积累量、群体生长率和光合势等指标表现为随栽插密度的增加极显著增加, 最终产量以高密度的处理最高, 产量增加主要原因是每穗粒数的提高。杂交籼稻、杂交粳稻中密度在中后期群体生长率大, 干物质积累多, 穗粒结构更加协调, 产量也最高。钵体旱育机插中苗较毯状机插小苗物质生产能力强, 抽穗后衰减慢, 平均增产10.8%。各类型品种栽插密度的明确为生产上钵苗机插水稻高产优质栽培技术的推广应用及品种合理选用提供了参考依据。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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