关键词:普通菜豆; 干旱胁迫; 生理特性; 评价指标 Physiological Characteristics of Drought Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) LI Long, WANG Lan-Fen, WU Jing, JING Rui-Lian, WANG Shu-Min* National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China Fund: AbstractThree common bean cultivars, Yuejindou (drought-resistant), 260205 (drought-resistant), and Naihuayundou (drought- susceptible) were evaluated with two treatments (drought stress and normal water supply) in pot experiments. We determined physiological and biochemical parameters during growth stage and yield and traits related to yield after harvest, analyzed the changes of all parameters and indicators under drought stress. The result showed that the root dry weight of Yuejindou and 260205 was 20.2% and 20.6% of the total biomass and the pod dry weight was 30.0% and 28.9% of the total biomass especially at 36 days of drought treatment, while, the root dry weight and pod dry weight only 10.6% and 17.1% of the total biomass in Naihuayundou, indicating that effective photosynthate distribution is significantly correlated with drought resistance in common bean. The water use efficiency in the drought-resistant cultivar (Yuejindou) increased by 230.5% compared with control, much higher than the 60% increase in drought-susceptible cultivar (Naihuayundou). The drought-resistant cultivars had an efficient CO2 diffusion and fixation in leaf tissues, and an effective water-use. In drought-resistant cultivars, antioxidant enzyme and photorespiration played a significant role in reactive oxygen scavenging; proline and soluble sugar contributed to the maintenance of relative water content in leaves under low water potential. All together, our results indicated that the competence of drought-resistant cultivars to maintain seed production under drought stress relies on effective adjustments in morphology, stomatal conductance, osmosis and antioxidant capacity.
Keyword:Common bean; Drought stress; Physiological characteristics; Evaluation indices Show Figures Show Figures
图1 不同处理土壤含水量变化CK(对照): 80%田间持水量; DS(干旱处理): 干旱胁迫前期保持30%田间持水量, 干旱胁迫后期保持20%田间持水量。Fig. 1 Changes of soil moisture content in different treatmentsCK (control): 80% field capacity; DS (drought stress): 30% of field capacity at early stage, 20% of field capacity at later stage.
表1 干旱胁迫下不同品种产量及其构成因素 Table 1 Yield and its components in different common bean cultivars under drought treatments
品种 Cultivar
处理 Treatment
单株荚数 Pod number per plant
单株粒数 Grain number per plant
荚长 Pod length (cm)
单株荚重 Pod weight per plant (g)
单荚粒数 Grain number per pod
单株产量 Yield per plant (g)
奶花芸豆 Naihuayundou
3.5±0.28 Aa
9.2±1.05 Aa
14.4±2.49 Aa
2.1±0.27 Aa
2.6±0.19 Aa
5.8±0.61 Aa
1.0±0.00 Bb
1.1±0.14 Bb
7.0±1.94 Bb
0.3±0.06 Bb
1.1±0.14 Bb
0.6±0.03 Bb
9.5±1.38 Aa
31.5±4.53 Aa
7.4±0.49 Aa
1.7±0.20 Aa
3.3±0.22 Aa
5.8±0.62 Aa
3.4±0.83 Bb
7.2±0.78 Bb
6.6±0.47 Ba
0.3±0.05 Bb
2.2±0.51 Bb
2.1±0.12 Bb
跃进豆 Yuejindou
7.6±1.26 Aa
30.2±5.11 Aa
8.5±0.59 Aa
1.8±0.11 Aa
4.0±0.51 Aa
5.6±0.62 Aa
2.9±0.33 Bb
8.1±1.00 Bb
7.6±0.57 Ba
0.3±0.03 Bb
2.8±0.29 Ba
2.1±0.15 Bb
采用Duncan’s法, 不同小写字母表示差异显著( P<0.05), 不同大写字母表示差异极显著( P<0.01); CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理。 Using Duncan’s test, values followed by different lowercases and capitals are significantly different at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. CK: control; DS: drought stress.
表1 干旱胁迫下不同品种产量及其构成因素 Table 1 Yield and its components in different common bean cultivars under drought treatments
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 干旱胁迫下产量构成因素与单株产量的相关性 Table 2 Correlation coefficients between yield component and yield per plant under drought stress
品种 Cultivar
单株荚数 Pod number per plant
单株粒数 Grain number per plant
荚长 Pod length
单株荚重 Pod weight per plant
单荚粒数 Grain number per pod
奶花芸豆 Naihuayundou
跃进豆 Yuejindou
* 表示在0.05水平上相关,** 表示在0.01水平上相关。 * Correlation significant at P<0.05;** Correlation significant at P<0.01.
表2 干旱胁迫下产量构成因素与单株产量的相关性 Table 2 Correlation coefficients between yield component and yield per plant under drought stress
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 干旱胁迫下不同抗旱性品种各器官干重 Table 3 Morphological characteristics of different common bean cultivars under drought treatments
品种 Cultivar
处理时间 Days at treatment
处理 Treatment
茎叶干重 Shoot dry weight (g)
根干重 Root dry weight (g)
荚干重 Pod dry weight (g)
根冠比 Root/shoot
单株总生物量 Biomass per plant (g)
奶花芸豆 Naihuayundou
处理16 d 16DAT
10.91±0.78 Aa
2.38±0.28 Aa
0.22±0.02 Aa
13.29±0.95 Aa
4.81±0.14 Bb
0.78±0.08 Bb
0.16±0.02 Ba
5.59±0.13 Bb
处理36 d 36DAT
11.81±1.25 Aa
2.64±0.30 Bb
19.83±1.68 Aa
0.18±0.02 Aa
34.28±1.51 Aa
5.52±0.19 Bb
0.81±0.02 Bb
1.30±0.19 Bb
0.13±0.01 Ab
7.63±0.34 Bb
处理16 d 16DAT
8.11±0.12 Aa
1.98±0.16 Aa
0.24±0.02 Aa
10.09±0.12 Aa
3.55±0.33 Bb
1.25±0.24 Ba
0.36±0.11 Ba
4.80±0.10 Bb
处理36 d 36DAT
21.32±0.28 Aa
8.18±1.00 Aa
8.62±0.27 Aa
0.28±0.03 Aa
38.12±0.67 Aa
4.35±0.22 Bb
1.84±0.04 Bb
2.92±0.13 Bb
0.30±0.01 Ab
9.10±0.26 Bb
跃进豆 Yuejindou
处理16 d 16DAT
8.72±1.16 Aa
2.91±0.12 Aa
0.34±0.04 Aa
11.63±1.25 Aa
3.26±0.15 Bb
1.81±0.06 Bb
0.56±0.04 Bb
5.07±0.10 Bb
处理36 d 36DAT
22.66±0.92 Aa
4.26±0.22 Aa
5.73±0.69 Aa
0.16±0.01 Aa
32.64±0.27 Aa
5.26±0.14 Bb
2.15±0.12 Bb
3.02±0.37 Bb
0.29±0.01 Bb
10.44±0.62 Bb
采用Duncan’s法, 不同小写字母表示差异显著( P<0.05), 不同大写字母表示差异极显著( P<0.01); CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理; DAT: 干旱处理天数。 Using Duncan’s test, values followed by different lowercases and capitals are significantly different at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. CK: control; DS: drought stress; DAT: days after treatment.
表3 干旱胁迫下不同抗旱性品种各器官干重 Table 3 Morphological characteristics of different common bean cultivars under drought treatments
图2 干旱胁迫下不同品种干物质分配A: 干旱胁迫16 d; B: 干旱胁迫36 d。 A: 16 days of drought treatment; B: 36 days of drought treatment.Fig. 2 Dry matter partitioning of different common bean cultivars under drought treatments
图3 干旱胁迫对不同抗旱性品种光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率的影响CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理。CK: control; DS: drought stress.Fig. 3 Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic rate ( Pn), stomatal conductance ( Gs), transpiration rate ( Tr), and water use efficiency(WUE) in different common bean cultivars
图4 干旱胁迫对不同抗旱性品种相对含水量及渗透调节物质的影响CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理。CK: control; DS: drought stress.Fig. 4 Effects of drought stress on relative water content and content of osmoregulation substances after treatments in different common bean cultivars
图5 干旱胁迫对不同品种保护酶活性及MDA含量的影响CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理。CK: control; DS: drought stress.Fig. 5 Effects of drought stress on protective enzyme activities and MDA content in different common bean cultivars
图6 干旱胁迫对不同抗旱性品种乙醇酸氧化酶活性的影响CK: 对照; DS: 干旱处理。CK: control; DS: drought stress.Fig. 6 Effects of drought stress on glycolate oxidase activity in different common bean cultivars
4 结论普通菜豆抗旱性是多种生理调节机制协同作用的结果, 包括光合产物的有效分配, 良好的气孔调节及较高的WUE, 抗氧化酶与光呼吸对有害物质的清除和抑制, 脯氨酸及可溶性糖的渗透调节等。利用单株产量、单株粒数、单株荚重和单荚粒数可以综合评价普通菜豆全生育期抗旱性, 提高抗旱种质筛选的准确性; WUE、脯氨酸含量、叶片RWC、MDA含量以及GO活性在不同的普通菜豆品种间具有稳定的差异, 也可以作为抗旱性评价指标运用于科学研究和育种工作。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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