关键词:小偃81; 自然强光; 光合特性 Effects of Full Sunlight after Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Xiaoyan 54 and 8602, and Their Hybrids ZHOU Lian-Jie1, XIE Yan-Qing1, XU Wen1, GUO Qian-Huan1, DAI Shuang2, ZHAO Shi-Jie1,*, SONG Jian-Min3 1College of Life Science, Shandong Agricultural University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, China
2Shandong Center of Crop Germplasm Resources, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China
3Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Engineering Laboratory for Wheat and Maize / Key Laboratory of Wheat Biology and Genetic Improvement on North Yellow and Huai River Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Jinan 250100, China
AbstractShading problem often occurs at the late growing period of winter wheat in the Huang-Huai Plain of China. The objective of this study was to explore the effect of full sunlight after the shading treatment on photosynthetic characteristics in wheat. In a filed experiment with 10-day shading (40% of natural light intensity) from heading to anthesis, the photosynthetic characteristics of wheat varieties Xiaoyan 54 and 8602 and their hybrids Xiaoyan 81 and 212 were measured at 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days after shading treatment. Photoinhibition was observed in all genotypes when the shading ended, and the photosynthetic rate ( Pn), ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b, intercellular CO2 concentration ( Ci), stomatal conductance ( Gs), maximum quantum yield of PSII ( Fv/ Fm), actually photochemical efficiency of PSII ( ΦPSII), nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) and efficiency that an electron moves to QA downstream ( Ψo) were lower than that of the control (no shading treatment). However, such reductions were alleviated gradually with the time lasting after shading. The hybrid Xiaoyan 81 had the highest Pn, ΦPSII, and Ψo as compared with other tested genotypes, showing its good adaptability to the change of light intensity. The higher Pn in Xiaoyan 81 than in its parents after shading probably resulted from the higher photochemical efficiency of PSII in Xiaoyan 81. These results suggest that Xiaoyan 81 is a wheat variety suitable to grow in the Huang-Huai Plain with low light intensity problem at late growth period of winter wheat.
图1 去除遮阴后不同冬小麦品种(系)叶绿素总量及叶绿素a/b比值的变化. A和C: 去除遮阴; B和D: 无遮阴对照。小偃54 (XY54)和8602分别为杂交母本和父本; 小偃81 (XY81)和212为杂交后代。Fig. 1 Changes in total content of chlorophyll and ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b in different wheat genotypes after shading treatment. A and C: after shading treatment; B and D: control without shading treatment. Xiaoyan 54 (XY54) and 8602 are female and male parents, respectively; Xiaoyan 81 (XY81) and 212 are hybrids.
图2 去除遮阴后不同品种(系)冬小麦光合速率、气孔导度及胞间CO2浓度的变化. A、C和E: 去除遮阴; B、D和F: 无遮阴对照。小偃54 (XY54)和8602分别为杂交母本和父本; 小偃81 (XY81)和212为杂交后代。Fig. 2 Changes in photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and intercellular CO2 concentration in wheat flag leaves after shading treatment. A, C and E: after shading treatment; B, D and F: control without shading treatment. Xiaoyan 54 (XY54) and 8602 are female and male parents, respectively; Xiaoyan 81 (XY81) and 212 are hybrids.
图3 去除遮阴后不同冬小麦品种(系) Fv/Fm、Φ PSII和NPQ的变化. A、C和E: 去除遮阴; B、D和F: 无遮阴对照。小偃54 (XY54)和8602分别为杂交母本和父本; 小偃81 (XY81)和212为杂交后代。Fig. 3 Changes in Fv/Fm, Φ PSII, and NPQ in wheat flag leaves after shading treatment. A, C, and E: after shading treatment; B, D, and F: control without shading treatment. Xiaoyan 54 (XY54) and 8602 are female and male parents, respectively; Xiaoyan 81 (XY81) and 212 are hybrids.
图4 去除遮阴后不同冬小麦品种(系)Wk和Ψ o的变化. A和C: 去除遮阴; B和D: 无遮阴对照。小偃54 (XY54)和8602分别为杂交母本和父本; 小偃81 (XY81)和212为杂交后代。Fig. 4 Changes in Wk and Ψ o in wheat flag leaves after shading treatment. A and C: after shading treatment; B and D: control without shading treatment. Xiaoyan 54 (XY54) and 8602 are female and male parents, respectively; Xiaoyan 81 (XY81) and 212 are hybrids.
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