1. 北京化工大学化学工程学院, 北京 100029;
2. 北京师范大学环境学院, 北京 100875
作者简介: 郭思雅(1995-),女,硕士,研究方向为湖泊水环境生态治理与修复,E-mail:gsy18535615138@163.com.
通讯作者: 王京刚,wangjg@mail.buct.edu.cn ; 王颖,yingwang@bnu.edu.cn ;
基金项目: 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项课题(2018ZX07110004)中图分类号: X171.5
Analysis of the Ecosystem Structure and Energy Flow of the Baiyangdian Lake in Recent 10 Years Based on the Ecopath Model
Guo Siya1,2,Wang Jinggang1,,,
Wang Ying2,,,
Chen Zehao2,
Yan Jun1
1. College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Corresponding authors: Wang Jinggang,wangjg@mail.buct.edu.cn ; Wang Ying,yingwang@bnu.edu.cn ;
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:基于2018年白洋淀生态调研数据和白洋淀2010年的文献数据,将白洋淀生态系统划分为浮游藻类、底栖藻类、沉水植物、浮游动物、螺类、虾类、其他底栖动物、滤食性鱼类、草食性鱼类、杂食性鱼类、肉食性鱼类和碎屑12个功能组,采用EwE(Ecopath with Ecosim)软件构建了白洋淀湖泊生态系统的物质平衡Ecopath模型,较好地模拟了白洋淀生态系统,并对比分析了2010年和2018年白洋淀生态系统结构与能量流动特征。结果表明,2010年和2018年营养结构基本一致,牧食食物链和腐食食物链是系统中的主要能流,食物网结构较简单,容易受到外界干扰的影响。与2010年相比,2018年白洋淀生态系统对初级生产者的能量利用率增加,系统能量转换效率略有增加,系统总流量提高54.64%,系统总初级生产量/呼吸量比值(TPP/TR)由9.56减少到1.51,即2018年白洋淀生态系统整体规模增大;连接指数(CI)和系统杂食指数(SOI)分别增加了14.65%和49.23%,Finn's循环指数增加,食物链变长,功能组间影响增大,系统稳定性略微增加,处于生态发育期,且有向稳态发展的趋势。
关键词: 白洋淀/
Abstract:Based on the Baiyangdian ecological survey in 2018 and the analysis of biological data in 2010, the models consisted of 12 functional groups covering the main paths of the ecosystem food web which includes planktonic algae, benthic algae, submerged plants, zooplankton, snails, shrimps, other benthic animals, filter-feeding fish, herbivorous fish, omnivorous fish, carnivorous fish and detritus, were established using Ecopath and Ecosim software. The structure and energy flow characteristics of the Baiyangdian ecosystem in 2010 and 2018 were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the nutritional structure in 2010 was basically consistent with that in 2018. The grazing food chain and the crumb food chain were the main energy streams in the system. The food network structure was simple and vulnerable to external disturbances in both years. Compared with the Baiyangdian ecosystem in 2010, the utilization rate of primary producers and the system energy conversion efficiency increased in 2018. The total system flow increased by 54.64%, while the total system primary production/breathing (TPP/TR) decreased from 9.56 to 1.51. It is indicated that the overall scale of the Baiyangdian ecosystem increased in 2018. The connection index (CI) and the system omnivory index (SOI) increased by 14.65% and 49.23%, and the Finn's cycle index also increased. This demonstrated that the food chain has become longer, and the influence between functional groups has increased. The system stability increased slightly and the Baiyangdian ecosystem is in the stage of ecological development and has a development trend to steady-state.
Key words:Baiyangdian Lake/
Ecopath model/
ecosystem structure/
energy flow.

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