关键词:水稻; SSR荧光标记; 毛细管电泳; 商品信息; 品种身份证 Construction of Rice Variety Indentity Using SSR Fingerprint and Commo-dity Information LU Xu-Zhong1, NI Jin-Long1, LI Li1, WANG Xiu-Feng1, MA Hui1, ZHANG Xiao-Juan1,2, YANG Jian-Bo1,* 1Institute of Rice Research, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
2Cotton Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anqing 246003, China
Fund: AbstractOn the base of the previous research, we selected a set of 12 rice SSR markers (one marker for each chromosome) for increasing convenience of the rice seed quality tracking and management. The fluorescent marker analysis was performed on 127 released and popularized authorized (or main plant) rice varieties in Anhui Province. Then, the rice variety ID was constructed by the SSR fingerprint with corresponded commodity information. The rice variety ID included three components: part 1 was recognized as commodity code, which reflected crop species, cultivar, breeding (or approval) region and year; part 2 was recognized as fingerprint code, which contained the variety DNA fingerprint information; part 3 was recognized as complement code (specific gene identification code), reflecting specific genetic information of cultivars. We also described the rice variety ID in the form of bar code or QR code, which might be favorable for rice seed identification and traceability management.
Keyword:Rice; Fluorescent SSR markers; Capillary Electrophoresis; Commodity Information; Variety ID Show Figures Show Figures
4 结论构建了127份水稻的品种身份证, 并进行了条码表述。该品种身份证既借鉴了人类身份证的编码模式, 又结合了农作物自身的特点, 为水稻种子质量追溯与管理提供便利, 也为其他农作物品种身份证的构建提供了新的思路。 致谢: 127份水稻品种标准样品, 由安徽省种子管理站提供, 样品种子及水稻品种的特征特性等资料, 由安徽省种子协会李爱青、叶飞、方艳收集整理, 毛细管电泳分析得到北京农林科学院玉米中心王风格、易红梅的无私帮助, 在此一并致谢。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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