关键词:小麦; 旗叶; 高温胁迫; 氮肥追施后移; 籽粒产量 Effects of Postponed Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Wheat under Post-anthesis Heat Stress JIANG Wen-Wen, YIN Yan-Ping*, WANG Zhen-Lin*, LI Yong, YANG Wei-Bing, PENG Dian-Liang, YANG Dong-Qing, CUI Zheng-Yong, LU Kun-Li, LI Yan-Xia Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, China Fund: AbstractThis study aimed to disclose the effect and physiological basis of postponed application of nitrogen fertilizer on alleviating the high-temperature damage after anthesis. In a two-year experiment from October 2011 to June 2013, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 were planted with three nitrogen treatments, namely T0 (total as basal fertilizer), T1 (a half of basal fertilizer and a half of nitrogen applied at jointing stage), and T2 (a half of basal fertilizer and a half applied at booting stage). High-temperature stress was simulated in plastic shed from 11 to 15 days after anthesis. Grain yield and its components, photosynthetic parameters of flag leaf, and activities of some important enzymes were compared among nitrogen treatments. The results indicated that T2 had higher 1000-grain weight and grain yield than T0 and T1 under heat stress. Besides, T2 had the effects on increasing glutamine synthetase (GS) activity, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, and activities of hydrogen peroxidase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in flag leaf, stimulating translocation of pre-anthesis assimilate to grains, and increasing the contribution to grain of post-anthesis assimilate. Both cultivars had similar results. In an overall view, T2 is superior to T0 and T1 due to its significant effects on alleviating heat stress damage and increasing grain yield.
Keyword:Wheat; Flag leaf; Heat stress; Postponed application of nitrogen fertilizer; Grain yield Show Figures Show Figures
图2 高温胁迫和施氮处理对小麦旗叶谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和硝酸还原酶(NR)活性的影响(2012-2013)数据为3次重复的平均值与标准误, 不同的字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 2 Effects of heat stress and nitrogen application on glutamine synthetase (GS) and nitrate reductase (NR) activities in flag leaf of wheat (2012-2013)Bars superscripted with different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 as determined by LSD method. The columns and bars show the average and standard error of three replicates.
图3 高温胁迫和施氮处理对小麦旗叶气孔导度( Gs)和光合速率( Pn)的影响(2012-2013)数据为3次重复的平均值与标准误, 不同的字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 3 Effects of heat stress and nitrogen application on stomatal conductance ( Gs) and photosynthetic rate ( Pn) in flag leaf of wheat (2012-2013)Bars superscripted with different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 as determined by LSD method. The columns and bars show the average and standard error of three replicates.
图4 高温胁迫和施氮处理对小麦旗叶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响(2012-2013)数据为3次重复的平均值与标准误, 不同的字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 4 Effects of heat stress and nitrogen application on activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), hydrogen peroxidase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD) in flag leaf of wheat (2012-2013)Bars superscripted with different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 as determined by LSD method. The columns and bars show the average and standard error of three replicates.
表1 不同处理对小麦开花后营养器官干物质积累量和干物质再分配的影响 Table 1 Effects of different treatments on dry matter accumulation and translocation amount of vegetative organ after anthesis in wheat
年份 Year
处理 Treatment
开花前贮藏的同化物 Pre-anthesis reserves
开花后积累的干物质 Post-anthesis assimilate
向籽粒转运量 Translocated into grains (kg hm-2)
转运率 Percentage (%)
籽粒贡献率 Contribution to grain (%)
积累量 Accumulation (kg hm-2)
籽粒贡献率 Contribution to grain (%)
山农16 Shannong 16
1374.14 c
16.73 b
28.43 bc
3490.55 cd
71.57 ab
1952.07 b
23.28 a
27.17 c
5264.67 a
72.83 a
2765.41 a
26.96 a
37.49 ab
4616.56 ab
62.51 bc
1927.68 b
23.47 a
43.50 a
2509.24 e
56.50 c
2036.32 b
24.28 a
43.53 a
2663.59 de
56.47 c
1626.41 bc
15.85 b
28.15 bc
4167.97 bc
71.85 ab
1513.47 b
18.34 ab
26.21 ab
4264.87 b
73.79 ab
1465.42 b
18.04 ab
20.70 b
5908.82 a
79.30 a
2644.56 a
26.45 a
36.24 ab
4674.61 ab
63.76 ab
1401.26 b
16.98 ab
35.94 ab
2495.38 d
64.06 ab
1924.53 ab
23.70 ab
42.93 a
2643.24 cd
57.07 b
1579.25 b
15.80 b
27.86 ab
4163.40 bc
72.14 ab
济麦22 Jimai 22
1489.31 c
19.71 c
28.47 b
3747.70 a
71.53 a
3096.76 b
33.42 b
47.18 a
3477.08 ab
52.82 b
3582.20 a
37.56 a
49.12 a
3718.47 a
50.88 b
1639.69 c
21.70 c
34.30 b
3141.72 b
65.70 a
3161.22 b
34.12 ab
49.08 a
3278.73 ab
50.92 b
2977.36 b
31.22 b
44.75 a
3686.25 ab
55.25 b
1192.67 b
16.17 b
22.96 c
4061.31 a
77.04 a
3088.26 a
34.18 a
46.90 a
3522.54 a
53.10 c
3130.67 a
33.18 a
48.66 a
3330.58 a
51.34 c
1432.78 b
19.42 b
30.15 bc
3344.54 a
69.85 ab
2799.70 a
30.98 a
43.41 ab
3629.78 a
56.59 bc
2967.50 a
31.45 a
45.57 ab
3586.66 a
54.43 bc
数据后不同字母表示同一年度内处理间有显著差异( P< 0.05)。 Values followed by different letters are significantly different within the same year at P < 0.05.
表1 不同处理对小麦开花后营养器官干物质积累量和干物质再分配的影响 Table 1 Effects of different treatments on dry matter accumulation and translocation amount of vegetative organ after anthesis in wheat
表2 不同处理对小麦籽粒产量及构成因素的影响 Table 2 Effects of different treatments on grain yield and yield components of wheat
山农16 Shannong 16
济麦22 Jimai 22
穗数 SN (×104 hm-2)
穗粒数 GNS
千粒重 TGW (g)
籽粒产量 GY (kg hm-2)
穗数 SN (×104 hm-2)
穗粒数 GNS
千粒重 TGW (g)
籽粒产量 GY (kg hm-2)
464.76 a
43.90 abc
39.19 bc
7450.00 cd
473.01 a
38.56 a
41.49 bc
8663.67 b
466.41 a
45.10 a
40.64 b
7728.27 bc
479.04 a
38.84 a
45.29 a
9216.80 a
468.06 a
44.78 ab
44.50 a
8090.87 ab
469.14 a
41.16 a
45.38 a
9115.33 a
464.76 a
40.00 cd
37.53 c
7084.40 d
473.01 a
38.29 a
39.95 c
8117.80 cd
466.41 a
41.69 bcd
39.21 bc
7439.80 cd
479.04 a
38.38 a
42.48 b
8102.33 cd
468.06 a
39.06 d
40.70 b
7602.67 c
469.14 a
38.67 a
42.95 b
8251.53 bc
447.07 a
37.97 c
36.90 b
6317.27 c
462.93 a
33.80 ab
32.03 c
7072.60 b
451.73 a
46.77 a
41.66 a
6933.20 ab
458.27 a
37.87 a
36.77 b
7526.77 a
510.53 a
41.87 b
41.94 a
7101.13 a
459.20 a
37.33 a
43.59 a
7668.60 a
447.07 a
39.57 bc
26.60 d
6033.37 d
462.93 a
32.27 b
30.58 c
6601.80 c
451.73 a
39.13 bc
26.86 d
6649.17 b
458.27 a
35.43 ab
37.11 b
7040.80 b
510.53 a
38.87 bc
29.33 c
6895.50 ab
459.20 a
38.33 a
38.34 b
7370.43 ab
数据后不同字母表示同一年度内处理间有显著差异( P< 0.05)。 Values followed by different letters are significantly different within the same year at P < 0.05. SN: spike number; GNS: grain number per spike; TGW: 1000-grain weight; GY: grain yield.
表2 不同处理对小麦籽粒产量及构成因素的影响 Table 2 Effects of different treatments on grain yield and yield components of wheat
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