唐山学院基础教学部, 唐山 063000
作者简介: 冯永亮(1987-),男,博士研究生,讲师,研究方向为污染物的生态风险评价和水质基准构建,E-mail:yongliangfeng0511@126.com.
通讯作者: 冯永亮,yongliangfeng0511@126.com
基金项目: “沂南县医药健康产业园规划环境影响报告”横向项目(2018005);唐山学院博士创新基金资助项目中图分类号: X171.5
Study on the Sensitivity Differences of Indicators to Toxic Substances from Gene to Population Level in Freshwater and Marine Organisms: A Case Study of Copper
Feng Yongliang,Foundation Department, Tangshan University, Tangshan 063000, China
Corresponding author: Feng Yongliang,yongliangfeng0511@126.com
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:物种敏感度分布(SSD)是一种广泛用于生态风险评价和水质基准建立的统计分布模型,目前用于SSD分析的主要是生物个体水平的毒性数据。随着基因、生化、细胞、器官以及种群水平毒性数据的日渐丰富,这些不同层次毒理指标数据能否应用于水质基准制定和生态风险评价值得研究。本研究搜集了铜对淡水和海水生物基因、生化、细胞、器官、个体和种群水平的毒性数据,构建了相应的SSD曲线,采用双样本K-S检验和5%物种受影响的浓度(HC5)差异法比较了不同指标间的差异,采用拐点分析法确定了构建稳定SSD所需的最小样本量。K-S检验结果表明,水生生物个体急性指标对铜的敏感性要显著低于其他指标,淡水生物的个体慢性指标的敏感性显著高于生化和种群指标。HC5差异法结果显示,海水生物不同指标对铜的敏感性顺序为:基因≥器官≥种群>个体慢性≥生化≥细胞>个体急性,淡水生物为:个体慢性 > 种群≥器官 > 生化≥基因≥细胞 > 个体急性。淡水和海水生物不同指标毒性数据构建稳定SSD所需最小样本量范围分别为5~22和5~17。由于毒性数据的质量和数量问题,水生生物不同层次指标对铜的敏感性并没有呈现出逐级响应的关系,基于现有数据尚难以大范围地支持其在水质基准制定和风险评价中的应用。本研究结果可为我国水质基准的后期修订和风险评价提供借鉴。
关键词: 铜/
Abstract:Toxicity data on individual levels were mainly used in the construction of species sensitivity distribution (SSD), which was a widely used statistical model for ecological risk assessment and water quality criteria establishment. With the toxicity data on levels of genes, biochemistry, cells, organs, and populations increasing, it is worthwhile to study whether these toxicological indicators are appropriate to be applied in the construction of water quality criteria and ecological risk assessment. In the present study, toxicity data of copper on the genetic, biochemical, cell, organ, individual and population levels in freshwater and marine organisms were collected, and the corresponding SSD curves were constructed. Differences between different endpoints were compared by the two-sample K-S test and the hazardous concentration for 5% of species (HC5) difference method. The change point analysis method was adopted to obtain the minimum sample size required for the construction of stable SSD. The results of K-S test showed that in aquatic organisms, the sensitivity of acute indicators was significantly lower than the others; in freshwater organisms, the sensitivity of individual chronic indicators was significantly higher than those of biochemical and population indicators. The order of sensitivity of different indicators to copper was: gene ≥ organ ≥ population > individual chronic ≥ biochemistry ≥ cell > individual acute indicators for marine organisms; and individual chronic > population ≥ organ > biochemistry ≥ gene ≥ cell > individual acute indicators for freshwater organisms. The minimum sample size required to construct a stable SSD for different toxicological endpoints toxicity data were 5~22 and 5~17 for freshwater and marine organisms, respectively. Due to the quality and quantity of toxicity data, we did not observe a hierarchical cascade of biological responses to stress for copper. Therefore, based on existing data, it is difficult to conclude that different toxicological endpoints can be applied in ecological risk assessment and establishment of water quality criteria on a large scale. Results of this study provide a reference for the revision of China’s water quality criteria and risk assessment.
Key words:copper/
freshwater organisms/
marine organisms/
species sensitivity distribution (SSD)/
indicators on different biological levels/
minimum sample size.

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