关键词:甜菜; SRAP; SSR; 遗传图谱 Construction of Molecular Genetic Linkage Map of Sugarbeet WANG Mao-Qian1,2,3, LI Bo1, WANG Hua-Zhong1,2,3,* 1Key Laboratory of Sugar Beet Genetic Breeding/ Crop Academy of Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China
2Sugar Beet Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150080, China
3Key Laboratory of North Sugar Crop Resource and Utilization, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150080, China
AbstractMolecular genetic map is a fundamental tool for genomic research. In this study, a molecular genetic map was constructed using an F2 population consisting of 200 individuals from a cross between sugarbeet JV34-2 (the high beet yield and low sugar content line) and sugarbeet 2B023 (the low beet yield and high sugar content line) and a total of 561 SRAP primers and 114 SSR primers. Approximately 56 out of 561 and 20 out of 114 primers, respectively, showed polymorphisms. Each of these polymorphic primers produced at least one scorable polymorphic DNA band which was visible enough for detection and scoring. The map consisted of nine linkage groups which included 141 (123 SRAP and 18 SSR) markers, and covered 1399.88 cM with an average distance of 9.92 cM. Three markers were still unlinked. All nine linkage groups consisting of 3-26 markers were 15.69-237.21 cM in length. Twenty point five six percent partially segregated markers distributed in the map, were mainly located on Chr.3 linkage groups, and the others were mapped on Chr.1, Chr.2, Chr.8, and Chr.9. This is the first gene map of sugarbeet, constructed by SRAP and SSR markers in China. It will provide the basis for gene mapping of important characters and cloning of excellent gene in sugarbeet.
4 结论本研究构建了一张包括9个连锁群, 141个标记位点的分子连锁图谱, 标记间平均间距9.07 cM。有4个标记未进入连锁群, 连锁群的标记位点数在3~26个之间, 长度为15.69~237.21 cM, 其中Chr.1最长, Chr.9最短。连锁群上有20.56%的标记出现偏分离, 主要集中在Chr.3连锁群上, 形成3个偏分离区域, 其余分散在Chr.1、Chr.2、Chr.8和Chr.9中。偏分离标记中, SRAP标记占22.22%, SSR标记占15.78%; 并有23个偏向父本, 占连锁群偏分离标记的79.31%, 6个偏向母本, 占20.69%。图谱覆盖基因组总长度为1399.88 cM, 甜菜遗传图谱的预期长度是1499.15 cM, 框架图谱覆盖率是93.38%。SRAP在甜菜F2群体中的多态性较好, 将成为甜菜图谱构建的有力工具。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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