关键词:超级稻; 籼稻; 粳稻; 根系; 形态特征; 生理特征 Difference of Root Morphological and Several Physiological Characteristics betweenIndica andJaponica Super Rice Varieties GONG Jin-Long, XING Zhi-Peng, HU Ya-Jie, ZHANG Hong-Cheng*, DAI Qi-Gen, HUO Zhong-Yang, XU Ke, WEI Hai-Yan, GAO Hui, GUO Bao-Wei Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in the Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture / Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Fund: AbstractThe objective of this study was to reveal the difference of dry matter accumulation and its distribution, and the main morphological and physiological characteristics in roots betweenindica andjaponica super rice, and their relationship with yield formation. A field experiment was conducted using two main representative super hybridindica combinations and two conventionaljaponica super rice varieties in wheat-rice double cropping regions. Dry weight of root, total root length, root number, root volume, root absorbing area, root germination ability and root bleeding intensity after heading for both single stem and population, root-shoot ratio, single root length, root diameter, root density, root bleeding per spikelet, root distribution in the soil at heading and yield components were analyzed systematically. Results showed as follows: (1) For the whole growth duration, root-shoot ratio, single root length, root germinating number, root germinating volume, root germinating dry weight, root bleeding per spikelet, number of panicles, total spikelets, seed-setting rate, and grain yield ofjaponica rice were higher than those ofindica rice, while root diameter, spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weight followed an opposite tendency, with root-shoot ratio, single root length, root bleeding per spikelet, number of panicles, spikelets per panicle, seed-setting rate and grain yield being a significantly different. (2) Before heading, dry weight of root, total root length, root number, root volume and total absorbing surface area of root per stem and root density ofjaponica rice were lower than those ofindica rice, though not significantly, and higher than those ofindica rice significantly at maturity. (3) Before jointing, active absorbing surface area per stem and ratio of active absorbing surface area to total absorbing surface area injaponica rice were less than those inindica rice significantly, which showed an opposite trend after jointing. (4) Population indicators of morphological and physiological characteristics ofjaponicarice except for population root dry weight at jointing and root number of population at jointing and heading were higher than those ofindica rice significantly. (5) Root bleeding intensity during 0-35 d after heading was higher injaponica rice than inindica rice significantly whether it was based on a single stem or population. (6) Ratio of root dry weight in the 0-10 cm layer to total root dry weight was lower injaponica rice than inindica rice significantly, with an opposite trend for the >10 cm layer, which indicated the deep-rooted characteristic ofjaponica rice can strengthen its resistance to lodging and premature senescence. Compared with super hybridindica rice, root growth advantages of conventionaljaponica super rice after heading were increased, especially for population growth advantages, and all the root morphological and physiological characteristics indicators ofjaponica rice at maturity were better than those ofindica rice, which is the important cause and assurance for high-yielding formation ofjaponica rice.
Keyword:Super rice; Indica rice; Japonica rice; Root; Morphological characteristics; Physiological characteristics Show Figures Show Figures
图1 籼、粳超级稻抽穗期各土层根系干重占根系总干重的比例的差异Fig. 1 Difference of ratio of root dry weight in each soil layers to total root dry weight at heading between indica and japonica super rice
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 籼、粳超级稻主要生育期根系干重和地上部干重及根冠比的差异 Table 1 Difference of dry weight of root and shoot at the main growth stages and their root-shoot ratios between indica and japonica super rice
生育时期 Growth stage
品种 Cultivar
单茎干重 Dry weight per stem (g)
群体干重 Population dry weight (t hm-2)
根冠比 Root-shoot ratio
有效分蘖 临界叶龄期 CLAPT
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.21 aA
0.82 cB
0.75 aA
2.99 abA
0.252 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.21 aA
0.86 cB
0.75 aA
3.02 aA
0.247 abAB
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.23 aA
0.98 bAB
0.66 aA
2.84 cA
0.232 cB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.26 aA
1.10 aA
0.70 aA
2.91 bcA
0.240 bcAB
拔节期 Jointing
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.23 aA
1.04 bB
1.01 aA
4.49 cC
0.224 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.25 aA
1.09 bB
1.02 aA
4.52 cC
0.225 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.28 aA
1.39 aA
1.07 aA
5.35 aA
0.201 bB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.28 aA
1.41 aA
1.01 aA
5.00 bB
0.203 bB
抽穗期 Heading
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.61 bA
3.30 dC
2.11 bA
11.47 dC
0.184 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.67 abA
3.47 cC
2.25 aA
11.63 cC
0.193 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.63 abA
4.24 bB
1.79 cB
11.99 bB
0.150 bB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.71 aA
4.72 aA
1.85 cB
12.35 aA
0.150 bB
成熟期 Maturity
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.51 aAB
5.70 dD
1.71 aA
18.90 bB
0.090 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.55 aA
6.14 cC
1.76 aA
19.72 aA
0.089 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.33 bB
6.39 bB
0.87 bB
16.88 dD
0.052 bB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.38 bAB
7.28 aA
0.93 bB
17.73 cC
0.053 bB
有效分蘖 临界叶龄期 CLAPT
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.20 aA
0.80 cB
0.70 aA
2.84 abAB
0.247 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.20 aA
0.84 cB
0.70 aA
2.91 aA
0.242 abAB
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.22 aA
0.95 bAB
0.61 aA
2.68 cB
0.227 cB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.25 aA
1.07 aA
0.65 aA
2.76 bcAB
0.234 bcAB
拔节期 Jointing
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.22 aA
1.01 bB
0.95 aA
4.32 cC
0.219 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.23 aA
1.06 bB
0.96 aA
4.37 cC
0.220 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.26 aA
1.34 aA
1.01 aA
5.15 aA
0.197 bB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.27 aA
1.36 aA
0.96 aA
4.82 bB
0.199 bB
抽穗期 Heading
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.58 aA
3.23 dC
2.00 bA
11.10 dC
0.180 bA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.64 aA
3.39 cC
2.11 aA
11.15 cC
0.190 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.61 aA
4.12 bB
1.68 cB
11.43 bB
0.147 cB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.67 aA
4.57 aA
1.71 cB
11.66 aA
0.147 cB
成熟期 Maturity
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
0.50 aAB
5.59 dD
1.63 aA
18.18 bB
0.089 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
0.53 aA
6.00 cC
1.68 aA
18.94 aA
0.088 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
0.33 bB
6.24 bB
0.84 bB
16.06 dD
0.052 bB
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
0.38 bAB
7.08 aA
0.90 bB
16.88 cC
0.053 bB
同一列内标以不同大、小写字母的值分别表示在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 1% (capital letter) and 5% (small letter) probability levels, respectively. CLAPT: critical leaf-age for productive tillers.
表1 籼、粳超级稻主要生育期根系干重和地上部干重及根冠比的差异 Table 1 Difference of dry weight of root and shoot at the main growth stages and their root-shoot ratios between indica and japonica super rice
表4 籼、粳超级稻发根力的差异 Table 4 Difference of root germination ability between indica and japonica super rice
生育时期 Growth stage
品种 Cultivar
根数 Root number (hill-1)
根体积 Root volume (cm3 hill-1)
根干重 Root dry weight (g hill-1)
有效分蘖临界叶龄期 CLAPT
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
7.0 aA
0.65 abA
0.20 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
7.4 aA
0.70 aA
0.21 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
6.8 aA
0.56 bA
0.17 aA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
6.9 aA
0.64 abA
0.19 aA
拔节期 Jointing
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
12.2 bAB
0.86 abA
0.24 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
13.4 aA
0.92 aA
0.25 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
11.3 bB
0.73 cA
0.19 aA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
11.6 bAB
0.77 bcA
0.20 aA
抽穗期 Heading
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
19.1 aA
1.02 aA
0.27 abA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
19.3 aA
1.09 aA
0.30 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
15.8 bB
0.84 bB
0.21 bA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
16.6 bB
0.87 bB
0.22 abA
成熟期 Maturity
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
4.5 bA
0.23 aA
0.05 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
5.5 aA
0.26 aA
0.06 aA
扬两优6号Yangliangyou 6
有效分蘖临界叶龄期 CLAPT
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
6.9 aA
0.64 aA
0.20 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
7.3 aA
0.69 aA
0.21 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
6.7 aA
0.54 bA
0.17 aA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
6.8 aA
0.63 abA
0.19 aA
拔节期 Jointing
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
12.0 bAB
0.84 abA
0.23 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
13.1 aA
0.90 aA
0.24 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
11.1 bB
0.71 cA
0.19 aA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
11.4 bAB
0.75 bcA
0.20 aA
抽穗期 Heading
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
18.7 aA
0.99 aAB
0.26 abA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
18.9 aA
1.06 aA
0.29 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
15.5 bB
0.82 bB
0.20 bA
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
16.3 bB
0.85 bB
0.21 abA
成熟期 Maturity
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
4.5 aA
0.22 aA
0.05 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
5.4 aA
0.25 aA
0.06 aA
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
同一列内标以不同大、小写字母的值分别表示在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 1% (capital letter) and 5% (small letter) probability levels, respectively. CLAPT: critical leaf-age for productive tillers.
表4 籼、粳超级稻发根力的差异 Table 4 Difference of root germination ability between indica and japonica super rice
表5 籼、粳超级稻抽穗后根系伤流强度的差异 Table 5 Difference of root bleeding intensity after heading between indica and japonica super rice
年份/品种 Year/cultivar
抽穗后天数Days after heading
平均 Mean
0 d
7 d
14 d
21 d
28 d
35 d
单茎根系伤流量Root bleeding intensity per stem (mg h-1)
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
136.43 aAB
106.34 aA
85.74 aA
70.08 aA
57.92 aA
44.87 aA
83.56 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
141.83 aA
112.28 aA
91.57 aA
75.13 aA
61.27 aA
49.67 aA
88.63 aA
扬两优6号Yangliangyou 6
119.66 bB
85.41 bB
59.99 bB
39.50 bB
25.57 bB
15.59 bB
57.62 bB
122.51 bAB
88.83 bB
61.70 bB
41.89 bB
27.53 bB
17.81 bB
60.05 bB
群体根系伤流量Root bleeding intensity of population (kg h-1 hm-2)
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
473.57 aA
369.14 aA
297.64 aA
243.27 aA
201.05 aA
155.76 aA
290.07 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
475.21 aA
376.21 aA
306.83 aA
251.75 aA
205.30 aA
166.44 aA
296.96 aA
扬两优6号Yangliangyou 6
338.13 bB
241.34 bB
169.52 bB
111.62 bB
72.27 bB
44.05 bB
162.82 bB
320.78 bB
232.59 bB
161.56 bB
109.69 bB
72.07 bB
46.64 bB
157.22 bB
单茎根系伤流量Root bleeding intensity per stem (mg h-1)
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
133.22 aAB
103.52 aAB
83.18 aA
67.72 aA
55.71 aA
42.83 aA
81.03 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
138.55 aA
109.38 aA
88.93 aA
72.70 aA
59.02 aA
47.57 aA
86.02 aA
扬两优6号Yangliangyou 6
116.66 bB
82.85 bC
57.75 bB
37.52 bB
23.77 bB
13.91 bB
55.41 bB
119.48 bAB
86.23 bBC
59.44 bB
39.88 bB
25.70 bB
16.11 bB
57.81 bB
群体根系伤流量Root bleeding intensity of population (kg h-1 hm-2)
镇稻11 Zhendao 11
457.85 aA
355.77 aA
285.87 aA
232.72 aA
191.45 aA
147.18 aA
278.48 aA
武运粳24 Wuyunjing 24
455.67 aA
359.72 aA
292.49 aA
239.11 aA
194.10 aA
156.44 aA
282.92 aA
扬两优6号Yangliangyou 6
323.76 bB
229.92 bB
160.28 bB
104.14 bB
65.98 bB
38.61 bB
153.78 bB
304.94 bB
220.07 Bb
151.71 bB
101.79 bB
65.59 bB
41.12 bB
147.54 bB
同一列内标以不同大、小写字母的值分别表示在1%和5%水平上差异显著。 Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 1% (capital letter) and 5% (small letter) probability levels, respectively.
表5 籼、粳超级稻抽穗后根系伤流强度的差异 Table 5 Difference of root bleeding intensity after heading between indica and japonica super rice
4 结论与超级杂交籼稻相比, 常规粳型超级稻抽穗后根系生长优势, 特别是群体生长优势不断加大, 成熟期所有根系形态生理指标均较优, 这些是粳稻保持较高矿质营养元素吸收速度及高产形成的重要保障。粳稻抽穗期群体根系干重大且扎根深, 进一步强化植株抗倒防早衰能力。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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