1 西北师范大学心理学院, 兰州 730070
2 Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum, 55131 Mainz, Germany
3 Neuroimaging Center, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, 55131 Mainz, Germany
胡传鹏E-mail:hcp4715@hotmail.comNeuroscience bias: Reproducibility and exploration of psychological mechanisms
YIN Jixing1, HU Chuanpeng2,3(
1 School of psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, China
2 Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum, 55131 Mainz, Germany
3 Neuroimaging Center, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, 55131 Mainz, Germany
HU Chuanpeng E-mail:hcp4715@hotmail.com摘要/Abstract
摘要: 神经科学的发展对其他学科以及社会产生了重要的影响。虽然神经科学方法与行为研究方法都是探索人类心理与行为的有效手段并各有所长, 但神经科学的研究结果却可能引起人们过度的解读和信任。研究者发现, 当某一结论使用神经科学结果作为证据时, 比使用行为科学结果或者心理生理学指标作为证据时更加让人信服, 即使神经科学结果与该结论之间毫无关系, 这种现象被称为神经科学偏见(neuroscience bias)。通过系统回顾近年来关于神经科学偏见的研究, 我们发现:(1)虽然神经科学偏见存在可重复性的争论, 但该效应确实存在; (2)神经科学偏见的产生可能是因为个体倾向于还原论的解释(即使用低层次、简单的机制来解释更高层次上的现象)及心理本质主义的影响(即人们认为心理与行为的本质是神经活动)。神经科学偏见反映了公众对科学结果解读的偏见, 未来研究需要探讨这种偏见的心理机制, 从而引导科学结果的正确解读和运用。
图/表 1
原创性研究 | 支持与否 | 重复研究 | 支持与否 |
McCabe & Castel, 2008, Cognition | √ | Rhodes et al., 2014, J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn | √ |
Gurley & Marcus, 2008, Behav Sci Law | √ | Fernandez-Duque et al., 2015, J Cogn Neurosci | √ |
Weisberg et al., 2008, J Cogn Neurosci | √ | Weisberg et al., 2015, Judgm Decis Mak | √ |
McCabe et al., 2011, Behav Sci Law | √ | Schweitzer & Saks, 2011, Behav Sci Law | × |
Keehner et al., 2011, Psychon Bull Rev | √ | Gruber & Dickerson, 2012, Public Underst Sci | × |
Greene & Chill, 2012, Behav Sci Law | √ | Michael et al., 2013, Psychon Bull Rev | × |
Ikeda et al, 2013, Psychon Bull Rev | √ | Schweitzer et al., 2013, Cognition | × |
Munro & Munro, 2014, Basic Appl Soc Psych | √ | West et al., 2014, Basic Appl Soc Psych | × |
Scurich & Shniderman, 2014, PloS one | √ | Appelbaum et al., 2015, Psychol Public Policy Law | × |
Plunkett et al., 2014, Cogsci | √ | Marshall et al, 2017, J Forens Psychiatry Psychol | × |
Shariff & Greene et al, 2014, Psychol Sci | √ | Im, Cho et al, 2018, PloS one | × |
Sapolsky, 2015, Unpublished doctorial dissertation | √ | ||
Diekmann et al., 2015, Int J Sel Assess | √ | ||
Hopkins et al., 2016, Cognition | √ | ||
Minahan & Siedlecki, 2016, Pers Individ Dif | √ | ||
Im et al., 2017, Br J Educ Psychol | √ | ||
Macdonald et al., 2017, Front Psychol | √ | ||
Blakey, 2017, Front Psychol | √ | ||
Schweitzer et al, 2011, Psychol Public Policy Law | × | ||
Baker et al, 2013, PLoS One | × | ||
Hook & Farah, 2013, J Cogn Neurosci | × | ||
Saks et al, 2014, J Empir Leg Stud | × |
原创性研究 | 支持与否 | 重复研究 | 支持与否 |
McCabe & Castel, 2008, Cognition | √ | Rhodes et al., 2014, J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn | √ |
Gurley & Marcus, 2008, Behav Sci Law | √ | Fernandez-Duque et al., 2015, J Cogn Neurosci | √ |
Weisberg et al., 2008, J Cogn Neurosci | √ | Weisberg et al., 2015, Judgm Decis Mak | √ |
McCabe et al., 2011, Behav Sci Law | √ | Schweitzer & Saks, 2011, Behav Sci Law | × |
Keehner et al., 2011, Psychon Bull Rev | √ | Gruber & Dickerson, 2012, Public Underst Sci | × |
Greene & Chill, 2012, Behav Sci Law | √ | Michael et al., 2013, Psychon Bull Rev | × |
Ikeda et al, 2013, Psychon Bull Rev | √ | Schweitzer et al., 2013, Cognition | × |
Munro & Munro, 2014, Basic Appl Soc Psych | √ | West et al., 2014, Basic Appl Soc Psych | × |
Scurich & Shniderman, 2014, PloS one | √ | Appelbaum et al., 2015, Psychol Public Policy Law | × |
Plunkett et al., 2014, Cogsci | √ | Marshall et al, 2017, J Forens Psychiatry Psychol | × |
Shariff & Greene et al, 2014, Psychol Sci | √ | Im, Cho et al, 2018, PloS one | × |
Sapolsky, 2015, Unpublished doctorial dissertation | √ | ||
Diekmann et al., 2015, Int J Sel Assess | √ | ||
Hopkins et al., 2016, Cognition | √ | ||
Minahan & Siedlecki, 2016, Pers Individ Dif | √ | ||
Im et al., 2017, Br J Educ Psychol | √ | ||
Macdonald et al., 2017, Front Psychol | √ | ||
Blakey, 2017, Front Psychol | √ | ||
Schweitzer et al, 2011, Psychol Public Policy Law | × | ||
Baker et al, 2013, PLoS One | × | ||
Hook & Farah, 2013, J Cogn Neurosci | × | ||
Saks et al, 2014, J Empir Leg Stud | × |
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