摘要2011—2012和2012—2013年连续2个小麦生长季, 在大田条件下, 设置0~20 cm (D1)、0~40 cm (D2)、0~60 cm (D3)和0~140 cm (D4) 4个土层测定土壤含水量, 以各土层平均土壤相对含水量拔节期65%和开花期70%为目标相对含水量, 全生育期不灌溉为对照处理 (D0), 研究依据不同土层的土壤含水量测墒补灌对小麦旗叶光合特性和干物质积累与分配的影响。结果表明: D2的开花期叶面积指数和单位土地面积上旗叶叶面积、开花后7 d和14 d的旗叶净光合速率和实际光化学效率均高于其他处理, 而气孔限制值低于其他处理; D2的成熟期干物质积累量、开花后干物质向籽粒的分配量和开花后同化物分配对籽粒的贡献率亦高于其他处理。两年度D2的籽粒产量分别为9367.4 kg hm-2和9727.5 kg hm-2, 均显著高于其他处理; 同时, D2的水分利用效率高于D0、D3和D4处理, 与D1处理无显著差异。因此, 于小麦拔节期和开花期依据0~40 cm土层的土壤含水量测墒补灌是同步实现高产和高水分利用效率的有效措施。
关键词:小麦; 测墒补灌; 光合特性; 干物质积累与分配; 籽粒产量 Photosynthesis Characteristics of Flag Leaf and Dry Matter Accumulation and Allocation in Winter Wheat under Supplemental Irrigation after Measuring Moisture Content in Different Soil Layers GUO Zeng-Jiang1, YU Zhen-Wen1, SHI Yu1,*, ZHAO Jun-Ye2, ZHANG Yong-Li1, WANG Dong1 1 Shandong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System, Ministry of Agriculture, Tai#cod#x02019;an 271018, China
2 Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Fund: AbstractThis study aimed to propose a suitable soil layer depth used in determining the irrigation amount. A field experiment was conducted in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 wheat growing seasons to study the effects of supplemental irrigation based on the measurement of soil moisture contents on photosynthesis of flag leaf and dry matter accumulation and allocation. Four irrigation treatments were designed with target soil moisture of 65% at jointing and 70% at anthesis in 0-20 (D1), 0-40 (D2), 0-60 (D3), and 0-140 cm (D4) soil layers. Zero-irrigation (D0) was used as the control. D2 was superior to other treatments with higher values of leaf area index (LAI) and flag leaf area on one square meter land at anthesis, photosynthetic rate (Pn) and actual photochemical efficiency (ΦPSII) at seven and fourteen days after anthesis; whereas, the stomatal limitation (Ls) of D2 was lower than those of other treatments. Compared with other treatments, D2 had larger dry matter accumulation at maturity, more dry matter allocated in grains, and higher contribution ratio of dry matter from vegetative organs to grain after anthesis. The grain yield in D2 was 9367.4 kg ha-1 in 2011-2012 growing season and 9727.5 kg ha-1 in 2012-2013 growing season, which were significantly higher than those in other treatments. The water use efficiency of D2 was significantly higher than those of D0, D3, and D4, but with out significant difference to that of D1. To obtain both high yield and high water use efficiency, we suggest the optimal soil layer for measuring moisture content is 0-40 cm, and supplementary water should be given at jointing and anthesis based on measured soil moisture.
Keyword:Winter wheat; Supplemental irrigation based on measurement of moisture content; Photosynthesis characteristics; Dry matter accumulation and allocation; Grain yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同处理的目标相对含水量、灌溉后实际相对含水量和灌溉量 Table 1 Target relative water content, relative soil water content after irrigation, and irrigation amounts in the different treatments
处理 Treatment
土层深度 Depth of soil layer (cm)
播种前 Before sowing
拔节期 Jointing
开花期 Anthesis
田间持水量 Field capacity (%)
容重 Bulk density (g cm-3)
土壤含水量RSWC (%)
相对误差 RE (%)
灌水量 I (mm)
土壤含水量RSWC (%)
相对误差 RE (%)
灌水量 I (mm)
土壤相对含水理为各土层的平均值。目标土壤相对含水量, 拔节期为65%, 开花期为70%。相对误差 = |土壤相对含水量 - 目标土壤相对含水量| / 目标土壤相对含水量 × 100。I : 灌溉量。 Relative soil water contents (RSWC) are the averages of each soil layers. The target relative water content (TRWC) was 65% at jointing and 70% at anthesis, respectively; RE = relative error, RE = |RSWC - TRWC| / TRWC × 100; I : irrigation amount.
表1 不同处理的目标相对含水量、灌溉后实际相对含水量和灌溉量 Table 1 Target relative water content, relative soil water content after irrigation, and irrigation amounts in the different treatments
图1 不同处理开花期的叶面积指数(A)和单位土地面积上旗叶叶面积(B)(2012-2013)Fig. 1 Leaf area index (A) and flag leaf area on one square meter land (B) at anthesis in wheat with different treatments (2012-2013)
误差线上不同字母表处理间差异显著(LSD, P<0.05)。 Different letters above error bars indicate significant difference among treatments by LSD test ( P<0.05). 图2 Fig. 2
图2 不同处理小麦开花后7 d (A、B、C)和14 d (D、E、F)的旗叶 Pn、 Ls和 ΦPSII (2012-2013)Fig. 2 Net photosynthetic rate ( Pn), stomatal limitation ( Ls), and actual photochemical efficiency ( ΦPSII) of flag leaf at seven days (A, B, C) and fourteen days (D, E, F) after anthesis in wheat with different treatments (2012-2013)
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