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具有零热传导和真空的非正压磁流体力学方程的L连续性 钟新西南大学数学与统计学院 重庆 400715 L Continuation for Non-barotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Zero Heat Conduction and Vacuum Xin ZHONGSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, P. R. China

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收稿日期: 2020-04-26
MR (2010):O175.2
作者简介: 钟新,E-mail:xzhong1014@amss.ac.cn
钟新. 具有零热传导和真空的非正压磁流体力学方程的L连续性[J]. 数学学报, 2021, 64(5): 705-720. Xin ZHONG. L Continuation for Non-barotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Zero Heat Conduction and Vacuum. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2021, 64(5): 705-720.
http://www.actamath.com/Jwk_sxxb_cn/CN/ http://www.actamath.com/Jwk_sxxb_cn/CN/Y2021/V64/I5/705

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