关键词:甘蓝型油菜; 全基因组关联分析; SNP; 株高; 候选基因 Genome-wide Association Analysis of Plant Height in Rapeseed ( Brassica napus) TANG Min-Qiang1, CHENG Xiao-Hui1, TONG Chao-Bo1,2, LIU Yue-Ying1, ZHAO Chuan-Ji1, DONG Cai-Hua1,2, YU Jing-Yin1, MA Xiao-Gen1, HUANG Jun-Yan1,2,*, LIU Sheng-Yi1,2 1Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430062, China
2Hubei university / Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Green Transformation of Bio-Resources, Wuhan 430062, China
AbstractAppropriate plant height is a trait related to lodging resistance and mechanical harvest, and ideal plant height is a basis of ideotype for high yield. The plant height of 371 rapeseed accessions collected from different growing regions in the world was measured in field experiments, all accessions were genotyped using a 60K SNP chip and 21856 informative SNPs were acquired, then the data of SNPs and plant height were used for genome-wide association analysis. Major results were as follows: 1) 4 significant SNPs related to plant height were detected, including Bn-A07-p3583161, Bn-scaff_22790_1-p1271170, Bn-scaff_ 20735_1-p42779, and Bn-scaff_18702_1-p589589, which located in A07, C01 and C02 chromosomes, and explained 11.33%, 11.75%, 12.31%, and 10.97% of phenotypic variation, respectively; 2) According to the reference genome annotation information, three candidate genes corresponding to the first three significant SNPs were predicted, each gene was located in 492.0, 9.5, and 69.5 kb away from the three SNPs, respectively ; 3) The significant (two-tailed t-test) difference of plant height between means of two allelic groups of accessions corresponding to each significant SNP was 11.09, 15.12, 10.48, and 8.93 cm, respectively.
Keyword: Brassica napus L.; Genome-wide association analysis; SNP; Plant height; Candidate gene Show Figures Show Figures
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