关键词:夏玉米; 高密度; 去叶; 群体光合; 单叶光合 Effects of Leaf Removal on Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis and Individual Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics in Summer Maize under High Plant Density LIU Tie-Ning, XU Cai-Long, GU Li-Min, DONG Shu-Ting* State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China
AbstractThe improved grain yield of modern maize hybrids is mainly due to the increased plant density. However, the solar radiation intercepted by ear leaves was reduced, and the growth rate of individual plant was suppressed under high plant density. Consequently, how to coordinate the relationship between canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) and individual leaf photosynthesis capacity under high plant density is a vital question we are facing. A field experiment was conducted using summer maize (Zea mays L.) Zhengdan 958 (a compact cultivar) and Jinhai 5 (a semi-compact cultivar) grown at a plant density of 105 000 plants ha-1, to research the impact of leaf removal on CAP, individual leaf photosynthetic characteristics and anti-oxidative metabolism, which will provide theoretical basis and technical supports for super-high-yield cultivation and breeding. The defoliation treatments consisted of no leaf removal (S0), two (S1), four (S2) and six leaves (S3) removal from the top of a plant were imposed at three days after anthesis (DAA). The results indicated that leaf removal could significantly improve light transmission ratio (LT) after anthesis, but decrease leaf area index (LAI) of S2 and S3, resulting in the decrease of effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) and maximal efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv/Fm) sharply because of light leakage losses. CAP was significantly affected by defoliation treatments: for S1, CAP increased and longer durations of CAP and LAI were maintained during grain filling, resulting in a higher grain yield, whereas CAP in S2 and S3 treatments was inhibited and drastically declined, indicating that CAP is closely related to the changes in available leaf area. Compared with S0, the CAP in S1 treatment increased by 12.49% for Zhengdan 958, and by 23.08% for Jinhai 5, indicating that the effect of excising two leaves on CAP was more apparent for Jinhai 5 than for Zhengdan 958. Moreover, an increase in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs) and the chlorophyll content (Chl) of ear leaf in S2 and S3 treatments was observed prior to 26 DAA. Thereafter, higher individual photosynthetic capacity in S1 treatment was observed. A analysis of leaf senescence revealed that activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in S2 and S3 treatments were significantly suppressed since 13 DAA compared with control, whereas those in S1 were markedly enhanced, indicating that leaf senescence was delayed by excising two leaves under high plant densities. However, the content of MDA in S1 was decreased. The results indicated that excising two leaves made plants of both maize cultivars more tolerant to high plant density due to the lesser damage and a better photosynthetic capacity in the ear leaf as well as a more efficient canopy structure, resulting in a better coordination between population and individuals. In addition, relative to Zhengdan 958, the effects of leaf removal on Jinhai 5 were more apparent.
Keyword:Summer maize; High plant density; Leaf removal; Canopy apparent photosynthesis; Individual leaf photosynthesis Show Figures Show Figures
图2 去叶对2种株型玉米冠层透光率(LT)的影响EAS: 开花期穗位层; EMFS: 灌浆中期穗位层; BAS: 开花期底层; BMFS: 灌浆中期底层。Fig. 2 Effects of leaf removal on light transmission ratio (LT) of two plant types of maizeEAS: ear leaf layer at anthesis stage; EMFS: ear leaf layer at mid-filling stage; BAS: bottom layer at anthesis stage; BMFS: bottom layer at mid-filling stage.
图4 去叶对两种株型玉米穗位叶 Pn、 gs和 Ci的影响Fig. 4 Effects of leaf removal on net photosynthetic rate ( Pn), stomatal conductance ( gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration ( Ci) in ear leaves of two plant types of maize
表1 不同去叶处理下两株型玉米产量及产量构成因素 Table 1 Grain yield and yield components in two plant types of maize with leaf removal treatment
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
千粒重 1000-kernel weight (g)
穗粒数 Kernel No. per ear
穗粗 Ear diameter (cm)
行粒数 Kernel No. per row
穗长 Ear length (cm)
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
10087.6 b
318.4 b
484.1 a
5.20 a
33.5 a
15.61 a
11356.2 a
336.6 a
489.4 a
5.21 a
33.0 a
15.70 a
9608.4 c
296.7 c
397.8 b
5.18 a
28.6 b
13.59 b
5038.2 d
260.8 d
276.9 c
5.19 a
20.1 c
11.57 c
金海5号 Jinhai 5
9643.1 b
310.5 b
498.8 a
5.11 a
30.2 b
16.63 a
11899.3 a
347.3 a
507.4 a
5.13 a
32.9 a
16.69 a
8866.5 c
299.9 c
335.4 b
5.12 a
24.7 c
14.72 b
6370.3 d
270.6 d
249.3 c
5.11 a
18.9 d
12.02 c
同品种同列不同小写字母表示差异达到0.05显著水平。 Values followed by different letters within columns in the same cultivar are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.
表1 不同去叶处理下两株型玉米产量及产量构成因素 Table 1 Grain yield and yield components in two plant types of maize with leaf removal treatment
4 结论在高密度种植条件下, 去除植株顶部2片叶使两种株型玉米在灌浆中后期保持较高LAI及较长的穗位叶 Pn高值持续期, 同时抗氧化酶活性强、膜脂过氧化程度低, 在籽粒形成和灌浆的关键阶段保持较高CAP, 有效缓解了高密度种植条件下两株型玉米生育后期群体光合与单叶光合的矛盾, 保证了较高LAI前提下具有较好的单株光合性能, 最终获得较高的籽粒产量。此外, 半紧凑型玉米品种金海5号对去除顶部2片叶响应更为敏感。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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