关键词:大豆; 南繁; 自然短日照; 长日照处理; 杂交技术 Improvement of Soybean Hybridization Success Rate during Winter Nursing in Hainan Island ZHANG Yong1,2,**, SUN Shi1,**, YANG Xing-Yong2, SUN Xue-Gang1, WU Cun-Xiang1, HAN Tian-Fu1,* 1 Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology (Beijing) / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2 Keshan Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Keshan 161606, China
Fund: AbstractTo accelerate the soybean breeding progress and to broaden the genetic basis of new varieties, it is necessary to improve the hybrid seed-setting rate of soybean during winter nursing. Seven early-maturing soybean varieties from northeast China were selected in hybridization experiments with photoperiod treatments in Sanya, Hainan, China. Morphological traits, growth and development periods, floral organ characteristics and pollen fertility were observed or documented under long day (LD, 18 h) treatment and normal short day (NSD) conditions, respectively. At the same time, the effects of light treatment, emasculation of the female parent, and flower bud size on the hybridization were investigated. The results showed that under the NSD environment in Sanya, the flowering period and plant height shortened, the flower number and single floral weight decreased, the flower and its constituents became smaller, and the pollen sterility rate increased (P<0.01) as compared with those under LD treatment (P<0.01). Taking the plants with big flower bud under NSD as the female parent, and the plants under LD treatment as the male parent, we made the crosses and pollinated without emasculation, with the hybrid seed-setting rate of 64.36%, which is high enough for breeding purpose. According to the results, we propose the solution for improving the hybridization success rate of soybean in winter nursery.
Keyword:Soybean; Winter nursery; Normal short day; Long day treatment; Hybridization technique Show Figures Show Figures
表2 不同光照处理材料的株高、节数、茎粗及花朵数 Table 2 Plant height, stem diameter, node number and flower number of soybean under different treatments
性状 Trait
长日照 LD
自然短日照 NSD
(LD-NSD)/NSD (%)
株高 Plant height (cm)
73.6±3.4 A
24.5±3.1 B
茎粗 Stem diameter (mm)
7.2±0.5 A
5.1±0.5 B
主茎节数 Node number on the main stem
15.3±1.1 A
11.0±0.8 B
单株花朵数 Flower number per plant
102.8±7.1 A
51.6±4.2 B
数据后不同字母表示在0.01水平上差异显著。 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. NSD: normal short day; LD: long day.
表2 不同光照处理材料的株高、节数、茎粗及花朵数 Table 2 Plant height, stem diameter, node number and flower number of soybean under different treatments
表3 不同光照处理对花器官形态的影响 Table 3 Effects of different photoperiod treatments on the morphological traits of flower
花器官形态学特性 Morphological trait of flower
长日照 LD (mm)
自然短日照 NSD (mm)
(LD-NSD)/NSD (%)
花托底至萼片顶端高度 Height from receptacle bottom to sepal top
7.2±0.7 mm A
5.4±0.5 mm B
花托底至花瓣顶端高度 Height of receptacle bottom to petal top
7.5±0.3 mm A
4.6±0.6 mm B
萼筒高度 Sepal tube height
2.9±0.3 mm A
2.1±0.2 mm B
花托底至花丝顶端高度 Height from receptacle bottom to filament top
5.0±0.2 mm A
3.4±0.5 mm B
萼筒口直径 Sepal tube diameter
2.4±0.2 mm A
2.1±0.2 mm B
萼筒口至花丝顶端高度 Height from sepal tube gap to the filament top
2.1±0.2 mm A
1.35±0.4 mm B
数据后不同字母表示在0.01水平上差异显著。 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. NSD: normal short day; LD: long day.
表3 不同光照处理对花器官形态的影响 Table 3 Effects of different photoperiod treatments on the morphological traits of flower
表4 不同光照条件下大豆花粉数量和败育率的比较 Table 4 Comparisons of pollen number and abortion rate under different photoperiod treatments
性状 Trait
花粉数量 Pollen number
花粉败育率 Pollen abortion rate (%)
长日照 LD
(LD-NSD)/NSD (%)
长日照 LD
上层花药 Upper anther
634.5±116.9 A
288.0±78.4 B
18.0±8.8 a
11.9±4.8 b
下层花药 Lower anther
356.1±64.5 A
113.2±48.7 B
40.7±14.2 A
20.6±5.6 B
单体花药 Single anther
441.1±79.4 A
135.2±50.0 B
30.6±12.3 A
12.6±4.7 B
单个花朵 Single flower
5038.1±785.4 A
2028.0±511.2 B
29.8±9.4 A
15.0±4.3 B
数据后不同字母表示在0.01水平上差异显著。 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. NSD: normal short day; LD: long day.
表4 不同光照条件下大豆花粉数量和败育率的比较 Table 4 Comparisons of pollen number and abortion rate under different photoperiod treatments
4 结论在南繁条件下, 选取自然短日照处理母本植株上的大花蕾、以子叶展开期至盛花期长日照处理的材料作父本, 采用不去雄蕊杂交技术, 能够显著提高大豆杂交成功率, 实现不同地理来源材料的杂交, 拓宽大豆的遗传基础。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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