

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-30

1. 石河子大学生命科学学院, 石河子 832000;
2. 新疆石河子玛纳斯河流域管理处, 石河子 832000;
3. 天津市水产研究所, 天津 300221
作者简介: 朱文静(1996-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为水生生物学,E-mail:1447300928@qq.com.
通讯作者: 胡文革,hwg-t@163.com ;
基金项目: 兵团科技攻关与成果转化计划项目(2015AC010)

中图分类号: X171.5

Characteristics of Zooplankton Communities and Their Responses to Water Environmental Factors during Different Hydrological Periods of the Daquangou Reservoir

Zhu Wenjing1,
Hu Wenge1,,,
Zhang Yingdong2,
Jia Wenping3,
Ma Decao1,
Gao Yan1,
You Yang2,
Zhang Xiurong2
1. College of Life Science, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China;
2. Xinjiang Shihezi Manas River Basin Management, Shihezi 832000, China;
3. Fisheries Research Institute of Tianjin, Tianjin 300221, China
Corresponding author: Hu Wenge,hwg-t@163.com ;

CLC number: X171.5



关键词: 水库/

Abstract:Water samples and plankton surveys were conducted three times at four sampling sites in Daquangou Reservoir during dry season (October 2015), wet season (April 2016) and normal season (July 2016). A Pearson correlation analysis between the density & biomass of zooplankton and environmental factors was used to explore the relationship between zooplankton community and environmental factors in Daquangou Reservoir, and a comprehensive water quality evaluation was also performed. A total of 39 species of zooplankton were identified in this study, including 21 species of rotifera, 8 species of cladocerans, 5 species of copepods, and 5 species of protozoa. There were 7 dominant zooplankton species (Y>0.02) throughout all three sampling periods. Furthermore, the number of zooplankton species, dominant species and species richness all reached a maximum in peace period, while the biomass reached a maximum in dry season. The one-way ANOVA results indicated that the species richness of zooplankton was significantly different among different sampling periods (P<0.01), and the species composition and dominant species were also significantly different (P<0.05); however, the biomass was at similar level throughout the sampling periods. According to the main nutrient concentration and various indicators of the water samples, the water quality of Daquangou Reservoir belonged to medium-eutrophication type. The Pearson correlation analysis showed that the water depth, total phosphorus, potassium permanganate index and dissolved oxygen were the main factors affecting the zooplankton community structure fluctuations in Daquangou Reservoir. This study will provide valuable information for water resources protection and sustainable fisheries in reservoir area.
Key words:reservoir/
community composition/
aquatic environment factors/
water quality.

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