关键词:冬油菜北移; 光合特征; 气孔形态; 抗寒性 Comparison of Winter Rapeseed Varieties (Lines) with Different Cold Resistance Planted in the Northern-Extending Regions in China under Low Temperature before Winter LIU Zi-Gang1, ZHANG Chang-Sheng2, SUN Wan-Cang1,*, YANG Ning-Ning1, WANG Yue1, HE Li1, ZHAO Cai-Xia1, WU Jun-Yan1, FANG Yan1, ZENG Xiu-Cun1 1Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement / Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science in Gansu Province / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2National Agricultural Technology Extension and service center, Beijing 100125, China
AbstractWe conducted field experiments in Tianshui (original planting area), Lintao, Lanzhou, and Yongdeng (extending northern areas), Gansu province, to investigate the seedling morphology, photosynthetic parameters, and stomatal morphological characteristics ofBrassica campestrisvarieties (lines). The results showed that growth habit of winter rapeseed seedlings was changed from suboptimal-erection into prostrate in the northern regions as compared with that grew in the original region.Gs andCi of leaf were decreased, whileTr was increased in low temperature treatment. When moved to the northern-extended regions,Pn of the cold sensitive varieties (lines) was decreased, whilePn of strong cold resistant varieties (lines) was increased. The number of daily emergency of leaf in northern-extended winter rapeseeds was reduced. The root length and root diameter were increased. Stomata of strong cold resistant varieties (lines) maintained open, while the majority of stomata of weak cold tolerant varieties (lines) were closed or semi-closed. When moved to northern-extended regions, seedlings of winter rapeseed were prostrate; the photosynthesis of strong cold resistant cultivars was enhanced, while those of weak cold tolerant varieties (lines) was reduced. The photosynthates products were preferentially transported into the underground parts and stored in roots.
Keyword:Winter rapeseeds northern-extended; Photosynthetic characteristic; Stoma; Cold resistance Show Figures Show Figures
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