1.College of Artificial Intelligence, Yango University, Fuzhou 350015, China 2.Information and Navigation College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710077, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61801508, 61701523, 61671464), the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 2019JQ-103, 2020JM-350, 20200108, 2020022), and the Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program of China (Grant Nos. BX20180375, 2019M653960)
Received Date:20 April 2021
Accepted Date:14 May 2021
Available Online:23 September 2021
Published Online:05 October 2021
Abstract:Aiming at obtaining low scattering antenna array, in this paper a novel method of integrating electromagnetic metasurface with conventional antenna is proposed. The theoretical analysis and practical implementation of this method are presented. Using this method, a novel antenna array is obtained by connecting partial unit cells of metasurface with transmission line and adopting coaxial excitations. In the radiation mode, the metasurface is excited and radiates effectively. Besides, the array has almost the same performance as the conventional array. In the scattering mode, this array demonstrates low in-band RCS due to the scattering cancellation of middle metasurface and other surrounding structures. Using this method, a 2 × 1 array, as an example, is designed and numerically analyzed. The results show that the array has the well-behaved radiation performance and low RCS property. The working principle of the proposed array is illustrated by investigating the current and resultant field. Further analysis also reveals the effecting law of metasurface unit cells in antenna's radiation and scattering performance. Therefore, flexible designs can be obtained to fit different requirements. Finally, experiments are conducted. And the good agreement between computations and measurements further verifies the validity of the proposed design. Moreover, the proposed method also features easy implementation and high integrity and can be extended to the designing of large scale array antennas. Keywords:electromagnetic metasurface/ array antenna/ integration/ low radar cross section
3.阵列天线仿真与分析为了验证上述设计方法的有效性, 采用基于有限元的数值方法, 分别对图1中的传统天线阵列和提出天线阵列进行仿真分析. 提出天线的中心区域由4 × 4的超构表面构成, 每个超构表面单元为矩形金属贴片结构, 贴片的尺寸为dx × dy, 周期为px × py. 以F4 B玻璃布板作为整个天线的介质板, 其介电常数为2.65, 损耗角正切0.002. 优化后, dx取11.0 mm, dy取4.5 mm, px取12.0 mm, py取5.0 mm, w1取4.0 mm, w2取1.2 mm. 传统天线阵列和提出天线阵列采用电参数和物理尺寸完全相同的介质板, 两个阵列的外形尺寸都为60 mm × 40 mm × 2 mm (x × y × z). 传统天线阵列的单元贴片尺寸lx取16.0 mm, ly取13.0 mm, 单元馈电点距离中心点2.5 mm, 两个单元的间距为24 mm (近似为6.3 GHz对应波长的1/2). 23.1.一体化超构表面天线与传统天线的性能对比 -->
图 5 天线阵列散射方向图对比 (a)—(d)参考天线阵; (e)—(h)新提出天线阵 Figure5. Scattering patterns comparison of the antenna arrays: (a)?(d) Reference antenna array; (e)?(h) the proposed antenna array.
图 6 不同极化平面波照射下天线阵列在6.3 GHz的表面电流 (a), (b) x极化; (c), (d) y极化 Figure6. Surface current distributions at 6.3 GHz of the two antennas under different polarized plane waves: (a), (b) x polarization; (c), (d) y polarization.
图 8dy对天线性能的影响 (a)反射系数; (b) x极化RCS; (c) y极化RCS Figure8. Effects of dy on antenna's performance: (a) Reflection coefficient; (b) RCS under x polarized plane wave; (c) RCS under y polarized plane wave.
图 9w1对天线性能的影响 (a)反射系数; (b) x极化RCS; (c) y极化RCS Figure9. Effects of w1 on antenna's performance: (a) Reflection coefficient; (b) RCS under x polarized plane wave; (c) RCS under y polarized plane wave.